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Friend zone plateu

Hunter O-2

Space Monkey
space monkey
Jun 16, 2024
Ola gents I have a serious plateau that's been haunting me for the past year.Ive been gaming girls some I slept with and some I didn't fine but I have been facing the way I'm being friendzoned it's getting to me as I don't know what's the problem I'm a pretty social guy and run talkative guy game also I'm touchy in like calibrated ways of course if you ever saw me with a girl you would think I'm dating or we sleeping with each other if I can call it that now let me make an example I remember last year February there were 2 women right number 1 i met her in class I was socially proofed there and we talked after class and asked her to hangout and got her numbers fine I texted her she immediately said she is dating right now okay I left her but I had her number for months so I texted her and she said she is not looking for a relationship I said I'm not looking for it too so she can come over for some movies she did and she wouldn't even let me kiss her okay it's fine she left 30 mins after I got friendzoned from there. girl number 2 got her numbers from a group work I sent her my part of the work and we didn't talk for a month until I hit her again after a relationship of mine failed so i told her let's meet she said where I live it's far but we will meet on campus as it was during the holidays okay we agree then out of the blue I receive a whole paragraph from her about what's her bf is doing mind you we never interacted that much for me to put into the friendzone she called me her friend I was confused but I got a meet on campus right it was good then the next time I saw her I held he shoulders she had her hands on my hip as she is short and she grabbed my hand in a romantic way I was confused but eh anyway on our next meet I tried to organise the home date she agreed then before the date she said it was too soon for us to meet indoors but after that she became scarce and she tried to friendzone me these are the huns I can make examples of but what bothers me is this I run the same type of talkative game to every girl I meet it works to a certain extent as I bedded huns from it but then cases like these happen even with huns I cold approached I become confused as the friendzones girls place me under are kind of confusing as I am allowed to touch them in any way and I do have meets with them but I don't go beyond that I need you r help with this plateau gents because it keeps happening mind you I do move fast,and invest little and show little emotion but still something is off


Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
I've always wondered what it's like to talk face to face with people who write walls of text. If it's anything like the same experience as reading this post, I can't imagine girls getting seduced by it.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers

Hunter O-2

Space Monkey
space monkey
Jun 16, 2024
How do I re write the post as I typed it on my phone since my laptop is in for repairs
I've always wondered what it's like to talk face to face with people who write walls of text. If it's anything like the same experience as reading this post, I can't imagi

Hunter O-2

Space Monkey
space monkey
Jun 16, 2024
bro you gotta use some punctuation if you expect people to read and respond.

I had to stop reading after 2 lines because it hurt my head to not see any commas or full stops.
Thanks Alex I was rushing while writing this I also didn't notice it needed spacing so how do I edit the post ?


Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
How do I re write the post as I typed it on my phone since my laptop is in for repairs

Rewrite it and pm it to me, and I'll replace the OP. Please take the time to figure out:

1. What exactly is the problem you'd like help with?
2. What information is directly relevant to those questions you have?
3. What have you done to try and solve the problem?
4. What have been the results of your attempts to fix the problem?

The clearer and more concise you are, the easier it is for someone to understand what's at the root of it and what can be done to fix it, and the more useful replies you'll get.

Hunter O-2

Space Monkey
space monkey
Jun 16, 2024
Rewrite it and pm it to me, and I'll replace the OP. Please take the time to figure out:

1. What exactly is the problem you'd like help with?
2. What information is directly relevant to those questions you have?
3. What have you done to try and solve the problem?
4. What have been the results of your attempts to fix the problem?

The clearer and more concise you are, the easier it is for someone to understand what's at the root of it and what can be done to fix it, and the more useful replies you'll get.
Rewrite it and pm it to me, and I'll replace the OP. Please take the time to figure out:

1. What exactly is the problem you'd like help with?
2. What information is directly relevant to those questions you have?
3. What have you done to try and solve the problem?
4. What have been the results of your attempts to fix the problem?

The clearer and more concise you are, the easier it is for someone to understand what's at the root of it and what can be done to fix it, and the more useful replies you'll get.
Thank you, I will write it on my laptop then I will do exactly that 😅let me log in fast then type