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FR  Get to together at the house


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jul 12, 2013
I hope I at least get some replies on this and I appreciate anyone who took the time to read this post.

Okay so I was hooking up with this girl who left my house at about 10:30pm. My little brother is still in highschool and he and a couple friends had some girls over, so I went in his room and started chilling with them after my girl left. We all chill for a few hours drinking and chilling and just having a good time while playing beer pong. and the two girls he had over were both pretty cute. I wasn't showing any direct interest we were all just chilling being cool and having a good time. Well at about 3:00am someone suggests we all go to this one kid's house who has a hottub and everyone decides to go; everyone being two girls and three other guys than me. Everyone here is younger than me and looking at it from relationship dynamics I am clearly the alpha male + prime pick for these girls. Well I have work the next morning at 9:30 and the car only has 5 seats so someone would have to lap up which would be risky. I don't really feel like going over to some other kids house anyways even though in my opinion a hot tub pretty much guarantees hooking up haha. I go to my room and start making my bed ready for sleep while all the guys are changing into swimsuits and the girls come in my room and ask me "so how was your night?" ladada and they were like you should drink some more ladadada clearly coming on to me. Someone comes in the room and was like "yo girl you done shooting the breeze with (myname)? lets go!" and they all leave..

I kind of felt like a pussy because these girls were easy game and I feel like I may have lost my chance with them if they come over again next weekend.

I know I probably made a ton of mistakes this night but I'd like some advice. I've only hooked up with four girls in my life and I'm 19, and these girls that were over last night were legal for me to hook-up with and they were clearly interested.
Couple questions I want to ask; should I have shown more interest? Maybe like deep-dived these girls?
I think I should have led the situation more; like when they said lets go to this kids house I feel like I should've been like naahh let's stay here and play (some drinking game) or something.
I feel like this whole post is kind of vague but I want some advice on how I make it clear to these girls I'm down to hook-up and lead the situation in that direction.
Since these girls are still in high-school and were drinking; was this just too easy and I should've been like yo lets go chill in my room (directed at one girl) and just charged? How do I set the frame?

Thank you for anyone who read all of this and I appreciate any reply!
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Modern Human
Modern Human
May 27, 2013
It's awesome that they were into you dude, but hey, live and learn. You should have probably playfully flirted with one or two of them while you were there, then isolated one and escalated with her. Serious deep diving might not've been the greatest thing when you were all there since you were just chilling out and drinking, but you should have gotten into light conversation with one. And then yeah, take control of the situation. Tell them you'll meet them over or something and invite one of the two girls or both of them to ride with you over, then get with one, or both ;), back at your house. Take control, take action, and you'll be doing a lot more than just hooking up.