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Game analysis: Iain Myles from Kama TV


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 13, 2022
I thought I would do something different today and analyze a fellow guy’s game and why I think it is good game. The guy in the video is Iain Myles, a dating coach affiliated with KamaTV, a British YouTube channel specializing in dating advice. In the video, Myles picks up a hot blonde girl working in the fashion industry in what appears to be London. What makes this good game in my opinion is Myles’ ability to be calm and non-reactive while maintaining a balance between situational awareness and flirting and rapport.

At the thirty second to one-minute mark, Myles approaches the blonde and she is initially startled, standing at about a meter remove from him. At the same time, she is also willing to talk frivolously, remarking how he’s the second guy to have approached her recently. Drawing on my experiential knowledge of cold approach, this is not an uncommon response to a cold approach where a girl is at once enticed and a little trepidatious.

Myles gets some resistance from the girl when she says she “has to dash”, and he jokes about her not being allowed to stay. From here, he goes into some rapport building before the girl sharply asks him what he’s up to. Myles gives a socially cool answer about meeting up with friends in a district the girl is familiar with, which again builds rapport.

Notice how the girl’s body language shifts over the course of the video from startled to enticed. I like how he asks “what would be the best way to stay in contact”, a slightly different frame of “I have enjoyed chatting and would like to stay in touch”. Upon getting her number, the girl sexily mentions that she likes to dress up in heels if she goes out for a drink as she crosses her legs, some foreshadowing of the date Myles likely went on with her.

Recently, I read the book La Seduction by the journalist Elaine Sciolino, wherein Sciolino argues “seduction” is key to understanding French society. More to the point, in the book Sciolino discusses cultural differences wherein French value process where Americans value efficiency. In a post a couple years ago. I argued you want to be efficient and get the number, but there is also something to be said for process, enjoying being in the moment with an attractive girl. While it might be a stretch to say Myles has a “French” style of game, he nonetheless has a languid style of game. The girl says she “has to dash”, he gently pushes chatting a little more. He is able to get past the “need to dash” excuse she put up as a front, eliciting her friendly and flirty side.

Of course, there are limits to this. I remember in high school my sister throwing a house party where two somewhat acculturated brown guys kept trying to stick around after the party was over, which became merely annoying. One thing you could fault Myles is he is a bit of a long talker, particularly after getting the girl’s number. Still, by all accounts the interactions seems to have been a success, with the girl giving him a smooch on the cheek and again verbally agreeing to a date.

In summary, Myles gets past the woman’s “need to dash” frame with a chill masculine frame, lightly pushing his frame until he gets her number for a date. While Myles somewhat long talks near the end, the video is a good exposition of having a more languid day game style. Admittedly, being a mere mortal, I have sometimes been too number-driven in my sets. The point is if the girl is warm and open, you can give yourself permission to play with her a bit. Don’t be uncool but also enjoy being in the moment with a hot girl. Myles for the most part achieves this balance well and that is why I think this is a solid cold approach. 4/5.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers