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Fucked in the ass by life


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 30, 2020
Hello all.

I'm a bit drunk writing this, so I beg your forgiveness for any spelling error or thinking error which may arise in this post. I just watched a girl I've been 'gaming' all this night get fucked by my very best friend no less, and it is ringing all sorts of bells in my head.

It's not that I am jealous, or resentful towards him. In fact I am super grateful for the lesson that he taught me. Namely, that life does not give you shit, and everything that you will ever earn, you have to work for. He's a fit guy, and I know he's had a ton of success with girls on tinder, whereas I've been a lazy-ass piece of shit that did not even go out once this lockdown (I'm in europe at the moment, lockdown here is at 6PM more or less) and spent his time on the couch, locked up in his house.

The thing is that I fucked my fair share of women, and while I visited my relatives in an Eastern European country recently, it seemed to me that every man there is weak as fuck. What I mean by that is that they were unprepared to fight for their women. THEY WERE THE VERY THING THAT I HAVE BECOME. A weak-ass man that cannot fuck a woman that showed interest in him, and cannot keep other men from fucking the women that he has "dominion" over.

I just wanted to say that I'm sick and tired of this shit. Tired of being the "second best" guy. From now on, Darius is heading to the sky, whatever that is. I want to fuck the women I meet again, I want to have the relationships I always craved, and I KNOW I can do this with the help of all the articles on this site. I've grown lazy, and it is now time to go to action.

This site is one of the best sites that ever happened to me, and with your help (paid or not) I will become the man I was always meant to be. Whether I have to pay money or not, I am here, present and ready for action. This is all I wanted to say for tonight.


Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
Hey man! Awesome that you've taken this attitude to go out and become the type of man that earns the shit that you want! It's awesome and more people need to think that way :)

And yeah, it sucks losing out on women. I remember the first gut punch that happened to me was when I was still a virgin. The girl I liked ended up throwing herself at my cousin because I missed an ENORMOUS chance to get her. And this was after a different girl offered to give me a blowjob in high school who then ended up hating me because I froze up and didn't know what to do lol. She thought I rejected her when really I was just retarded.

Those weren't even the first/second/third/eighth gut punches that I needed before I started learning.

Most guys on here will have similar stories too, so you're in good company!
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 30, 2020
Thanks for the reply and the kind words :)

Indeed that is exactly what happened to me as well the other night. I will make a field report post with more info on the situation and how I could've handled it better and gotten the girl. I got such obvious interest from her she literally could not have made my job easier. I was just a pussy-ass weak man that did not make his moves and lost the girl because of it.

Happy to continue working on my game