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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 9, 2013
You have a few misconceptions about, game, attraction and women.

First if you want the hot women you will have to approach them. The chances of a hot woman approaching you are about once in your entire life, if that. Gorgeous women have endless choices of suitors, so why would they risk seeming desperate and approach you? I too am good looking, I have slight acne, and a bit skinny, but I'm 28 work out regularly and have style facial symmetry is there and I was blessed with amzing hair, blue eyes and perfectly proportioned features. Consistently at least once a night I get told how attractive I am, but yet still no 10 has ever approached me. 7's and below yes pretty consistently.

Second Looks do NOT matter. I wont argue that style and hygene aren't important because yes they do play a slight role, but as far as facial symmetry and natural looks go, they don't matter at all. This is worthy of an etire two page blog trying to explain.

Lastly you need to understand each part of game, body language, eye contact, tonality, abundance, vibe etc. The best way to start understanding is by going out and actively approaching girls. You may even find that your looks hinder you because girls see you immediately as higher value, the attractive girls will shit test you beyond belief. This was my biggest problem starting out, it seems like I was starting on level 10 with skills as a level 1. Shit tests came of all sorts, still do to some extent, but I learned my lessons and overcame this sticking point. At this point I rarely do my hair or make my style exceptional because I want girls to feel comfortable around me not have their guards up or act fake.

The reason why those guys at your school pull these girls is they have these qualities naturally. They don't care about this one girl because their passion lies elsewhere, they dress down because they don't feel like they have to impress, they act normal around the girl and don't put her on a pedastal(some naturals go as far as bringing down there self esteem which is not neccessary).

Sometimes it's pure luck and could be social circle stuff, maybe that guy is Alpha in his group and they have regular contact, maybe they went to elementry school together and been dating since before all this stuff mattered.

I'll end my comment with letting you know that some of the best PUA's in the world that pull AMAZING hot model top notch women are some of the least attractive men you'll ever see. Take Ownen from RSD for example, this guy is no taller than 5'8" and a balding ginger, yet he pulls amazing caliber women. I have met him in person and looks wise we are not even from the same planet. I guarantee this guy would sweep me under the table and could probably take a woman right from under my arms.


you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2012
Hey man,
I don't mean to hijack this thread or anything. But Tyme2k... while it's great that you seem very excited and are contributing a lot...
This is not an RSD forum. To be honest, a lot of people who come here have been through all the regular PUA stuff and have come to Chase's site as he offers a very different perspective on dating and pickup to mch of the PUA community.

I don't know if you are affiliated with RSD or just a fan. It's cool if we are just comparing and contrasting different styles but it seems like every post is a plug for RSD.

RSD has a lot of good stuff to offer in terms of the mindsets and shift in views they can offer someone who's new to all this but they have a lot of tactics which very much contradict the theories and philosophies taught on this site.
And it goes without saying, for anyone who has seen the backlash at their instructor Jeffy in more non-PUA media lately, that a lot of the guys here have really found this site after being a little disillusioned with some of the PUA theories as a whole.

Again, sorry to hijack the thread and it's great you are contributing and helping here but just wanted to make a quick note on that.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2012
fox21296 said:

Please contribute to this topic with your thoughts on it! Then hijacking the thread will be forgiven(;

Haha, sorry, I could have posted this in any one of 10 threads, sorry to hijack this one.

To the OP's point...
I've noticed the same even before pick up days. People both guys and girls used to tell me I was the cute one of our group, yet I got little female attention. It used to get me really down. I was always someone who put in a little extra effort. I worked long hours in between my college work and I loved going shopping and spending my extra cash on cool new clothes. I even still do always try to present myself well.

I had a "moment" on my 23rd birthday. It was a Tuesday night, everyone was busy since we did the party at the weekend but one of my buddies was free so we decided to just get out of the house for the night and go see a movie. A these things go, we got out after, it was still early so we hit a dive bar for the night. I hadn't intended going out so I was just in a t-shirt and jeans, not dressed up at all....
To my surprise, I was approached by 3 different sets of girls... I never even got 1 approach on a normal night.
I went out a few other times, more casual, no big effort except to be clean, and I'd get more looks are approaches.

I could be way off but my theory is this... women have more approach anxiety than men! Sure, most women say it's the mans just but just ask them to go approach a guy they like who hasn't approached them, they freeze, they rarely if ever do it. It's the equivelent of a guy who just can't approach girls... and the more pretty she looks, the harder it is!

So it got me thinking. People said I was the "cute" one of the group but I was never approached. When I went out more casual, I was sometimes... maybe, just maybe the reason is... they still think I'm cute, but I look obtainable.
It's like if a girl goes out with no makeup, hair tied up, t-shirt... she looks easy going, maybe nothing special, she doesn't seem out of your league, but what if she is full done up, killer dress, heels, the works... the approach anxiety goes up 1000%, you get nervous, you stumble your words, you don't even want to approach since you don't think you can get her.

I think some girls experience the same emotions, we're all just human right?

But just to throw a spanner in the works, here are a few things:
- Don't suddenly start dressing down. Be comfortable with your look. Wear what YOU want.
- If varies by the venue and type of girls. Going to a high end club and dressing down is probably not helping you, but dressing to the hills and going to a dive bar might make you seem out of their league.
- Girls can be shy too... if she's shy or not responding... maybe tone down any cockiness, just make yourself seem like a regular guy and see if she begins to open up before quitting.
- Lastly... don't expect girls to approach you. It seems like you want to stand out by being the best looking guy there so girls WANT to approach you. Well, they probably do want to, but they won't. They'll still expect you to be the one to do it so don't focus on this being your game too much, make the approach.