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Getting Her Number


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 20, 2012
Throughout the past few years, I have been working on developing my skills as a seducer, even though I am still in the beginning process of this stage. I found something that has really really helped me out, in particular with getting a woman's number, and can be broadened to any approach.

I used to be scared of "Rejection" (To most beginners it can be terrifying). I developed a technique or a rather mindset on my own that has really helped me tackle this obstacle to the ground.

Imagine that you are out at night in a club, and you see this beautiful woman. You want to approach her right? You start to think to yourself. "What if she doesn't accept me?" or "I think she is too good for me." These thoughts are not only negative, but are self-destructive.

There is a way out of this negative mindset or self-talk.

Take for example, you are talking to a woman, she is laughing at your comments, she is smiling, and being receptive to your flirting, and you decide you would like to get her contact information. Along with what Chase says in Natural Number Swapping of getting a number at the high point, when reaching that point in the conversation.

Think to yourself, "I have already been rejected if I do not try."

This is an interesting statement, what does it mean?

Think of it this way, If you ask a girl for her number, and she says no. That is called rejection right? But what if you don't ask for her number? You still don't have her number so ultimately you end up with the same result either way which is "no number."

What this is really about is to condition yourself to take a chance. It doesn't hurt to try, because if in the end you get rejected or shut-down, you are no worse off than you were to begin with. With this mindset you can only go up, and once you can adapt this it definitely helps boost your confidence and game.

Best of luck.


Nov 20, 2012
I agree. Your confidence should be rock solid. Despite wanting girls, don't let anyone's acceptance or rejection of you define you. You must have a force field of awesomeness around you that no one can touch! Great stuff!
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 20, 2012
Hey Kota,

Pretty good post. This is actually something that I try repeating myself. I am not sure where I read it but it goes something like this: "If you try, you have a 50-50 chance. if you don't, you have a 0-100 chance". Which is basically what you stated, if you don't try...you have already failed.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 20, 2012
I love the feedback you guys are giving. Do you guys have any examples of when this has happened to you so other viewers can get some more of a broadened understanding of this important concept?



Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Hey Kota,

kota748 said:
Think to yourself, "I have already been rejected if I do not try."

Great means of turning the fear that hits you against itself. There are other variations of this too - e.g., "If I don't get a number from her now, I'll lose her forever," or, "If I wait until next time, she'll have lost all interest in me."

Basically, you just find whichever one hits you in the gut at the strongest, most visceral emotional level - it's a little different for everybody - and use that one. Then - POW! - you've got some ready motivation whenever you need it.

Good stuff.
