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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 28, 2014
So, As you guys know, if you read my previous post on the girl with the cheesy pick up line well saw her today and the other black girl is hitting on me hard core even though i have messed up enough times with her! I used to be worried about coming off as a huge flirt and well id get a little worried when a girl would turn me down well from Anatmans player posts i decided to try some new approaches to this!

So it started off with the Black girl, pretty who keeps flaking on me well there are four girls in my building i am flirting with.

First Girl "Hey Max, Get out of my way I'm trying to work!"
Me "Oh ok i'll move" Stands in her way acting like i have all the time in the world.
First "i bet your ticklish"
Me " you better not....."
First tries to tickle me and grabs my ass as i run away like stop it RAPE RAPE

Cute Black girl walks from her station and sees this happening and she gets jealous so i am standing in the cafeteria talking to a buddy she purposely stops what she doing and walks right past me to get my attention i keep focused on my buddy and have the conversation. she comes back a few times and i look at her

Me "you are such a big flirt with all the guys huh?"
CBG "Please! look at you with all these girls i am not trying to flirt with anyone i know his girlfriend"
Me "what can i say i'm desirable" i get into her personal space and start touching her face like and grabbing her cheeks
Me "your so cute when your jealous"
CBG "please I am not jealous, of what you? whatever!"
Me "so, i was thinking tuesday we hang out"
CBG "ok, fine but for coffee."
Me "no we already did coffee, move forwards not backwards" she is giggling at this point
CBG "what are we going to do?"
i just shrug my shoulders,
Me"Watch a movie..... Don't make me bring my rape whistle ok its going to be innocent and my chastity belt is locked"
CBG "please you are so full of yourself!"

Walk down the hallway see girl number 3

3 "hey whats going on?" Big smile on her face
Me "what you have going on later, btw i really like that smile you get when you see me"
3 "probably hanging out with my boyfriend later"
Me " i have to go im heading home, don't forget about the party i'm promoting next week!"

girl 4 this is the cheesy pick up line girl where she said she didnt have a phone when she won the bet and i told her if she wants to contact me she will find a way...

4"Hey!" Big smile on her face
Me "what's up?" Smile back
4 "you going home?"
Me "Yeah! you want to join me???" i turned around said this to her smiled at her watched her head tilt smile as she was thinking about it but she was just starting work so i continued on out the door without waiting for her response

Basically I am now being more aggressive and letting them know what i want, From Anatmans posts i am not as scared to be flirty with all of them anymore! So Aggressive and just being playful instead of like whatever move on now! in a way it's like i'm now still showing hey be with me or not i'm still going to talk to these girls!

To end things off Also, From chases posts about nexting a girl, the flight attendant who was starting to get mouthy with me and kind of just a bitch.... i kind of was putting her on a pedestal because she was hot so i just said fuck it and changed my number to get away from her because i wouldn't have been able to do it if i kept her number! Well i was working on the plane and she came out of the concourse to find me.

Sofie " Hey why did you change your number?"
Me " you know why"
Sofie " i gave you your space i learned my lesson but i am starting to miss you! i can't wait any longer i have to come see you! i am coming thursday"
Me "yea i dont think that is a good idea"
Sofie "we don't have to be exclusive, just sex..... i will rape you right here if i have too!" She starts grabbing my cock
Me "lol whoa whoa whoa you can't be doing that i'm working"
Sofie "you think there is room for two in that truck"
Me "lol sofie i have to go!"
Sofie " Call me!"
Me "no, im not sure what i want yet"

and she has been asking everyone for my new number..... she might lead to a stalker with this behaviour.... not sure if i should be worried just yet.....
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take