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Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
I'm mostly writing this to vent and show myself how big of deal this isn't. I met a cute blond surfer girl from Seattle that lives here, in the Dominican Republic, the other day after surfing. We initially traded some banter in the water and afterwards I decided to introduce myself and make some general conversation. Today I see her and whip my t-shirt at her to get her attention in which we say hi and make warm small talk. After a couple minutes I ask her to do me a big favor, that I genuinely needed. That favor was to put sunscreen on my back so I wouldn't have to wear a shirt surfing.
Me: "yeah you probably have so much too do with all those dogs to walk! Hey you think you could do me a huge favor and I'll love you forever for?"
Her: nervous look "maybe, what is it?"
Me: "You think you could put some sunscreen on my back for me?" I honestly was about 100% sure she would do it because it's such a simple request.
Her: "No just put it on yourself. Like this." Starts rubbing her own back to show how to put sunscreen on your own self.... which is entirely ineffective.
Me: Because I wasn't expecting a rejection of my request I was outcome dependent and felt like she new it was a compliance test. Although it wasn't completely. When she said this I kinda nodded dismissively and went aloof which I think showed major weakness to being turned down, really uncharacteristic of me. I usually have something witty to say back.

Should've said
Me: "Ahh, too scared to touch me huh?" said with smile and not taking anything seriously.
Me: "Ahh you probably wouldn't rub it in right anyway. Soo (change subject)."

I learned about myself that I really don't like losing frame battles and definitely need to keep this in the front of my mind when out socializing especially with women. Be prepared at all times.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 2, 2013

Just sounds like some compliance escalation is needed. If you go from small talk --> her touching you, it'll feel a bit off, like your request is huge. But if you small talk --> tell her to move with you --> Deep Dive/Light Rapport for a few minutes --> Inspect and touch her hand (break the touch barrier)-->Tell her to put sunscreen on you, it doesn't seem as huge a favor!



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013
Hey Rob,

Next time like Nick said, try and get compliance in a ladder like order. It seems like a huge jump from taking to putting sunscreen on. Also, next time instead of the huge favor part, try and say it like it's not a big deal. That way she has more of a chance of doing it and if she doesn't then you can just shrug and change topics easier.



Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
Thanks for the remarks guys you guys are right on top of things. I didn't really take that into account I more or less felt entitled to someone having put sunscreen on my back (the surf was pumping). Stupid on my part but correct nonetheless. I know I fucked up there but I was more upset with how I handled the rejection. Oh well good lesson learned thanks for pointing that out fellows.
