Right now I just finished "losing" a girl or so to speak and I sort of burnt the bridge to a degree.
She said he no longer feels what she felt a while ago...
I detailed it a bit more in this post:
She also still had feelings for her ex and I competed with him in a way, because I was pushing for a LTR. Right now I think she's getting back together with him, but I don't want to lose her completely but also do not want a LTR with her anymore because I realized that she is not the girl for me. What I do want is the possbility of being able to hook up with her in the future.
I'm thinking of apologizing for "making her feel like a slut" as she put it, in a week or so.
I want to text or IM her something along the lines of:
Hey, I just wanted to apologize for saying and doing things you didn't like...I really didn't want to "make you feel like a slut"...really. I just thought you were a bit sexually repressed and wanted to "free" you a little, but it obviously didn't work, I tried too many things too quickly and sort of forgot that you're inexperienced.
I really did't mean it, and I want you to know that. I do know that I liked everything we went through for a short while...I think it was a good experience overall and I learned from it and hope you learned from it also. I might have taken things too seriously in this time and acted irrationally at times, but it was because I liked you and emotions sometimes mess up the way we think....
See you around sometime
The next step is to wait maybe around 2 months, and send her a random observational text that reminded me of her and see her response. What I want to do here is to make her forget a little of what last happened between us and sort of start from the bottom again. If it is a warm reply I might chat with her a little to get her friendly again and start sending her random texts maybe once a week to get things started again and if things progress well, go for the meet up.
If it is a cold response, I might try again in another 2 or 3 months and repeat the process,if it is another cold response... drop her completely.
Seems like a good foundation for a plan that can be used for any woman you've slept with and screwed up along the way. What can and should be altered though is the time between each step.
So in essence:
1) A week or two after the break-up send a last text, FB message, email etc, stating what you might have done wrong but without seeming needy and as if you've already moved on.
2) No contact for X amount of months, I think it should be proportional to the length of the relationship.
3) Send a reconnecting text talking about a random topic that reminded you of her.
4) If response is warm, go for a quick conversation lasting a few minutes and start one once a week for around 3 weeks, if all goes well, go for the meetup.
5) If reply is cold, back to step 2 and repeat one more time, if the reply is once again cold, drop her, delete number, remove from facebook friends and never look back.
What do you guys think of this?