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Fun way to get her on top of you!


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Feb 13, 2013
You can do this one in public to set a sexual chase frame in a playful manner, or you can do this in private to actually initiate a makeout. Works great, and is tons of fun.

The girl has an item. It could be a pocket/change purse, car keys, her phone, anything. You grab the item, and hold your arm with the item out horizontally, away from her. She'll either just look at you with a mildly disapproving look and tell you to give it back (it didn't work, in this case), or she'll lunge at you to grab the item back (in this case, it worked).

If you get her to lunge at you to retrieve the item, then move your arm from out and away from her to up over/behind your head. She then must pretty much climb on top of you to get it.

You can do this in public, such as in a bar, and then tell her playfully "Oh, trying to climb all over me huh?" and you can even keep going with it by putting the item behind your back and have her reach around you (with her face likely in your chest) to get the item back.

You can also do this in private to start a make out, and the frame that's set (with her actually climbing on top of you) is that she's the one initiating it.

Fun stuff :)

a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers