Gave it a try but not enough to properly verify it... Though from what I saw it did garner good receptions. I only got to try it on 2 groups; one of 4 and one of 2. The one of 4 was sitting down in a bar, the group of two heading to a bar. Both were warm but I fucked up somewhere.
The group of 4 was the first to be approached so I'll start here. I used the opener and paused for a few moments giving eye-contact to each member of the group. All the girls seemed immediately attracted to me (at least 3 of them, one seemed quiet). One of the girls responded in my silenece with "I disagree with you" which I assume was a test and I ignored her and told the group they seemed cool and I wanted to talk. I waited a couple of seconds before I got 2 girls to move up a bit on the bench so I could sit down and the girls on the same bench were pretty attracted to me at this point. Unfortunately this is were I get a bit confused with the dynamic. I neglect the ones that are attracted to me and give more eye-contact to the girl who is auto-rejecting me. I "forget" the other girls are there and they start to turn cold. I notice this and then eject knowing I've fucked up badly. However, as this is about the opener I'll say this. It worked really well. I was very nervous prior to using it, which is understandable. I gave it a shot, not expecting anything, but was pleasantly surprised by the positive reactions. I delivered it well, I assume, with a playful tone. It worked well.
I tried it again on the two group. It was dead quiet tonight, the first bar I went to there were 7 people in, 3-4 guys playing pool and 2 at the bar, a little better at other places but not average. Besides walking out of the third bar I visit, these two stunning girls are coming from the opposite direction so I use the opener to try it out again. They were warm to me, they didn't stop walking however, they smiled and spoke back and as we walked past eachother I heard one of the girls keep talking even though I was about 10-15 yards away. Obviously, it worked well, either I didn't do something right (such as stop walking first) or I wasn't attractive enough (doubtful). I do think however the opener worked rather well.
All in all, from my short sample, I think this works a treat but good fundamentals, as always, are vital. Tone I suggest is playful, a little unsure (as if you were part of a discussion you genuinely didn't agree with). Body language was open both times, nothing on closed body language. Key thing was to have fun and have a IDGAF attitude.
Cool opener, I'll keep it with me.