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Game of Thrones: Fundamentals


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 10, 2013
Ok so this post is inspired by
One of the posts that got me watching the Vampire Diaries, (another was Chase telling me Ian Somerhalder was one of the best role models for younger guys in the comments on the main site, a few years ago). And damn, it's all great stuff, literally everyone on that show has top-notch fundamentals, even guest stars.

So I wanted to bring some discussion and attention to my favourite show, just to have some fun (I'm still fairly beginner, having come from a tiny high school in a conservative (muslim religious) country, where I only got a few lays (4 in the last two years, with FWB for two of them), but while ending senior year king of the (really really small) school socially :D.

What I'm trying to say is, if you know this show, please join in, it's all in good fun. And that while hookups and tactics aren't my area of strength, and I'm still in all respects a beginner, I'm not a complete newbie.
This is going to analyze more fundamentals than game as well, in contrast with the original thread (I don't feel I'm advanced enough to start analyzing specific tactics all that well).

First Character:

Khal Drogo
Drogo's got a very interesting vibe. Emulating him would prolly get you arrested today (unless you had killer social calibration), but he's beloved of pretty much everyone I know, feminist, father, friends, etc. He's dominant to the extreme, taking Daenarys against her will at first (something I don't advise), but then she grows to love him in all his masculine glory. He is the king of all he surveys in his social circle (khal) too, despite us only seeing him fight once. His eyeliner, although stereotypically in our culture a feminine trait, aids his masculinity by making his gaze truly piercing. He serves as an example of primal male dominance and sexuality, and the lessons still apply today, they just require more finesse.

Drogo's marriage to Daenarys

What he does well
1. Notice how much space he takes up, and how dominant he is in the scene. (0:27) He is almost completely still, calm, smirking at the world in contrast to how chaotic and loud the wedding is. This continues throughout the scene.
2. Slow movement, slow head turn. Also continues throughout the scene. (0:54)
3. That smirk! (1:32) Also, obviously enjoying the spectacle of public sex, ie a very sexual man.
4. His voice is very rough, deep, masculine. Possibly too rough, but it works for his vibe. (1:53)
5. (4:04) That is an example of Chase's gunslinger walk done right! (it's somewhat understated, but very powerful)
These fundamentals continue throughout.

What I'd change
1. He pays little attention to Daenarys during the wedding, and whereas the character would have no need to really, if he had started seducing her then there may have been no need for the rape scene at the end.
2. Don't rape people. Never has that been sexy or seductive (rape fantasies aside).
3. In the scene at the end, if he had gone a bit more slowly, focused on turning her on a bit more, it could have been Daenarys's sexual awakening so to speak (which happens later in the show).

Side note: Viserys, the blond guy, is a very goodlooking guy (although a bit thin). He is also a very good example of what not to do. He comes across as out of touch (ie not socially calibrated), is whining throughout, and has no real grace, power, or respect. He also has a very whiny, annoying voice.

How Drogo deals with danger to loved ones

What he does well
1. (0:20) That look. That, what the fuck is he doing, skeptical as hell look. Can be used for anyone making a fool of themselves or attempting to tool you in a social setting.
2. He is very calm in the face of danger, even as he intently focused on it. Stay back bros (0:34) He remains unfazed and dominant throughout the scene.
3. His voice at (1:10) is the voice you want to use to intimidate guys that are being asses, picking fights (if you aren't mocking them instead), although it's a bit cold for commanding girls or teammates.
4. (1:38) Maintains intensity but gets a bit warmer and more value-giving, although it is all a ruse of course. That being said, this expression might work well in social situations where you want to remain intensely dominant.
5. Slow, dominant movement, ignores everyone else as he checks on the Khaleesi (does not give Viserys immediate attention, as he so obviously wants). Also he is now in between her and her idiot brother, shielding her from further danger.
The rest of the scene is just Drogo asserting his vengeance over Viserys. I wouldn't change a thing. Again, don't be Viserys.

Answering challenges to his dominance

What he does well
1. (0:10) That is how a dominant man sits to command a room (although a bit overdone for modern times, the same principles apply).
2. He remains neutral, not anyone's puppet (at first he is on his wingman's side, but when seeing his wife has a good point, shows his wingman warmly that he is not going to blindly support him. Cue wingman/side bitch wigging out, but I'd imagine in a real social circle this may actually defuse the situation. He is proud of Daenarys and shows it, and proud men are attractive.
3. Mago, aka wingman, takes it too far. Outright challenges him for dominance. Drogo remains calm, still. Doesn't react when Mago tries to escalate the situation on his terms. (1:30)
4. Brushes off Mago's intimidation attempt (sword) while slowly moving towards him and likely scaring the hell out of him.
5. Publically discredits Mago, humiliating him and dissuading any other challengers. Then, of course, is brutally effective.

What I'd do differently
1. In a tribal dominance challenge he had to fight Mago. In our modern world he could have attempted to befriend or talk him down coolly whilst staying seated and in control.
2. Whilst showing his fearlessness, those who have seen the show know that him taking that cut was a bad idea.

So that wraps up my analysis of Khal Drogo, other characters I am planning on covering include Oberyn and Daario (who are both amazing examples of the Lover), maybe Tyrion's social adeptness or Jon Snow when he began to befriend others in the Night's Watch. If anyone else has any ideas on who they want me to cover, or wishes to do their own, please respond! As I said, I am better at analyzing what effective fundamentals are, but the show is rife with social tactics as well and I consider it a treasury trove of information.
Valar morghulis,


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013
This is awesome!

I've never seen Game of Thrones, but I might watch it just to take a few fundamental cues from it. That's what I did with Vampire Diaries, basically watching Damon Salvatore because he's got crazy good facial expressions.

This was extremely helpful dude.

the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 20, 2012
Nice sum up byron. I've enjoyed watching Game of Thrones, and yes, Khal Drogo certainly was one strong masculine presence!

Jon Snow does brooding sexy quite well, and Oberyn/Daario do smooth sexy quite well; it'd definitely be worthwhile to see both of them analyzed.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 10, 2013
I hadn't actually thought of Jon Snow that much but looking back, yeah he looks like a great example of brooding sexy. I'll cover him later maybe, but first I wanted to go with a very clear lover persona...

Oh and Jake, this would probably be considered spoilers, if you're watching the show.

Daario Naharis

Daario appears in the show in season three, and is Daenarys's second love interest, after the Khal. He's a hard man to follow, and Daenarys is far above Daario in social standing (she's a queen at this point, he's a mercenary). He deftly gets around this with just the right amount of supplication, challenge, and boldness, and persists despite her unwillingness, eventually winning her around. He is played by two actors. In season 3 he is very much the romance novel Fabio, long hair, boldness, somewhat of a caricature honestly, but still a decent example. In seasons 4 and 5 he is more mysterious, a bit more understated, and in my opinion much smoother. They both have superb frame control.

Here is when he first joins Daenarys's service (skip to 1:30)

What he does well
1. He's very bold. Daario pretty much solely uses direct game.
2. He paints a picture of himself, which is carried out throughout the show, as a lover. "I only do what I want to do, etc." In an earlier scene he states that the two things he enjoys in life are "killing a man trying to kill you, and fucking a woman who wants to be fucked."
3. Facial expressions are decent (3:00) and he uses a cocky vibe very well.
4. The pacing of his speech, slow overall, with some faster points for emphasis, and then some drawn out "I am Daario Naharis I always have a choice.
5. She is challenged by his boldness, stands up naked and all, in contrast to other characters on the show who serve her loyally and get friendzoned (looking at you, Jorah).

What I'd change
1. Supplication and eternal devotion, although perhaps necessary in this context, are not things you want to give a girl upon meeting her.
2. If someone blatantly ignores your direct game and remains cold (correct me if I'm wrong, this isn't my style), you might want to calibrate a bit more.
3. He seems a bit overdone, but I'm biased; I prefer the second Daario.

Second (better) Daario giving Daenarys flowers (skip to 0:24)

What he does well
1. This Daario's voice is lower, a bit rougher, but still very smooth and refined.
2. His hair and beard suit him very well (I've seen pictures of the actor without each, this is his best look).
3. He takes his strategy remark, and when she resists his overtures, he successfully reframes them into his frame of strategy, whilst the obvious romantic undertones remain.
4. Decent eyebrow game, same as other one.
5. At her remark at 1:35 (when she starts to fall into his frame) he doesn't respond, just stays still and looks at her with piercing eye contact.
6. (1:53) That is the look of someone interested.

What I'd change
1. His chasing after her as she walks away is a bit awkward, as is his transition from 'strategy' to the flowers. However, he does manage to save the interaction and reframe it all, and his persistence and frame control save the day.
2. Unfortunately, with Daario, because she is his employer and he is so obviously pursuing her, she holds most of the power in the relationship. This is unavoidable in his situation, maybe, but it would be better for him to get her chasing him a bit more.

Daario gets what he wants

what he does well/general notes on the scene
1. His talking speed is slower than hers, but not so slow that it feels unnatural.
2. He takes her rejections in stride, but is socially calibrated about it (not sure how to explain this, but it's there).
3. After his romantic nice guy overtures (flowers, swimming around doing stuff for her), when she tells him to cut the BS, he takes it right back into lover territory with "I only have two talents in this world: war, and women."
4. At (0:53) when he talks, he is still, and uses his eye contact and facial expressions to convey emotion, the rest of his body is still and relaxed, in control.
5. He is asking to leave. She won't let him. He frames it as him being frustrated he cannot pursue his 'talents' (being badass and fucking), because the city fights are too tame for him, and because she is the only women he is interested in, so why stay if she won't give in.
6. Daenarys may be a good example of a bleach blonde (regardless of the fact that the actress did bleach for the role). She is challenging him, testing him, right up to when they sleep together.
7. (1:40) tone of voice, facial expression there. That is where she gives in to what she's wanted all along ;)
8. Takes off his clothes very slowly, teasingly almost.

What I'd change
1. Daario uses romantic overtures to get her attention. Because his vibe very strongly reeks of lover, and he is very persistent, it works for him. It may not work if your vibe is any less superb, or if you don't include the later frame of being a lover.
2. Swimming a mile offshore for flowers is very attention-seeking. See first point.

A more byronic side

What he does well
1. At this point, they are sleeping together, and he is a bit more free to speak his mind and challenge her. He calibrates this very well, taking her almost to the point of anger but then backing off and just coming across as daring and roguish. See beginning and end of the scene for this.
2. With her indignant "what!" he starts telling a story, redirecting her anger. He also never reacts strongly (in all the scenes) to her outbursts or harshness, taking it in stride and either defusing it or creating tension, rather than allowing her to escalate the emotions of the interaction.
3. This is a very smooth way of incorporating byronic traits. He shows her his tragic backstory, but then challenges her sympathy, saying it made him who he is today, ie a charming badass rascal.
4. She shows a bit of SJW and tries to outrage him here (I realize slavery is something that shouldn't be defended, but this is a good way of dealing with feminists challenging you). He remains calm and keeps his frame of it making him who he is.
5. He paces the story well, and speaks slowly.
6. (1:24) Everyone's afraid of her...but him. Both connection building and showing her he isn't cowed by her dominance displays (like in previous scenes). Later he's unafraid to say some pretty harsh things.

What I'd do differently
1. This was a very solid scene. I might tone down the criticism near the end, or add in some more teasing as well to counteract it, but it does a good job of challenging a very dominant woman.
2. Sleep with her again at the end, as a way of ensuring she is alright with his dominance.

That wraps up what I'd say the best scenes of Daario are. There are a few others out there of him being a very sprezzatura based fighter, he makes it all look effortless, but these scenes were his main lover scenes. Next time I'll either do Oberyn or Jon Snow!


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2012
I'd like to add one more scene.

Robb Stark vs Edmure Tully (SPOILERS)


Khal Drogo is awesome and hyper masculine. But like you said, it is hard to imitate today. This scene with Robb Stark is easier to pull of and has tons of lessons on dominance. At the start of the scene, Edmure clearly doesn't respect him. At the end of their conversation, he does.

What he does well
1. He waits to speak. Every good leader in Game of Thrones rarely speaks first. That's what a leader does. Let the argument build, then resolve it.
2. His facial expressions. How he narrows his eyes when making his point is gold.
3. His voice is deeper and harsher. While Robb isn't as tall or strong as Drogo, he's still plenty intimidating.
4. It isn't obvious, but Robb is younger and shorter than Edmure. Maybe that's why Edmure calls him Robb and Nephew instead of King. But Robb's clearly the leader here. Edmure eventually changes his tone and doesn't call Robb by his name again.
5. He speaks slowly and pauses, especially when he's making his points.
6. Robb also asks questions, forcing Edmure to realize his own argument is weak. There's nothing more dominant than making someone else destroy their own argument.

What I'd do differently:

1. Perhaps try to make Edmure feel better/less blown out. It would show that he considers his feelings and make him an ally, but its also at the cost of some dominance.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 2, 2015
Khaal Drogo is an interesting character to watch. He's definitely very powerful, masculine, has solid fundamentals etc.
Having said that, I don't think most women would be interested in him. He's too intimidating. He would have a very difficult time making women feel comfortable around him. Inspiring a little bit of uncertainty/nervousness within a women is good. But straight up intimidation will do just that...intimidate them. If he had a certain level of softness/warmth when he talked to his allies/comrades, I think he would make a much better example.

One of my new favorites in terms of fundamentals is Oliver Queen from Arrow. He has this silent dominance about him, and he always seems in control. But he's also very warm (do not confuse warmth with being "nice"!)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 10, 2013
Khal Drogo is awesome and hyper masculine. But like you said, it is hard to imitate today. This scene with Robb Stark is easier to pull of and has tons of lessons on dominance. At the start of the scene, Edmure clearly doesn't respect him. At the end of their conversation, he does.
I agreee with all of this, Drogo's too hard for modern women and indeed modern men. Robb, honestly I hadn't been thinking of because he simply hasn't been around for a few seasons and I didn't remember him as much as I did Drogo, but you're right, he's very very good in that clip. His speaking slowly especially caught my attention.

What I'd do differently:

1. Perhaps try to make Edmure feel better/less blown out. It would show that he considers his feelings and make him an ally, but its also at the cost of some dominance.

There's a point in the clip, I think at 2:12, where I was waiting for Robb to bring him back into the fold and ensure his allegiance despite the harsh rebuke, but, as you said, Robb didn't.
Very good points all around.
I had meant to analyze Oberyn as well, but haven't had the time what with starting college and all.

He's too intimidating. He would have a very difficult time making women feel comfortable around him. Inspiring a little bit of uncertainty/nervousness within a women is good. But straight up intimidation will do just that...intimidate them. If he had a certain level of softness/warmth when he talked to his allies/comrades, I think he would make a much better example.
I actually went through and watched some of the clips again and agree with you. Drogo needs some warmth.
That being said, the three best naturals at my school have styles of game roughly analogous to Oberyn, Daario, and Drogo. I talk about them briefly here https://boards.girlschase.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=11736 in my last field report but don't really go into their game styles. The one I call Drogo in the report is actually very playful and childish, but then contrasts that with aloof and manly, depending on his mood honestly. This, together with muscles (he's a football and rugby player), tattoos, and an eyebrow piercing that from a distance looks like a scar make him seem intimidating, so he can afford to act a bit more warmth and playful without coming across as too nice guy.
The others have their own unique styles but suffice to say that they remind me strongly of the characters I called them.

And if anyone wants to analyze Oberyn or Jon Snow that would be awesome-I doubt I will have time to anymore.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 6, 2016