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Gaming with a 9-5 job. How?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 24, 2021
With a 9-5 job, I get tired and as I have seen I can game after 6pm.(I need an hour to change and relax).

And with gym from 6-7, How do I do day game when the time I can game is
1) 7am to 9am in the morning.
I will be sweaty after gym and also have to travel to workwork,
So if I can't approach with dirty gym clothes, I will have to change also since I also have to travel the effective time left is barely an hour.

2) after 6pm, well it's evening game with tired women. Almost night game.

Any ideas on this? If you have any experience regarding gaming with a 9-5, do share if you are interested.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Weekdays is not always ideal

:) and chill out. If you want to sleep over the weekend, it is fine as well.


Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
With a 9-5 job, I get tired and as I have seen I can game after 6pm.(I need an hour to change and relax).

And with gym from 6-7, How do I do day game when the time I can game is
1) 7am to 9am in the morning.
I will be sweaty after gym and also have to travel to workwork,
So if I can't approach with dirty gym clothes, I will have to change also since I also have to travel the effective time left is barely an hour.

2) after 6pm, well it's evening game with tired women. Almost night game.

Any ideas on this? If you have any experience regarding gaming with a 9-5, do share if you are interested.

My best days are friday and saturday afternoon/evening. Women may be tired on those times but they will also have fomo seeing all the other women going out (if they aren't doing it themselves too).

I don't have 9-5, but if I were to run out of time I'd focus on those times when it's most effective. I suggest you try to figure out how you can best optimize your time for your specific situation, through trial and error.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 24, 2021

Weekdays is not always ideal

:) and chill out. If you want to sleep over the weekend, it is fine as well.
I am a beginner, so I got to grind hard to get results. I am only able to approach 4-5 women day that too only a couple days a week. Shit I don't how many years it will take to get good If I continue like this


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Shit I don't how many years it will take to get good If I continue like this

To All Girlschase members,

For the love of God, please don't compare yourself to other members here.

I discovered 'PUA' in 2005-6.

Marius Panzarella was the guys name. Then it was Sosuave. Then RSD. Then Good Looking Loser.

What year is it now? Like 2022.

Please for the love of God. Don't compare yourself to other members. It's just like social media. Also, You cannot get pattern recognition of high level guys here unless you on the field for like years.

And most guys don't need that many years, because they just want a girlfriend/wife. 2 years is probably enough.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 11, 2013
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Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
With that structure schedule you can do day game on lunch breaks but it will not be that bang for the buck, and maybe the supermarket... your gym I would change to the morning pre work... nightgame Frida and Saturdays.... and online week days... is going to be super hard to do day game.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 18, 2019
I was about to write a long post about my own schedules for work and school since summer 2020 but i have noticed that i have a tendency to write too much... fluff in my posts. So let me start by saying that i have worked 9-5 jobs with schedules similarly to working 09-17. Honestly, i think 09-17 is so fucked. It shits up your entire day like, i would rather have work early and be off work early or i would rather have work late and be off work late, this 09-17 shit is in the middle and sounds like it sucks ass as fuck.

Anyways, i would go to the gym in the morning and do daygame after work in the evening. In the weekend you can do daygame whenever you want.


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

That's how I learned game. 1.5 years in college then four years working a 9-to-5.

While working a 9-to-5 I went out 2-4 nights a week, had dates other nights, and always had at least one girlfriend. Some weekends I also threw day game into the mix.

A couple comments:

With a 9-5 job, I get tired and as I have seen I can game after 6pm.(I need an hour to change and relax).

To a certain extent you need to decide what you'll prioritize.

For me, the job was boring and I hit a bunch of ceilings looking for a way to move up, meanwhile I was obsessed with game, so game was the priority. That meant I was rarely in bed before 2 AM most nights, and some weeknights I didn't actually hit the hay until 3-4 AM. I paid the price by struggling to stay awake at work (and had some rather embarrassing moments nodding off/snoring in meetings with big shot US government and corporate officials... to the point I got disinvited to meetings. Blessing in disguise, really... I hated meetings).

