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Get girls staring at your crotch

Mr. Hawaii

Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 30, 2013
When you notice a girl checking out your package you can't help but smile. It really boosts your confidence for the rest of your outing which snowballs because you keep getting more attention and keeps boosting you up.

The first point of interest- do you have the means to create a package that catches eyes? Chances are you do, you're just not dressing correctly. Wear pants. And make sure they fit correctly. Your jeans/pants should be above your hips and snug. You want your pants to be almost uncomfortable around your groin. If you're wearing boxers then your junk should be getting a bit mushed up, thus your package. For a comparison. I'm 6ft 155 lbs and when I go out I wear a 30/32 pair of Levi's.

Notice, I do not mean as tight as skinny jeans. Just tighter than what is completely comfortable. Maybe an inch or 2 smaller on the waist. And worn a few inches below the belly button, not saggin.

So now that your package is packed, how do we get girls to look at it? Find yourself a black belt with a silver buckle. Nothing huge or gaudy, the silver on black catches the eye. Then take your shirt, I tend to wear a black long sleeve Tshirt, and tuck a bit behind the buckle, exposing your landscape with a spotlight above it. I've caught girls staring and they always smile which always makes me smile.

Good luck out there comrades.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 17, 2013
Are you serious about this? ;-)

Mr. Hawaii said:
Then take your shirt, I tend to wear a black long sleeve Tshirt, and tuck a bit behind the buckle, exposing your landscape with a spotlight above it.
Can you expand upon this part? It's the only bit I don't understand. Could you explain it in more detail and with more precise language?

I'm already doing a lot of this stuff, though certainly not with the explicit intention that you speak of!


Space Monkey
space monkey
May 27, 2013
Correct me if im wrong, but this is an exaggerated example of what hes describing.



Space Monkey
space monkey
May 27, 2013
A joke? We are braking new ground here in the seduction community, why get girls to chase you, when you can get them to chase your dick, literally? lmao im not sure, i guess we will see.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 4, 2013
Haha @ Estate.

Even with tight jeans and a big package, I'd say that this doesn't happen that often. Women tend to be more conscious of where they look.

But here are some more tips anyway:

  • While talking, put your thumbs in your pockets or use your fingers to check your zip, but do not move eye contact down
  • Should be easiest with shorter girls
  • Let her sit down first; besides looking like a gentlemen, this will give her a chance to be eye level at your crotch
  • Stand or walk with a wider gait (like you've been riding a horse)
  • When you sit, put one hand on your thigh casually

Remember back in college, a girl in my Japanese class was obviously checking out my penis when I returned from the bathroom. She was a heavy smoker though and smelled like crap, so I never pursued that...

Women also do it more frequently when you're in a tight swimsuit with a cool design or in tight running shorts.

I can't really say if a girl looking at my package has ever helped me. Has this helped you in your experience? In my experience, girls get way more turned on by strong eye-to-eye contact (and it's more romantic).


Space Monkey
space monkey
May 24, 2013
Occording to the femal brain the male, the male mind tends to be more visual, which is why women do all they can to look beautiful in front of males. The porn industy understands this and that why they usually get more male viewers. Anyway the way I see it, it would be a cool thing to talk about since the girl is already looking there.

Mr. Hawaii

Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 30, 2013
andrewzx said:
Correct me if im wrong, but this is an exaggerated example of what hes describing.

You are correct. That is an exaggerated example of what I'm talking about. The idea is to make it look as much as possible an accident. This is done easiest if your shirt matches the color of your belt.

And nope. Not joking. It definitely upped the amount of girls I caught looking at me, about half or less started from the dick and moved up to my eyes. The other half start at my eyes then slowly glide across my torso to land on my bulge. And I'm not claiming to have a super huge bulge. Nor am I saying wear skinny jeans.
Around the legs they're loose. Just tight around the caboose.

One thing I did notice though was eye contact lingered much longer. For me, many girls look away too fast for me to smile. Not so in this scenario. I'm going to try it again and do a few approaches.

Mr. Hawaii- over and out.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2012
So a girl looked at you... is that a success now?

Also, she's not exactly looking at your dick if you have some big stupid sign on your waist to make people look at it.
I mean, this is like saying "I just thought of the greatest new trick... I'll wear a tophat, goggles and a feather boa and girls will look at my eyes and sex shoulders". Sorry to burst the bubble but um... someone has done it before... and he is a mainstream joke right now. Even TV shows and sitcoms make fun of it.


She's looking at the ridiculous things you are wearing, not your dick.

Plus, unless you've got some ridiculous package, I'd look elsewhere to attract a woman but whatever...

Mr. Hawaii

Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 30, 2013
You are very helpful. Thank you for letting me know how stupid and ridiculous I look with my regular belt. What would I do if you weren't so smart and helpful? You are a true eye contact master. Please teach me your secrets for having a better view of the women's eyes than me from across the biggest ocean in the world. Is it something to do with peripherals?

