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Getting back on my feet.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 21, 2012
Hey guys,

I'm gonna make this quick, but I really need your help.

A couple of weeks ago, when I joined this forum, I really had my intentions set on seriously improving my game. As of late, a few things (friends, family, school) in my life have seriously been shitting on my goals, hopes and dreams. More specifically, a couple of girls have taken me down a peg and now my confidence and my game (if I really had any to begin with) are in shambles. I no longer have the desire of improving myself like I used to, and I feel like I have regressed in all the skills I have worked so hard to improve. This is not a sob story, I do not want your pity. I need some serious fuckin' advice to help me get back on my feet, because no one in my life right now can.

a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 21, 2012
Hey Nick,

When I first started picking up girls my friends thought it was childish. That's why they're still single and bitter, and I'm taken and striving. Remember you're the man and no one can make you do something you don't want to do. It's never a good idea to try and appease people or bend over backwards. It's your life and you have to live in the way you want. A strong man knows how to stand alone and not follow the crowd. You have to work on your mentality, "I want to do this, I'm going to get this type of girl, I'm going on these dates."

If I let my friends or people hold me back I would've missed out on so many opportunities.

Keep it going,

Just Dave


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 10, 2012
Take those girls who have upset you and use them as the initial motivation to start improving yourself. Show them the awesome person that they have lost their chance to be with.

Years ago, I was left devastated by a particular girl, and felt hopeless. I started bodybuilding and worked on my fashion sense thinking I might win her back, but then I continued to do it for me, not for her. The look on her face when she saw me looking awesome and with a substantially more attractive girlfriend was priceless :D.

Start investing in yourself again, and you will have the last laugh :).


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 21, 2012
Penguin said:
Take those girls who have upset you and use them as the initial motivation to start improving yourself. Show them the awesome person that they have lost their chance to be with.

Years ago, I was left devastated by a particular girl, and felt hopeless. I started bodybuilding and worked on my fashion sense thinking I might win her back, but then I continued to do it for me, not for her. The look on her face when she saw me looking awesome and with a substantially more attractive girlfriend was priceless :D.

Start investing in yourself again, and you will have the last laugh :).

Well said, girls who have lost out on me are extremely jealous of my girlfriend too :)


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 7, 2012
Nick said:
Hey guys,

I'm gonna make this quick, but I really need your help.

A couple of weeks ago, when I joined this forum, I really had my intentions set on seriously improving my game. As of late, a few things (friends, family, school) in my life have seriously been shitting on my goals, hopes and dreams. More specifically, a couple of girls have taken me down a peg and now my confidence and my game (if I really had any to begin with) are in shambles. I no longer have the desire of improving myself like I used to, and I feel like I have regressed in all the skills I have worked so hard to improve. This is not a sob story, I do not want your pity. I need some serious fuckin' advice to help me get back on my feet, because no one in my life right now can.


Thats great Nick. I like how straight forward you are, and I'm going to give it to you straight.
Forget about girls for now, and build on yourself. Build your confidence back. Build you life back.
I have one thing to tell you - You Are Freaking AWESOME!
There is a fine line between cockiness / arrogant and Confidence. But you need to have some of that cockiness in you now to raise your confidence level up.
I've been through exactly what you have before and so the best way to share my story with you:

- I started on a journey to find out exactly what it is that I want in life - I found it. Financial Freedom.
- I started to work on my Entrepeneural skills, and learning about business. I started to gain confidence and I had Goals and Ambition.
- I KNEW WHAT I WANTED. - And Chase has also mentioned in one of his blogs, that girls find you very attractive if you demonstrate that.
- Now I'm no longer focusing on girls, or relations. I'm only focusing on myself. I'm only focusing on my goals. Regardless of what anyone else around thinks.
- I started to believe I was awesome.. I am awesome. Other people started to realise that I've changed. I'm more confident. They treat me with more respect. Girls start to find me sexy when I talk to them, why? - Because I'm actually not that interested in them. So I'm really laid back and seems like I'm not really putting in any effort - Obeying the Law of Least Effort.
- I talk about my goals in life, and I ask them about theirs. I actually discovered deep diving through this.
- Walla! My life changed just like that.

My point is brother, it is all about "How You See Yourself", and your own "Belief System".
Nothing Else Matters.
You can either work on your BS (belief system), or let other people's BS (Bullshit) put you down.
One way or another, your life is going to be run by BS !!

So, Find Out What It Is You Want In Life !
You have all our support here.



Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 21, 2012
Hey guys,

Thanks for all the input. Everyone has made some really good points that I want to definitely start incorporating in my life.

Until next time,


Hey, I'm new to the forums and I feel kind of similar in that I haven't enjoyed much success either, despite my potential. Not just referring to women/girls but in other areas of my life as well, due to a combination of reasons. But I take responsibility and I think of it as, I can only improve and work with what I have now; that's why we're all here at a place like this. I'm 20 and have had some experiences with girls but not as much as I wanted to/could have, and currently the other areas of my life I'm struggling with (such as deciding what to do in the future, school, work, etc) so I understand what it means to hit rock bottom (I did a year ago or so). Hopefully these times, just gotta work through and learn and improve.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 7, 2012
I totally understand ou Nick, and I happen to be on the same spot really. With university claiming a lot of my time, I don't have much free time now, and I noticed that I stopped thinking about girls like I used to when I first joined university. But thinkin about the fun I had with my experiences, even though theyre not many, I still dont want to just throw the towel. I found a wingman, but I dont know if we'll work out, but that'll motivate me to still try this every now and then


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

Nick said:
As of late, a few things (friends, family, school) in my life have seriously been shitting on my goals, hopes and dreams.

Not sure what exactly you've got going on, but sometimes you'll get a load of crap dropped in your lap, and you've simply got to postpone working on good-but-hard stuff until you get that cleared. It often just isn't possible to willpower your way to work on something when your motivation is zero.

When that's the case, just take a look at your situation, and tell yourself, "Let me deal with all of this garbage first, and in a week or two when the crisis is over, I'll get back on track with my stuff." Even the most talented juggler in the world can only have so many balls in the air at once before it all comes crashing down - pick the things that are most immediate for your life and are causing you a great deal of stress and get those sorted first, and don't get back onto working on the long term things like developing yourself and handling your capabilities with women until you can do that with less on your mind.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 7, 2012
Im currently at a place where there is a large number of guys compared to a very small number of girls.
Really the only place to meet new girls is at the camp pub, which is small so all my work mates can see my efforts.
Due to the girls being so much in demand i tend to get shut down alot! I've turned this into a laughing matter.
After talking to a girl, get rejected i walk back to our table, big smile on my face"haha shut down hard! maybe the next one will be into me, it is a numbers game" and carry on with drinking.

Also know that you are awesome, and good with women.
Just by thinking that, meeting up with a work mate i hadn't seen since i had a gf and before this site assumed that i was good with women