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FR  Gas station pull


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 27, 2013
Ok, just wanted to share my latest conquest.

I just got off of work and had to fill up the car before going
home. I went into the station and noticed one of the clerks cleaning
the coffee station. She seemed sexy wearing tight khakis and I
started to put the move on her untill i seen her up close. Just
in case she rejected me, i didnt want to suffer ego depletion. I made
chit chat but after paying I left.

Walking to the gas pump, I noticed a tall, thick yellow red
bone walking to the store. I immediately wanted to holler
but she started running suddenly. At first I thought it was
my vibe but upon inspection I realized she may have been cold.
I went to my pump which was across hers and stood
pumping( mind you, its midnight). As she approached I
thought, why not. Thr following occurred;

Me; You cold hugh
Her; Yes! Its cold out here!
Me; You want my jacket? (note; she didnt have on 1)
Her; No thank you. But thanks.
Me; I wasnt going to give it to but wanted to see if you
liked it.(it was a Timberland)
Her; What do you mean? Im a lady and andthats gentleman
I ignored the comment and there was a brief pause. Then
I grabbed the gun (metaphorically speaking).lol!
Me; So, let me ask you a question
Her; Ok
Me; Are you single?
Her: Yes! (oh my, this girl said Yes)!
I then proceeded to use the yes ladder I heard so much
Me; Are you dating?
Her; Yes.
Me; You think you can have fun with a guy like me?
Her; yes
Me; Well, Im a have to give you my number!

I waited untii i finished pumping, hung up the nozzle and
approached. I gave her my phone, and told her to put
her number in. She did. I noticed a tattoo and touched her
hand asking her about it. She told me a guy messed her
up. She then began shivering to get inside. I told her, "Let
me give you a warm hug" She replied, and we hugged closely.
I then politely left, oh yeah after getting her name. Its justa
number but i hoping to post a LR soon.lol!

you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 27, 2013
Re: Gas station pull

Ok, just wanted to keep you guys updated on the gas station pull while it is occuring so I can get some feedback if you all feel Im doing something wrong. Sorry for the format, all this is from my android and this is a first. Ok, back to the subject. I text the girl from the gas station and it goes something like this:

Hi, it was nice meeting you last night at the pump:) Next time wear a jacket.lol! But it did give an excuse for the hug ; )

Girl: Lol Merry Christmas! (oh yeah its christmas)!

Merry Christmas! I hope u got what you wanted!

(maybe i should have left that off but i was implying that i was her real gift. I waited a day and on the 3rd day hit her back).
Hi xxx its me, the guy at the pump. When is a good time for us to get a moca latte ;). Im off this weekend.

Girl: I work Saturday off Sunday

Ok, lets hangout for a few hours on sunday. What time do you awaken my dear?

(note: i tried to use flowery language.lol! Sounds a little weird)

Girl: I don't know just call me

Ok. Bet:)

So there you have it. I plan on quitting porn for a few days and hitting the gym (squats are good to induce testoterone flow). Then Im hoping to of course....smash. Just in case she flakes, i met an awesome chic in the club and schedule both dates on the same day. The chick in the club just happened but thats another post.lol! So what do you think?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 27, 2013
Re: Gas station pull

Ok, update on the gas station pull. So far Major Corn Flakes. Sunday came around and I postponed our date through a series of text because of an event that came up. This is how it looked.

Me: Hey XXXX, wasup? Looks like business came up today however i still want to see u. Are up late 2nite? - playa

Girl: Yeah and it's XXXOX

Me: You just now correcting me.lol! Ok, Ima hit you up later 2 nite for a rendezvous. Thanks XXX0X :)-playa

Girl: Yea ok

(Ok, the night got later because of the event I was at and at 12:12 AM I hit her up).

Me: You up

(I guess she wasn't because I didn't get a response for the rest of the night) :( I didn't want to chase so I let her go for the night. I also didn't mentioned the flake but acting like nothing happened. It's kinda like texting LMR. So not being one to easily give up I try the next night during work.

Me: Hey XXXX :) Let's meetup later tonight if you have time. I want another hug ;)

GIrl: Just hit me up my son will be home so it depends what time u talking

Me: I didn't know you were a mother :)

Girl: Yea I have one boy

Me: You look so young!

Girl: I'm 26

Me: Well that's a good age. I will get off of work later tonight. Perhaps we can talk a few minutes.

Girl: ok

Me: I'm 26 too.lol!

Girl: No u not lol

Me: I feel like it:

Note: I'm trying to establish a little rapport with her however I may have gave a little too much away.lol!

Girl: Lol

Then later that night around 12:00 AM midnight after work.

Hey XXXX, just got off work. Are you interested in a moment together?"

to which I again get no reply. However I'm not ready to throw in the towel yet. I'll contribute it to text meetup LMR. Perhaps it was too late, logistics or she wants a little rapport. I don't want to keep chasing her for too long with no results. During this chase I have gotten 4 other numbers; 2 at the game, 2 at another gas station however i don't want to overwhelm with information as numbers oftentimes flake. I've already deleted 2 sets of numbers two different times and started afresh. But I kinda wanna work on this one and I'll keep you all informed. I wanna see a good conversion but for now it's major Corn Flakes. Anybody got any milk?