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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 7, 2012
First date with a single girl in a long time, so it went considerably better than my others. It should have gone better, had I watched my mouth a bit, but that'll be a reference for the future.
I'm thinking that my prospects of getting a lay with a girl that has a boyfriend is lesser at age 17 because most are inexperienced and consider all relationships as "love", but just an idea.

I initially met her a year ago through a friend, but hadn't the means to hang out with her until recently. I invited her to hang out through facebook, and the date was set.

Anyway, for that day, I dressed with a black dress shirt unbuttoned thrice at the top and once at the bottom, a red tight fitting shirt underneath, my signature eagle wing necklace, black tight fitting jeans, and black leather shoes. I had Victoria's Secret cologne sprayed on my chest, wrists, and neck, and I was walking what girls often called my "Asian Mafia" walk.

She lived thirty minutes from my house down an interstate highway, and my parents made it so I only had about 2 hours with her, so I didn't have a whole lot of time.

After she arrived in a tight leopard skin dress, I immediately got rid of the touch barrier by giving her a tight hug, aiming my thigh between her legs. I invited her to get something to drink at a coffee shop with me, so we got in the car and she showed me where. Along the way, I invited her to play a game where you try to spot red cars, race to hit the roof when you see one, and whoever is too slow has to make a sex noise. (This helps with the mood a lot in my experience, and I learned from a previous experience to do this right away.)

As soon as we got out of the car, I wrapped my arm around hers and said she would be my escort for the day, to which she replied that I was hers. (This was to make sure I would be able to have my arm around her waist at the end of the night, where I was planning on going in for the kiss. I find already having one arm around the girl makes the movement much more natural.) To my surprise, she offered to pay for my drink when we got in there even though I was the one that invited. Nonetheless, I accepted, and figured it was a form of investment. Then we began our walk.

The walk began with some playful banter, but deep diving happened surprisingly fast. We soon discovered we had a ton in common: Both liking the same music and hobbies, dreams and fantasies, we both were too busy for our friends, too busy for relationships, similar family history, both had bad relationships with our dads, and similar career goals. We even liked the same drinks. The whole walk was lots of deep diving with some playful banter in between as a break, the way Girls Chase teaches. However, this was the first time I didn't have to think so hard about leading it into that pattern, as it happened very naturally this time.

I could tell she was into me right from the start. At one point she mentioned that we were like the same people (which I thought too), except that she was just a little bit cuter. Then she laughed and put her arm around my waist. That was something I was meaning to do, so I capitalized on it and put mine around her waist and pulled her close for the rest of the night.

My mess up that night happened when she checked the time on her phone because it was getting dark. It was 9:30, and I let it slip that that was the time I was supposed to be home (STUPID!) She immediately felt guilty for holding me back, despite many attempts to reassure her that I didn't give a rats ass about getting in trouble, because I was enjoying my time with her, and that I wanted to extend the night a bit.

My arm was around her waist like I wanted it to, and when we got to the car, I brought her close, and kissed her, thanking her for the great night. She smiled and blushed, and said "I like you, but I'm not really looking for a relationship at the moment." I replied, "That cool. Neither am I. I'm a busy person just like you and I'm not about to have a relationship with a girl and then break up with her after three months when school starts. Doesn't stop me from liking you though." She was the first girl I've ever seen actually perk up when I said that, and I swear if I hadn't have mentioned my time constraint, something great would have happened right then and there.

When we got into the car, I insisted that we extend the night at least another 15 minutes, but she was even more stubborn than I was. She insisted that her mind was already made up and that she was going to be the responsible one for once and make me go home. She playfully threatened to walk out of the car if I tried to park it. I was able to convince her to make out with me at every red light, almost hitting another car once, and pissing off the people behind us very often. By the time we back to her place, she leaned in for once more kiss. We were holding hands, so when she was about to leave, I kissed her hand and said goodnight. (Not sure if that was a good move or not.) I honestly feel like I should have gotten out of the car to kiss her properly standing up again, but my mom had called me wondering where I was. (I was supposed to be home thirty minutes ago, and it takes thirty minutes to get home.)

She'll be in mexico for the remainder of June, so I asked her to bring me back a souvenir so we would have an excuse to meet again. I really like this one, but I feel I missed a great window of opportunity with that one phrase. However, I've learned something that I hadn't when I first met her, so I'm glad it took so long for us to hang out. I've learned not to chase.

- AsianPersuasion
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers