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Getting into fancy lounges


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 19, 2013
Is there some secret way or whatever to get into these baller dens? Are there special codes or etiquette that I should be aware of?

I tried entering Warwick in Hollywood during my spontaneous roamaround last night, and I was denied entry because I wasn't on the guest list. I was also with one other male friend. I've exchanged a few emails with the office manager since then (I guess she handles the emails sent to reservations@warwickla.com) asking how to get on the guest list, but it seems like she's trying to avoid my question. Is there anything that I should be aware of before I ask this lady a third time how I can get on the public guest list in general?

you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 5, 2013
If it was a place that I actually gave a damn about getting in and for some reason I wasn't allowed in and wanted to go about doing this, I'd use an alternative email address. Something like fsc@rdfentertainment.com could work nicely, with an impressive sounding (but appropriately vague) signature to boot, if you're feeling it. You could ask a question that assumes you (or better yet, your 'client') are already on the list (e.g. "I'd like to confirm that [your friend] is on the guest list on [date you want to go"]...). Then, when she reports back telling you that he's not on the list, tell her that he's supposed to be and there's been a mistake, and "how can we fix this?" Maybe lay it on that she's the only one who can help here and your 'client' is going to be sooo angry... And if this doesn't get you in, at the very least it might give you some leverage in figuring out how the process for getting in works for that particular venue, leverage you could use to better calibrate your next email from your normal address.

And if that doesn't work you might as well just become a baller ;)



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 2, 2013

I think you're going about this the wrong way. You're asking "how can I get value from this person?" when your question should be "how can I give value to this person?" You and you're friends name appearing on the guest-list would be a by-product. ;)

Look at the issue from their POV: the people who own these high-end lounges have to be very selective about who they let in...otherwise their reputation takes a huge hit which leads to bad spillover effects (not unlike a "popular" girl dating the awkward school nerd...bad!).

Do you have some stunning lady friends to accompany you (preferably in larger quantity than men)? Do you have any uber-talented artist friends that could DJ/give an exhibition there? If you're able to get into a conversation with a door-person, is there any value you can offer him or her?
