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Openers  Fun, Easy, Effective Opener for Day and Night Game (2010)


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Originally posted in the first Girls Chase Forum on Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Realized I haven't posted this before after sharing it with a good guy I did some coaching with recently. This is a short, powerful opener template that works well in all kinds of conditions. It combines humor and direct for a powerful one-two punch, using the two things that women respond to best in opening (a witty remark, and a direct statement of genuine interest).

The basic tenet is that you start out by asking where something that's obviously really close-by and hard-to-miss is, and then tell her you're kidding and just wanted to say hi because you think she's cute. Examples:

  • [street approach, right next to a Starbucks coffee shop]
    Guy: Hey, do you know where there's a Starbucks around here?
    Girl: Uhhh, yeah -- right there.
    Guy: I'm kidding... I just thought you were cute and wanted to come say "hi". I'm Guy.

    [club approach, not far from the bar]
    Guy: Hey, do you know where the bar is around here?
    Girl: Yeah, it's right there.
    Guy: I'm kidding... I just thought you were cute and wanted to come say "hi". I'm Guy.

You can get pretty creative with this, and it's pretty fun. Most girls will laugh; even the ones who don't get the humor will typically appreciate the compliment / boldness of the opener. Probably a little bit more suited to daytime game and street approaches than it is to nighttime game, but works there too. Good times to be had by all.

a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
May 22, 2016
I think you termed this opener "drop-the-pretense" in one of your newsletters Chase :)

I've actually found out that I get the best results with this opener on a nighttime street game, where girls have massive walls and the gender ratio is hugely biased on their favor.

Sometimes I thought that it was a bit cheesy, but screw it, it makes both of us laugh and all I need is her initial attention so that I can convey the rest of my presence and value.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 3, 2021
That opener is completly shit, this is why
You only buy 2 or 3 seconds before showing your intention which make any effect in seducing the girl. What I mean, it is completly unnecessary and it is mental masturbation about the game.
Simply guys, it will be the same if you skip that indirect part

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
That opener is completly shit, this is why
You only buy 2 or 3 seconds before showing your intention which make any effect in seducing the girl. What I mean, it is completly unnecessary and it is mental masturbation about the game.
Simply guys, it will be the same if you skip that indirect part

Depends on the energy you put behind it mate. I'm assuming Chase comes at this from the same energy I do when I've tried it; it's just something fun to do while getting a girl to stop and break out of auto-pilot.

Because the first part is kind of weird it'll normally get her out of auto-pilot and build tension. Then they laugh in the second part because it releases the tension (again, you have to put some fun energy into it though). I've definitely had it go wrong when I forgot to do just that.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
That opener is completly shit, this is why
You only buy 2 or 3 seconds before showing your intention which make any effect in seducing the girl. What I mean, it is completly unnecessary and it is mental masturbation about the game.
Simply guys, it will be the same if you skip that indirect part
kj comment

This opener is flawless and sets a direct intent along a fun bold type energy. Shows you have balls.

Field-testet to the ground by many of us and powerful in its seductive impact by itself as it both works her and escalates at the same time which is attractive due to the confidence, fun loving and bold carefreness of it. Hit them like a bomb type.

Ive found it works particularly well with sets as they feel more confident with their friends close etc. And are influenced by group dynamics already. Use the power of group dynamics!
Last edited:

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
Ive found it works particularly well with sets as they feel more confident with their friends close etc. And are influenced by group dynamics already. Use the power of group dynamics!

Never thought to use something like this in a group, may have to try it


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 17, 2019
It really is versatile. Realized you can use it today in the supermarket - if she's in the aisle looking at something obvious like coffee or milk you can ask her if she "knows where the coffee/milk is around here".