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Getting Numbers Over Social Media (And Dates!)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Feb 10, 2013
This is how I get numbers from girls I only know through social media.

Normally if its a girl you've known awhile this doesn't work as well.

The best bet is to let the girl message you first about something. If she doesn't message you message her in the same manner you'd text a girl you're interested in. Send a couple messages back, but then tell her you're getting off your computer and post your number and tell her to text it. Don't say anything like "if you want to keep talking". Telling her to text you is a command and if she does it it feels more like shes chasing than if you say "if you want to keep talking," which makes you sound needy or something.

So if she texts you awsome! Now you have her number. I always wait for an hour or so before messaging her back and then I try to set up a date as if you would with any other girl you just started texting. Shoot for setting it up in 10 texts or less (I try for about the 2nd or 3rd one). If she texts you it shows some level of interest. Think about it would you text someone that gave you that message online if you weren't somewhat interested in talking to them?

One I've been trying lately, but only been given the chance once to do so far (with success) is when she messages me wait the hour or so. Then my very first message goes along the lines "Hi xxxx, can't really talk right now. Lets meet up this week for lunch texting is so impersonal."

I feel that messaging the date on the first text is going to be a real winner. I'll let you guys know when I've tried it more times, but I don't do a lot of social media so don't have a lot of girls to try it on.

I feel that having her text you is a commitment that gets her chasing. Its one thing to give your number away, but to punch someone else's in your phone and sending that first message is an actual progressive step in my mind.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2012
Just out of curiosity...
I've never really done this off facebook or anything. Maybe I'm showing my age here but how would you *only* know someone through social media?

Like, if I am friends with a girl on facebook it's because we are friends or co-workers or do something together in real life. How would someone end up friends with a bunch of local hot girls that they have never met or have no connection to?
I mean, I've had the occasional randomer try to add me but I just ignore it, always assumed most would do the same.

Just showing my age? :)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Feb 10, 2013
The way it usually works out for me is I'm at a party and meet someone and don't try for a number. A lot of times they'll add me on facebook. Personally I try to avoid the whole social media thing, but its proven useful. A more recent one I had was I met a girl, but before I could get her number I was thrown out of the bar. She found me on facebook and I proceeded to do what I listed above and went out with her. With another date pending.

I'm trying to settle down some so I'm not going for first date lays anymore. After a few sure, but I've gotten tired of the one night stand business.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2012
Ah, I got it.
Was just curious... I rarely use facebook for anything than chatting to close friends. Must def be showing my age... haha.