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Getting Her Number At Social Dances


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Feb 15, 2023
Anyone here go to social dances, like salsa, bachata, etc.? These are friendly places where everyone is there dance with each other, girls will ask you to dance, etc. It's not like nightclub dancing. I hadn't heard the term social dance until last year when I started taking classes and going to them. My hangup is that since everyone is dancing with everyone else, being friendly is part of the scene, it doesn't feel appropriate somehow to ask for a number. One of the scenes I've been going to is a bit more of a social circle with a lot of the same people attending over and over. Anyone have experience at one of these meeting women?
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
Go for the Instagram close and trade out with a few guys as well. In addition, most places have a place for water that you can pull women back to. This lets you actually talk to her and trade contacts a little more under the radar

People will talk in the circle, but as long as you're not asking out every single veteran dancer in the same day you should be fine. The girls who are new are always the best in my experience (swing and ballroom, but I don't believe latin dancing is much different in that regard)

It also helps if you know what you're doing and can kind of command her in the name of helping her dance style ;)

"Hold your arm like this and it'll help" "here's how you do this move" and etc. Sprinkle a few of those in (easy to go overboard) and it'll work wonders for making you look like an authority figure

But yeah, overall just try to find a place in the venue that's a little ways away from everyone. Try to make it look friendly (Instagram helps with this but you can mix and match with numbers) and grab contacts from other guys as well. Depending on the size of the venue you may need to limit yourself to how many women you ask out a night/weekend

If it's big enough you typically won't have to worry about it though, which is an advantage latin seems to have over swing


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Feb 15, 2023
Great suggestions, thanks. I'll have to feel it out as generally when one song ends and the next begins they're ready for another dance, so I'll have to navigate how to handle that. But solid advice.