I am not a pro or advanced daygamer. I dont know what level you are at. But what has worked for me in going from a nervous wreck to being able to open calmly and get into conversations is this simple progression.
When I first started I just did this:
Me: Hey, I was just waiting for my friend/going back home/going to get some groceries and I saw you and I thought you looked really stylish/pretty/beautiful so I wanted to come say hi.
Her: Oh thank you.
Me: Are you German (insert nationality here) by any chance?
*Regardless of how she looks I always pick a nationality that is not the one I am approaching in.
Her: Oh no. Lol. I am from Greece.
Me: Oh wow really. I would never have guessed that. I had a classmate/friend/ co worker who was German and your face/eyes kind of reminded me of her so I thought maybe you might be German too.
Her: Oh no. But I do get that a lot/ but I studied in Germany... (Sometimes right here they hook by saying something like this and I ask questions about that.)
Me: What do you do by the way? I am guessing you are a student?
Her: I just graduated I now started working as an accountant.
Me: Wow really!? You know what, math used to be my biggest weakness back in school. Everytime after an exam my friends would be discussing whether the answer to a question was 8 or 16 and I would be standing there silently thinking wtf I got 265 as the answer.
Her: Haha noo. That was me in history. I never could remember anything.
(Again if she says something like this, I would use that and delve into that.)
Me: By the way, what do you like doing in your free time? Any interesting hobbies....
You see the pattern here. I used to have a memorized list of things I would want to find out about every girl I approached. Something like:
- Nationality
- Field of study or work
- Where she grew up (city girl or small town girl?)
- What she does in her free time
- What she is doing now (important to pitch an instant date.)
I would just run through these. In the beginning I was not worried about being boring. I would just ask these as questions. As my AA got better, instead of asking them as questions I just try to say statements (aka assumptions).
Where are you from?
You look like you are from Berlin.
What do you in your free time?
I am guessing you are more of a quiet evening with wine and friends kind of girl.
And for each of those topics I would have my answer ready and try to have an anecdote or story about my hobbies, work, where I grew up etc.
In my experience this has been more than enough to take me from scared shitless to comfortable having conversations with girls I approach.
From here I plan to do more teases and push-pulls, qualification etc slowly. But trying to do these pickup techniques without first being able to have normal conversations never worked for me.
Until you are opening enough volume of girls (30+ a week for daygame is good) I dont think its very useful to dive into anything more advanced.