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FR++  Fun in the Backseat


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013
a good day yesterday. :) This is one of those situations where the girl is going to want you no matter what you do. It kind of sucks but whatever, I got some "practice" in. Hopefully you guys can learn something or criticize me.

Another note, everyone may call me a pussy, but I'm not ready to lose my virginity. I'm just not. That's why I didn't push for sex here.

You're probably tired of this stupid rant, so ON TO THE INFO!

This girl, let's call her HornyWavyHair, I've been talking to a little bit at school for a bit now. I started talking to her...Hmm.... two weeks ago? I wasn't really interested in her because she's not really my type, and I was interested in a girl from one of my other FR's, Miss S, or Miss SassyPants. (viewtopic.php?f=5&t=3874 Anyhow, she hangs with a group of girls that either wait for their friends to go to swimming practice or go to swimming practice themselves. I didn't expect much of this, I was just expanding my social circle. At first I'd just lead the entire group, tell them to do things, make comments at the right times, etc.

One day we were all standing and sitting on/around two benches. I was with Mr. Flirt, this other guy in my class, call him SkaterGuy, who was dating one of the girls in the circle. At one point I sat down just started flirting with HornyWavyHair, which she responded really well to. Some guy came and sat on my lap (probably hoping to discourage me. This guy is definitely an orbiter, but he has a small part in this story, so why not call him Captain Orbit!) and then got off rather quickly.

I asked him, "What? Why did you get off?" (Sarcastic tone of course)
He says,"I'm not comfortable with sitting on guys' laps." (HAH)
So then I switch tact and decide to flirt a little harder. I tell her to "protect me", reach down and grab both of her legs to cover mine. All while this is happening, Mr. Flirt is running interference (or maybe he's actually flirting with the other girls...It's hard to tell sometimes) and I then lean over her legs pretending to take a nap. She starts playing with my hair, and in my mind I'm like, "Okay, it's on, but I still want to try and make it work with Miss SassyPants." She also has this way of talking that almost makes it sound like she's moaning at the end of her words. THIS NEXT PART MADE ME THINK I HAD IT IN THE BAG: I started mocking her for her voice, exaggerating the moan a lot, to which she then SHE started actually moaning at the end of her words... Yeah, it's on. After a bit, Mr. Flirt and I are about to go home, so I grab her number then (Bad: should've grabbed it earlier at a higher point) leave to go home and HornyWavyHair heads to swim practice.

Some of the text chase frames:
THE TOOL: I used your line in texting instead of a date to see how it would work. I know it's a waste of a good line, but I knew for some reason this girl probably wouldn't want to talk much if we got alone.
HornyWavyHair: Hey! (SHE texts me FIRST? GG.)
Me: (Probably too much investment but) Hey, HornyWavyHair! What kind of trouble you cause today?
HornyWavyHair: You know just burning down the city and shit (Good, she's playing along.)
Me: Good thing you avoided my house, I'd have to hose you down (Here's the set up)
HornyWavyHair: Maybe I just haven't reached your house yet
Me: If you ever get here prepare to get wet
HornyWavyHair: Well I'll just avoid your house then
HornyWavyHair: Also that's what he said (Gotcha'.)

So about a week later (I'm keeping up standard flirting and whatnot), there's an event at my school and I predict in my head that she's going to, but I ask just in case. I ask her to hang out with me before the event starts, to which she sends me a long reason why she can't and wishes she could. Usually that'd be something I blow off, but it seemed sincere.

At the event, it was jammed packed and I couldn't manage to sit next to her. She had already asked me a text to ask if I was coming (I was working out with a lot of friends and I got there fifteen minutes late), I probably shouldn't of replied but I replied "Yes". Then when I sat there for about five minutes she sends me another text: "I wish you were sitting next to me :(" I text her back: "We'll sit together later" to which she says, "Okay".

This is where I get unnecessarily scared. At intermission, I planned to sit next to her, but she was talking to a friend of hers, which I already tried to get with. Uh-Oh.

