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Getting ignored left and right


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 25, 2019
Lately I've gotten more phone numbers, but the girls don't even respond to my first text. The following is a collection of messages I sent to girls I met in person and also online. Wondering if anybody can tell me what I'm doing wrong. Sucks getting ignored all the time.

Last number I got from a hot black girl:
"Hi *her name* this is *my name*. I met you @ your work last night. Looks like a great day to get outside doesn't it? How is your week looking?" (Copied this out of Chase's e-book, but my bit of information wasn't very interesting. She seemed like she was interested, guess not.)

Coworker who gave me her number unsolicited
"Hi ______, this is _______ - we met at *place we work* a couple of days ago. I just started working mornings again so now I get to wake up with the roosters and song birds. So how has your week been?"

Girl I met at my college library
Icebreaker text: "Hey _____, this is ______ from the library. It was nice meeting you today. Good luck with your test/work. Don't try too hard out there ;)"
No response.
A couple of days later I sent: "How are you?"

Online messages (traditional dating site)
To a girl who has 3 pics and works at a pharmacy with a bio that reads: "I'm bad at these things."
Hi, there. You're not shy are you? That'd be a shame.

To a girl who has 8 solo pics, wants a long term relationship, nothing in bio:
Hi there. I see you have nice eyes. What else should I know about you, like where do you work and what's your name?

To a black girl who mentions she wants to talk to someone able to hold a conversation, mentions she likes 90's music and video games
Hi. I see you have a retro thing going on with your hair and mentioning 90's stuff. What do you miss most about that era? You just wish you were a kid again don't ya :p

To a woman who is a 23 year old student. Her bio is: "Going to school and working at the moment. I’m a fan of alternative music and a good book. Message me to find out more or ask for my snap. Have to be able to take a joke!"
Hey ______. I'm a fan of alt music and books too! What is your favorite band and book?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 2, 2020
I don’t do online game so this advice is for in person meets.

Don’t take phone numbers. Push for the instadate (day game) or SNL (night game). I see many people run the interaction as a way to get a phone number and think that’s winning.

The goal should be to get the interaction to the end point - in bed together. If, and only if, there is no feasible way forward at that moment then you can get a phone number.

You should have had such an amazing interaction that she WANTS to give you her number. And many times they will blatantly ask for it. Stop asking for numbers until your game is good enough where girls start asking for your number.

If you do end up with the number, take a selfie together and send it to her OR a funny/fun/cool picture of yourself with a text “in case you forgot how awesome I am here’s a picture of me.” And wait for her to text you. If she never texts, oh well.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 2, 2018
I deal with the same issue too with girls not responding back. Hard to diagnose because we don't know how your interactions look in real time. I'm dealing with the same issue too. I got this girl's # yesterday,but I could already sense that she's low interest at the based on the vibe she was giving off. I sent her a text yesterday but no response predictably. Her investment level in me was low during the interaction. Maybe I can persist somehow,but who knows.

Also I can tell your intro texts are too long. To a girl reading these long texts you send it looks like you are investing a lot to her. You don't want to invest more than a girl over text. It will look like you want her more than she wants you. If a girl thinks you want her more than she does you she will lose attraction. General rule is to keep your texts short and concise unless she's sending you large texts. You want to mirror or match.

Chase's ebook and text philosophy are kinda outdated and may have worked for him back then or even now,but guys new to this shouldn't be sending out long paragraphs of text or try to act too clever. I think Chase just makes really good first impressions so he can just go straight to texting for logistics and still meet up with the girl.
Last edited:


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
"Hi *her name* this is *my name*. I met you @ your work last night. Looks like a great day to get outside doesn't it? How is your week looking?"

Is this your first text after getting her number?

If your approach is not strong yet or you feel that she is kinda there with you but not, avoid sending two question marks sentences.

Try to remove the question marks. :)

I don't know if the guys know this but it weirdly works good. Of course, this doesn't fix all things.

"Hi ______, this is _______ - we met at *place we work* a couple of days ago. I just started working mornings again so now I get to wake up with the roosters and song birds. So how has your week been?"

Add 'negative' exaggerations to the roosters and song birds. Test it out.

"I just started working mornings again. Man, those morning roosters HATE me!"

Icebreaker text: "Hey _____, this is ______ from the library. It was nice meeting you today. Good luck with your test/work. Don't try too hard out there ;)"

This is fine. I like to think that this is friendly and I have a lot of bad experience with this variation of text.

To make it simple, your impression must be strong for this to work. At least what I feel.

To a girl who has 3 pics and works at a pharmacy with a bio that reads: "I'm bad at these things."
Hi, there. You're not shy are you? That'd be a shame.

Abit too far away because it's at a pharmacy and she can't grasp where you get the term 'shy' from (the pic)

Try teasing her on giving pet medicines to humans!

To a girl who has 8 solo pics, wants a long term relationship, nothing in bio:
Hi there. I see you have nice eyes. What else should I know about you, like where do you work and what's your name?

She might say she wants a LTR. But that should not sway you from altering your text to her needs.

She needs some mating dance Abit. Change the last two sentences.

"What else should I know about you, like do you really eat everything with avocados? You know that California's dry, right."

To a black girl who mentions she wants to talk to someone able to hold a conversation, mentions she likes 90's music and video games
Hi. I see you have a retro thing going on with your hair and mentioning 90's stuff. What do you miss most about that era? You just wish you were a kid again don't ya :p

You are asking too much for this text. She might be walking to work at the time :)

To a woman who is a 23 year old student. Her bio is: "Going to school and working at the moment. I’m a fan of alternative music and a good book. Message me to find out more or ask for my snap. Have to be able to take a joke!"
Hey ______. I'm a fan of alt music and books too! What is your favorite band and book?

Try testing this.

"Hey, I'm a fan of alt music and books too!. Too bad my favorite band will still kick your ass in the end. They say that you can join me If you surrender today. :D"

Anyway, It is likely that she is recruiting men as backup, based on her bio but just tease her right off the bat. You can gauge then.

a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 21, 2019
Chase's ebook and text philosophy are kinda outdated and may have worked for him back then or even now,but guys new to this shouldn't be sending out long paragraphs of text or try to act too clever. I think Chase just makes really good first impressions so he can just go straight to texting for logistics and still meet up with the girl.

Chase philosophy and ebook work, I use them often but he makes it extremely clear that you cannot fix a mediocre approach with good texting.

OP, your problem is not the messages you are sending, they are good enough (we can argue if there are better options but they are a good starting point).
Tell us more about the interactions.

As for online… when I was on Tinder I used to get about 20%-30% reply rate… and that despite the fact that I am very handsome (sorry, not sorry).
Don’t expect much more than that.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 25, 2019
Well my interactions are not that special to be honest lol. I usually make some mistakes like being too serious or playful, being nice too much, getting social anxiety, not getting them to qualify, etc. I'm still in the process of learning what to do & developing my style.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 21, 2019
Well my interactions are not that special to be honest lol. I usually make some mistakes like being too serious or playful, being nice too much, getting social anxiety, not getting them to qualify, etc. I'm still in the process of learning what to do & developing my style.
OK. Now that is a normal part of learning.

Have you followed the newbie assignment?