Why did my post make you so hostile. Rough day? Or is this like a trying to be dominant thing- either way. You have a shitty attitude and don't know what you're talking about.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 20, 2012
Mr. Hawaii said:
This is done easiest if your shirt matches the color of your belt.

Tradition for men is to have our belts matching the colour of our shoes. Perhaps keep that in mind. And guys, please keep it civil - this is one of the few forums in the internet where there aren't endless arguments.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 24, 2013
First of all, I dont think this is the way you have to go on this.
Women do not like men with pants that are to tight around the crotch, in my opinion.

to get them looking i would rather take his advice

PinotNoir said:
But here are some more tips anyway:

  • While talking, put your thumbs in your pockets or use your fingers to check your zip, but do not move eye contact down
  • Should be easiest with shorter girls
  • Let her sit down first; besides looking like a gentlemen, this will give her a chance to be eye level at your crotch
  • Stand or walk with a wider gait (like you've been riding a horse)
  • When you sit, put one hand on your thigh casually

get them looking by using body language not because you put a big flashing light above it.

secondly, i would not get her looking at your crotch before you opened to her but rather after, while you are already talking/flirting with her. But again that is my opinion and i haven't really thought about this to much because i focus more on conversation, body language, eye contact, etc..

I do admit that this topic is interesting and that it can definitely benefit you if done the right way.

Also, this just crossed my mind, i'm not really attracted to women that wear to tight bra's with breasts bulking out of them, walking around like that in public. When she's really cute i might say damn she's hot but i would not be interested in her.
I think this is the same in this case.


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Knight said:
Tradition for men is to have our belts matching the colour of our shoes. Perhaps keep that in mind. And guys, please keep it civil - this is one of the few forums in the internet where there aren't endless arguments.

Agreed. It's fine to disagree, but far better off if we keep things to evidence-based disagreement - e.g., if one guy is saying I'm doing this, and here're how many women I've used it with, and here're the results I'm getting from it, and another guy thinks that won't work, the second guy's free to come back and say, "Hey, I just go tried this with 10 different women, and my results didn't match up the same - here's what happened for me: [description]."

This way, instead of people trading opinions, which may or may not pan out in real life situations, we're actually talking battle-tested results, which in the long run are a good bit more valuable to everyone involved.



Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Also, for the record-

Mr. Hawaii said:
Find yourself a black belt with a silver buckle. Nothing huge or gaudy, the silver on black catches the eye. Then take your shirt, I tend to wear a black long sleeve Tshirt, and tuck a bit behind the buckle, exposing your landscape with a spotlight above it. I've caught girls staring and they always smile which always makes me smile.

Same kind of belt I wear, and I tuck the tip of the shirt behind it as well to make sure it's catching women's eyes too. Been doing so for years. I don't pay specific attention to where exactly on me women are checking me out (so couldn't tell you if they're crotch-gazing or not - maybe that'd be an interesting thing to keep an eye out for, though!), because if you're looking back at them too much while they're doing this they get shy, but putting yourself on display as much as possible while you're in conversations with girls does seem to help ramp the sexual tension up at a faster clip.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 27, 2012
I don't know about its seduction effects per se but if anything it just looks cool and stylish showing your belt, but not doing it in a poncy, boring full shirt tucked into trousers way lol.

I guess because it is catchy and cool it does have a positive effect from a seduction point of view. So yeh, why not


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 20, 2012
Should be noted that I've found a fair bit of success with giving a girl something interesting to hold and look at while you're getting your pants off if you're in a jam. I use my smartphone which has an honestly beautiful design to it accompanied with a bright yellow finish. I don't have much of an idea why it works but I'm not going to argue with the results ;) Of course I only use this if I'm having some trouble (ie. not damaging clothes).


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 4, 2013
Knight said:
Should be noted that I've found a fair bit of success with giving a girl something interesting to hold and look at while you're getting your pants off if you're in a jam.

Can you elaborate? I don't quite understand.

Like if you're in the bedroom with a girl, you let her look at your phone while you take your pants off?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 8, 2013
I'm in the same boat as Chase, girls seems to like seeing the buckle of the belt and i've been complimented on it many a times now.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 20, 2012
PinotNoir said:
Knight said:
Should be noted that I've found a fair bit of success with giving a girl something interesting to hold and look at while you're getting your pants off if you're in a jam.

Can you elaborate? I don't quite understand.

Like if you're in the bedroom with a girl, you let her look at your phone while you take your pants off?

Yep that's pretty much it. I don't know why but sometimes putting on a condom can add some resistance - giving my phone to a girl for a second seems to take her focus and the transition is easier. Might be placebo.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 1, 2013
If you've read "My Secret Garden," there's a chapter with annecdotes from a number of women who say that they really enjoy checking out men's packages or butts when they are out and about, and they often like to imagine what it looks like under the clothes. Whether you can translate this into results by wearing a flashy belt buckle, I'm not sure, but it probably doesn't hurt to wear tight pants.