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LR  Friend of a friend


Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 24, 2013
I was just going to drink a bit at a friend's apartment with some friends before we went out to party.

There were 2 girls that my friend knew though, one of which he was interested in for a while. I wasn't planning on seducing the other girl. We were just talking a lot all together, laughing a bit, no serious subjects or whatever. I was just being myself, confident, good eye contact when i talked to someone. As I said, i didn't plan on seducing any of the girls in the apartment but i sensed they were impressed by my presence so i started flirting a bit for fun with the girl next to me.

At around midnight we went to a nearby bar, I don't remember how long we were there. Eventually i took her outside to sit a bit further and didn't wait for more then a few seconds to kiss her. Then started gradually escalating physically, as we were quite in the open i took her further away from the bar especially because she was already grabbing my private parts. I thought i had a chance of having sex with her in the bushes a bit further away, but as i didnt have the required protection on me i had to convince her to come to my apartment which was easier said then done. Normally this would be a 5 min walk but as she could not resist touching and kissing me all the time it took us about 20 min to finally get there.

We got down to business as soon as i opened the door, no nonsense. I tried out the technique chase talked about in his article https://www.girlschase.com/content/make ... es-or-less which i recently read, 'the adapted missionary'. And i must say it worked like a charm. I think the neighbours didn't get a lot of sleep.

2 hours later and totally exhausted she decided to go search for her friend so she could go sleep, which was totally fine by me because i only have a single bed. So it's about 4 am we are walking a bit around between bars but we couldn't find them so she just went to the apartment and texted me a bit later that they were already there and that she could go to sleep. I just went out, met some friends, had a few drinks and partied untill 6.30 am when we all decided to go home.

I approached a few women still, none of which were really successful but i was just doing it for fun, trying out some approaches. For the sport so to say.
I will include one approach because i think i started of well but didn't continue as i should have.

So here it is, just a cute blonde girl from an other student city: (note: this is a conversation translated from Dutch to English so it might not sound as fluid)

Me: Hey, are you single?
girl: *smiles and hesitates, surprised by my question* yes i am, kind off.
Me: How so kind off?
girl: I'm single yes.. she smiles.
Me: I'm A, nice to meet you what is your name? (holding her hand for a few seconds while i introduce myself)
girl: I'm B, nice to meet you

Here is where i think i should have just moved faster and take my chances.

Me: so you study here? ( i normally don't ask this question but as a lot of people had vacation this week and came to enjoy the night-life in my city it was a relevant question)
Girl: No i study in C
Me: Oh and what is the reason of your visit?
Girl: I came here for my friends.
Me: oh ok cool. smiling and pausing while still maintaining strong eye contact.

I felt that there was attraction as she would smile a lot and look away, a bit shy i guess. But i knew i was going to lose her if the conversation wouldn't get to something better. i tried to enhance the quality of our conversation. Another problem was that it was hard to get some physical contact because of the setting of our conversation, there were a table and a chair that were preventing us from really being comfortable. I guess i should have moved her.

Me: So what do you study actually
Girl: I study physiotherapy, you?
Me: You can guess
Girl: (A bit surprised) I guess you study here, she smiles
Me: Correct
Girl: Do you study Communication?
Me: No i don't, ( she guessed a few more times and i eventually told her i studied law)
Me: So you have any particular idea what you would like to become later, with Physiotherapy?
Girl: Yeah a physiotherapist..
Me: Don't you have a dream job in mind like working with professional athletes or something similar.
Girl: No that doesn't really interest me, i would just like to open my own office.
Me: that's nice to. So what are you dreams in life then?
Girl: I don't really have any..

I was a bit disappointed by this answer because i was hoping to be able to deep-dive a little here, so that didnt work out. I didn't let her notice though and just casually continued the conversation.

Me: Okey, then what makes you happy in life?

Now as i look back i might have been pushing it a bit to hard there.

Girl: My friends, my family, etc.
Me: Ok yeah, i .. (at that moment we get interrupted by a friend of her)

Girl: I have to go, my friends are leaving
Me:Ok, nice meeting you, good night.
Girl: Nice meeting you to

I guess i should have asked for her number and she would have given it to me probably but i didn't really feel like it would have let to something so i didn't.

So all in all the conversation wasn't that bad but i think i should have been more direct after an opener like this and not start a casual conversation.

Any opinons? Tips are always welcome!

Cheers, Supah

Grand Pooba

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 6, 2012
Supah said:
Eventually i took her outside to sit a bit further and didn't wait for more then a few seconds to kiss her.

I am curious to know what were the circumstances that caused you to act fast and escalate. What kinds of signals did she give, and what did the moment feel like?

Supah said:
2 hours later and totally exhausted she decided to go search for her friend so she could go sleep, which was totally fine by me because i only have a single bed. So it's about 4 am we are walking a bit around between bars but we couldn't find them so she just went to the apartment and texted me a bit later that they were already there and that she could go to sleep. I just went out, met some friends, had a few drinks and partied untill 6.30 am when we all decided to go home.