This other girl I had failed with because she plays games, I didn't know how to handle it so I ignored her, thinking it would show I wouldn't take her shit. She gave me attention but I ignored her a little too much and we stopped talking altogether. At a football game, I apologized to her, to which she blew me off. That was last year, and at the beginning of this year, she still wouldn't talk to me, not even as friends. So at a Halloween event at our school I gave her some candy. She says, "Are you being nice to me again?" Goddamnit, that's what I've been doing!!!

So her and this girl were talking, and I'm thinking, "Fuck, she's gonna' tell her what a douche I am and then it's over, etc." when I should've been thinking: "They're talking about me, good." So I let that happen for the rest of the time that I'm there at the event. It eventually ends three hours later, and we all head outside because we can't be inside the school building after ten. I'm talking to her, one of my other female friends and this other guy that JUST so happened to be that orbiter from earlier. Eventually things work out to where we're holding hands while waiting for our rides. She's moving her finger in circles around my palm in my hand (Something I've never seen before...interesting...I SHOULD'VE ISOLATED HERE, DAMN!) she eventually gets picked up.

Me and my other female friend are waiting for Mr. Flirt to pick us up. Mr. Flirt and I are gonna' hang out later so I decided that he'd probably give this girl a ride home. If this were the regular situation, I would've let it go, but there's a couple reasons for what I do next. One, me and my friends have a bet for who can make out with a girl before our other friend's girlfriend gets back, where he automatically wins. I use this sort of stuff for motivation, so maybe it's bad but whatever. Two, she's going to another state for the holiday, so I wouldn't see her for a week. Now here's what happens next.

Me and Mr. Flirt decide to try and get her out to hang out, which I thought wouldn't happen. Here's the texts:
HornyWavyHair: Hey :)
Me: Hey! Going home already?
HornyWavyHair: Ya
HornyWavyHair: What are you and Mr. Flirt up to?
Me: Don't worry about it, dirty girl you!
HornyWavyHair: Why what are you doing that's so secretive?
Me:Come hang out and find out
HornyWavyHair: Really?
Me: Yeah we'll pick you up
HornyWavyHair: IDK if I can :(
Me: Be spontaneous and do it!
HornyWavyHair: Well what are you guys doing?
Me: Going on an adventure :)
HornyWavyHair: What kind of adventure:
Me: The fun kind
This went on back and forth until she finally agreed. We went over and picked her up.We started talking and found out she smokes =\. We at first head to a park and get out of the car. Mr. Flirt heads to the playground but we stay near the car. As soon as we get out I grab her by the hip and we start making out. I try to end it quickly but then she pushes forward and we kiss some more. Eventually I do end it and we walk to my friend. Then we get back in the car and we decide to try and pick up one of her friends, but she's too tired to. Forgot to mention this is at like one in the morning. We then pick up one of my friends that smokes. She smokes with, let's call him AsianStoner. After that, I'm in the backseat with her in Mr. Flirt's car. We head to Mr. Flirt's house and me and her stay in the backseat. She has her leg over me and is rubbing my leg.

We're making out, I'm fingering her and rubbing her boobs. (Anyone got any tips for making out?) That lasted for twenty minutes until my mom called asking where I was. By this time it's two in the morning. So Mr. Flirt takes us all home. Best wingman, bro ever. Ever.

This is only my second time making out with a girl, and my first time ever fingering a girl so any tips on that are appreciated.

So any tips, comments? Sorry it's so long, did not realize that as I wrote it.


Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
Just make sure you're rubbing the g-spot and you're all good dude. Hopefully you found it on your first try. Not that it's hard.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013
Hey, Wesley

Yeah man I'm pretty sure I found it. It's not elusive as people make it out to be. She's going out of town for a week but I'm not worried. We've been texting back and forth and she seems to be really into me, so I guess I did something right ;). I'm just wondering if I want to make it a casual thing or not. Thanks for your insight bro!

a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers