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FR  Frosh Victoria

Desert Eagle

Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 18, 2013
Went out tonight to play volleyball with a good friend of mine who knows a lot of people. He basically just asked whoever was in his dorm hall who wanted to play volleyball, and a bunch of people joined.

Victoria looked like someone that I had Chemistry lab earlier in the day, so I opened her just thinking about remembering if it was her. Turns out she wasn't in my lab, but she engaged in some witty banter:

Me: "Are you in my chemistry lab class?"
Her: "I don't think so? I'm not in chemistry *laugh*"
Me: "Ah, okay. You look exactly like her"
Her: "Oh? You should introduce us so we can coordinate outfits and confuse you"
Me: "Oh no, trying to get me all confused? *warm smile, skeptical look*"
Her: "*laughs* no *smiles*"

That was it for then. My banter is quite bad, but I wasn't actively thinking that I should get to know her and seduce her. I thought she was cute, but didn't think anything past it for some reason.

During volleyball we ended up being on the same team. Throughout the game I worked on being authoritative, warm, and calmed down. I think this all went pretty well; I moved her around the court with ease, taught her how to serve, and overall had a warmth and positive energy coming from myself. Spotted throughout it I caught myself making jokes and being cocky, which I need to cut down on. Overall, I could tell she was attracted to me just based off spending time around me and noticing the slow movements, warmth, and strength in my voice.

Afterwards when we were walking back to the dorms, my roommate opened her and talked with her about typical college stuff, her major and whatnot. She small talked with him for a bit, and then sort of gravitated towards me and eventually opened me in the same fashion. I sort of got sucked into things:

Her: "What do you do, like do you play any sports besides volleyball obviously?"
Me: "Oh, I'm not on the volleyball team; I do intramurals, but there's no men's team"
Her: "Oh, so do you do any sports?"
Me: "Volleyball now; I used to do this and that"

In that fashion. Eventually we got into some light banter about her coming to a volleyball game, and she basically ended up trying to get me to ask for her number. I recognized the cue, something inside of me just told me that I could talk her out of me asking for it. Not sure why I did this in hindsight - I suppose I might have felt it would be awkward to get her number in the middle of all those people.

Her: "I don't know when the games are!"
Me: "Oh, they're in early september, like the 7th or something"
Her: "I'll probably forget by then.."
Me: "I'll tell my friend to get you to come"
Her: "Well, okay, sounds good"

Pretty sure I also cut her off in the middle of her saying, "You could just tex-" When I was speaking. BLAHH. I need to work on recognizing that girls are cute, and then go on to going through the steps of moving her, getting comfortable, emotionally connecting, etc.

We came into her dorm and my buddy said he wanted to see a girl he met the other day. I should have gotten an instant date or something with Victoria instead of going with him, but recently things have been moving a million miles a minute and I have no idea what is going on. All throughout classes I found it hard to follow the teachers and difficult to pay attention. I hope this is just because I've recently moved, gotten into classes again, and have to adjust to a new schedule and lifestyle. But things really need to slow down, as I am not thinking clearly and just sort of going with the flow.

Hopefully I'll have a clearer mind by the time I see her at the volleyball game. Then I can get her number or ask her to get a bite to eat with me, and then proceed to deep dive and initiate some touch. So much to do.

Desert Eagle

Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 18, 2013
Reflecting back on my mindsets and that night, I've come to realize why exactly I didn't ask for her number. Turns out it was actually for a good reason.

I didn't want to lose value by asking her for her phone number in a public forum. Whenever I see men asking other women for their numbers, I tend to think that he's inexperienced and just fumbling about. I was walking and talking with her with a big group around, and I felt like any form of getting her number was going to feel awkward and cause both of us to lose face, no matter how I worded it.

That in mind, I have a few options. I could simply take out my phone, get to the contacts, hand her the phone, and have her put in her number. I remember the last time I got a girl's phone number, I simply took her phone and sent me a text message; it seems her readiness to go to bed with me increased through that sly maneuver. She loved to shit-test me as I was inexperienced, so she frequently texted with me around to see how I responded. Ended up getting a FR++ with her.

From now on, I think I'm going to go with the method of taking out my phone, putting her name in, then handing it to her without saying anything in a public type of situation. If we were one-on-one, it would feel natural to simply say, "We should stay in contact. *playfully* You got a phone? Does it have a number?"
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take