If you can use a bit more moderation though, it's still doable. There were plenty of times I'd go out on a weeknight and resolve to head home by 11 PM and be in bed by midnight. Up at 7:30 AM and I had almost a full night's sleep. I also found ways to eat lunch as fast as possible then head out to my car for a 1-hour nap midday to catch up on sleep. When I really needed to be awake I pounded energy drinks.

Of course you can be more moderate than that, too. Just do happy hours, salsa lessons, and so on on weeknights and end by 10 PM and you'll never be sleep deprived. I was just burning the candle at both ends too hard...

And with gym from 6-7, How do I do day game when the time I can game is
1) 7am to 9am in the morning.
I will be sweaty after gym and also have to travel to workwork,
So if I can't approach with dirty gym clothes, I will have to change also since I also have to travel the effective time left is barely an hour.

Why can't you approach in sweaty gym clothes?

Test it. I all but guarantee you will get a better reception in sweaty gym clothes than you do in your business attire. Even when approaching business-attired girls.

Regardless, you can also change as well. Skip the shower and it doesn't take much time. Nothing wrong with not showering... let a little testosterone waft off you; girls like it.

2) after 6pm, well it's evening game with tired women. Almost night game.

Nothing wrong with that.

Take phone numbers and plan dates. If you find one who's especially frisky, see if you can't pull her before it gets too late.

Any ideas on this? If you have any experience regarding gaming with a 9-5, do share if you are interested.

Well, if you're completely single, you've got Friday and Saturday night for night game with no set wakeup time the next day. You've also got day game Saturday and Sunday (if you're not waking up too late from the previous night's antics). Once you have a girl or two they're probably sucking up one of those weekend nights and days, but while single you've got both of 'em.

Then there's the stuff you do during the week. I assume you're not at the gym every day... Monday-Wednesday-Friday maybe? Most salsa classes are on Tuesdays or Wednesdays and are high turnover single woman magnets; those are usually 7-9 PM or so. Rearrange your schedule a bit to accommodate those plus one other worthwhile night going out around town (maybe you find a good wine bar that has good crowds of girls Thursday evening, for instance), plan your dates for after the gym on gym days and try to be efficient with them since you and the girl both have work (date start time: 7 PM; she will feel like she needs to get home by 10-11 PM... so you aim to make it a two hour date and pull her to your place by 9 PM to avoid her feeling any urgency to get moving before you begin escalating).

Also see this article for making use of your time in the morning, too:

Get your schedule planned out and there are tons of times you can pick up despite a 9-to-5.

(although obviously earning your daily bread some way more flexible than a 9-to-5 makes things an order of magnitude easier!)



Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017

If you truly want it, you'll make a way.

I've started napping on nights where I want to go out. And start working at 8AM so I can daygame from 4-6. Nap from 6-9/10, then go out at night until 1 or 2. Sleep until 7AM. That's still 8 hours of sleep, but the amount of time you have increases.

I would also highly recommend switching your workouts to be in the morning (working out in a fasted state also helps your muscles become keto adapted), and backloading your dinner until after you're back from your approaching session. If you end up on a date, drink something low alcohol, and just skip dinner.

If you need some days of break, take them and focus on theory those days. Cross gaming is the concept of switching between night game and day game to prevent burnout. I think also including some theory days helps too, to allow for reflection, goal setting, and troubleshooting.
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jun 11, 2021
With a 9-5 job, I get tired and as I have seen I can game after 6pm.(I need an hour to change and relax).

And with gym from 6-7, How do I do day game when the time I can game is
1) 7am to 9am in the morning.
I will be sweaty after gym and also have to travel to workwork,
So if I can't approach with dirty gym clothes, I will have to change also since I also have to travel the effective time left is barely an hour.

2) after 6pm, well it's evening game with tired women. Almost night game.

Any ideas on this? If you have any experience regarding gaming with a 9-5, do share if you are interested.
I have the exact same schedule you got.

I do exclusively night time street game because of this bottleneck.

I finish gym around 7:30, change into a fresh T shirt and stroll around the area.

There are 2 busy main streets and i walk around the place. There are plenty of hotties milling around either for food, shopping or hanging out with friends.

I strongly feel the endorphin rush from the gym helps me ease into the approaches.

I have literally a decade of experience in street game so I'm quite calibarated btw.

Within about 40 minutes i hit on a few hotties and get back home

Use your schedule to your advantage.