You have a few misconceptions about, game, attraction and women.
First if you want the hot women you will have to approach them. The chances of a hot woman approaching you are about once in your entire life, if that. Gorgeous women have endless choices of suitors, so why would they risk seeming desperate and approach you? I too am good looking, I have slight acne, and a bit skinny, but I'm 28 work out regularly and have style facial symmetry is there and I was blessed with amzing hair, blue eyes and perfectly proportioned features. Consistently at least once a night I get told how attractive I am, but yet still no 10 has ever approached me. 7's and below yes pretty consistently.
Second Looks do NOT matter. I wont argue that style and hygene aren't important because yes they do play a slight role, but as far as facial symmetry and natural looks go, they don't matter at all. This is worthy of an etire two page blog trying to explain.
Lastly you need to understand each part of game, body language, eye contact, tonality, abundance, vibe etc. The best way to start understanding is by going out and actively approaching girls. You may even find that your looks hinder you because girls see you immediately as higher value, the attractive girls will shit test you beyond belief. This was my biggest problem starting out, it seems like I was starting on level 10 with skills as a level 1. Shit tests came of all sorts, still do to some extent, but I learned my lessons and overcame this sticking point. At this point I rarely do my hair or make my style exceptional because I want girls to feel comfortable around me not have their guards up or act fake.
The reason why those guys at your school pull these girls is they have these qualities naturally. They don't care about this one girl because their passion lies elsewhere, they dress down because they don't feel like they have to impress, they act normal around the girl and don't put her on a pedastal(some naturals go as far as bringing down there self esteem which is not neccessary).
Sometimes it's pure luck and could be social circle stuff, maybe that guy is Alpha in his group and they have regular contact, maybe they went to elementry school together and been dating since before all this stuff mattered.
I'll end my comment with letting you know that some of the best PUA's in the world that pull AMAZING hot model top notch women are some of the least attractive men you'll ever see. Take Ownen from RSD for example, this guy is no taller than 5'8" and a balding ginger, yet he pulls amazing caliber women. I have met him in person and looks wise we are not even from the same planet. I guarantee this guy would sweep me under the table and could probably take a woman right from under my arms.
First if you want the hot women you will have to approach them. The chances of a hot woman approaching you are about once in your entire life, if that. Gorgeous women have endless choices of suitors, so why would they risk seeming desperate and approach you? I too am good looking, I have slight acne, and a bit skinny, but I'm 28 work out regularly and have style facial symmetry is there and I was blessed with amzing hair, blue eyes and perfectly proportioned features. Consistently at least once a night I get told how attractive I am, but yet still no 10 has ever approached me. 7's and below yes pretty consistently.
Second Looks do NOT matter. I wont argue that style and hygene aren't important because yes they do play a slight role, but as far as facial symmetry and natural looks go, they don't matter at all. This is worthy of an etire two page blog trying to explain.
Lastly you need to understand each part of game, body language, eye contact, tonality, abundance, vibe etc. The best way to start understanding is by going out and actively approaching girls. You may even find that your looks hinder you because girls see you immediately as higher value, the attractive girls will shit test you beyond belief. This was my biggest problem starting out, it seems like I was starting on level 10 with skills as a level 1. Shit tests came of all sorts, still do to some extent, but I learned my lessons and overcame this sticking point. At this point I rarely do my hair or make my style exceptional because I want girls to feel comfortable around me not have their guards up or act fake.
The reason why those guys at your school pull these girls is they have these qualities naturally. They don't care about this one girl because their passion lies elsewhere, they dress down because they don't feel like they have to impress, they act normal around the girl and don't put her on a pedastal(some naturals go as far as bringing down there self esteem which is not neccessary).
Sometimes it's pure luck and could be social circle stuff, maybe that guy is Alpha in his group and they have regular contact, maybe they went to elementry school together and been dating since before all this stuff mattered.
I'll end my comment with letting you know that some of the best PUA's in the world that pull AMAZING hot model top notch women are some of the least attractive men you'll ever see. Take Ownen from RSD for example, this guy is no taller than 5'8" and a balding ginger, yet he pulls amazing caliber women. I have met him in person and looks wise we are not even from the same planet. I guarantee this guy would sweep me under the table and could probably take a woman right from under my arms.