This is awesome that you went and searched for more girls after already bedding one. I like the determination.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 24, 2013
Ozz said:
Supah said:
Eventually i took her outside to sit a bit further and didn't wait for more then a few seconds to kiss her.

I am curious to know what were the circumstances that caused you to act fast and escalate. What kinds of signals did she give, and what did the moment feel like?

Its not easy to explain, because it was mainly intuition. Sometimes you can clearly say this and that signal clearly showed that she wanted me, but its hard to describe which signal she gave me. I do understand though that i didn't give you a lot of details to understand how it all went down so i will try to clarify the situation a bit more.

First of all, we were at one of the most popular places to go out around midnight, there were a lot of people on the street. Secondly it was thursday which is THE day to party in my city. The place was very crowded.

So as she told me it was to hot in side, we went outside. I suggested her to go sit in a spot in a side alley. There were a lot less people there, it was more intimate. The fact that she agreed to that is already a signal to me that there is a minimum of attraction, it can be compared to asking her to come to your place but of course its less 'waterproof' because she might just want to sit in a calm spot.

Then there is the body language that just showed me that she wanted me, her upperbody turned towards me as we sat, the way she tilted her head towards me. This is mostly intuition, its something you learn to notice as you get better with women i guess. At that time i did not notice that her body was turned towards me, neither did i notice the way she tilted her head. It was just my mind telling me 'she wants you', because of her body language in general. Its just now as i look back at it and start analysing everything, that i can deduce this. Would it have been better that i noticed all these things at that time itself? I dont know, i prefer intuition over analysing every little thing.

Last but not least, there was this spark in her eyes. I haven't read anything about this yet but i think it is a very strong signal that a lot of people might not see, i dont know why. I also notice this sometimes when i see girls looking at a friend of me, with this spark in there eyes, then i know that he has a big chance of getting her in his bed. Anyone can confirm this?

The reason i went for it so quickly after we sat down is because it's not advised to wait to long in a situation like that, according to me. Because it would make it more awkward if you would just start talking about stuff while she actually just wants you and then try later. Its like taking a girl home, sitting on the bed and talking while she actually wants to fuck you. Move fast!

I hope this did help you see the situation a bit clearer.

Ozz said:
Supah said:
2 hours later and totally exhausted she decided to go search for her friend so she could go sleep, which was totally fine by me because i only have a single bed. So it's about 4 am we are walking a bit around between bars but we couldn't find them so she just went to the apartment and texted me a bit later that they were already there and that she could go to sleep. I just went out, met some friends, had a few drinks and partied untill 6.30 am when we all decided to go home.

This is awesome that you went and searched for more girls after already bedding one. I like the determination.

I was feeling good, still wanted to party a bit and i thought i could make use of the momentum i had. Also i didn't feel any pressure because i had already taken a girl home so this made it easier for me to just approach girls and start talking to them, try some things out. Thank you for the appreciation!

Cheers, Supah


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 20, 2012
Yeah in my experience the spark in her eyes usually mean she likes you or she wants to fuck you. It's something you pick on after countless interactions with women. Of course, if you don't act fast or correctly this will diminish and she will just be cold and aloof. Body language should be examined also.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 24, 2013
Eternity said:
Yeah in my experience the spark in her eyes usually mean she likes you or she wants to fuck you. It's something you pick on after countless interactions with women. Of course, if you don't act fast or correctly this will diminish and she will just be cold and aloof. Body language should be examined also.

exactly, move fast or the early attraction will disappear.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 7, 2013
Supah said:
(note: this is a conversation translated from Dutch to English so it might not sound as fluid)
Pretty cool that you can speak Dutch. Is English or Dutch your first language?

Supah said:
2 hours later and totally exhausted she decided to go search for her friend so she could go sleep, which was totally fine by me because i only have a single bed. So it's about 4 am we are walking a bit around between bars but we couldn't find them so she just went to the apartment and texted me a bit later that they were already there and that she could go to sleep. I just went out, met some friends, had a few drinks and partied untill 6.30 am when we all decided to go home.
Gotta say, I wish I lived 5 minutes away from the bar in a city like that. Right now I live with my parents and it's a logistical nightmare.

Awesome lay report.



Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 24, 2013
Michael said:
Pretty cool that you can speak Dutch. Is English or Dutch your first language?

Dutch is my first language, then french and then english

Michael said:
Supah said:
2 hours later and totally exhausted she decided to go search for her friend so she could go sleep, which was totally fine by me because i only have a single bed. So it's about 4 am we are walking a bit around between bars but we couldn't find them so she just went to the apartment and texted me a bit later that they were already there and that she could go to sleep. I just went out, met some friends, had a few drinks and partied untill 6.30 am when we all decided to go home.
Gotta say, I wish I lived 5 minutes away from the bar in a city like that. Right now I live with my parents and it's a logistical nightmare.

Awesome lay report.


Thank you! Yeah i'm very happy with my current living situation, but i only live there 5 days a week, during the weekends i live with my parents. This is very common for students in belgium, the main goal is not to have to travel from your home to the university for classes, but there are a lot of other advantages to of course ;).

Cheers, Supah