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Getting over regret with woman?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 20, 2023
How do you all get over regret with woman? Ie: "I should have escalated more that day and she flaked" or "Had I opened from this angle or been less nervous I wouldn't have gotten blown out" or "I messed up texting and now it's over" etc

Obviously the #1 thing is to jsut keep approaching, but still late at night I get "certain" sets that just keep me up and mak me regret me r and feel bad about myself. Tends to happen more with sets that went "Pretty good" and had I just tweaked a few different things woudl have gotten different results.

Curious on your thought process.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
I get it. There might be legions of attractive females walking around, but girls are like snowflakes, and some of them are more special than others.

It's normal for a man to regret missed opportunities. But understand, this means that you'd also regret not having approached or made moves at all. Maybe even more so.

Yeah, the #1 thing to do is to tell yourself there'll be other women, and then expose yourself to new ones.

Also, the mindset of "Welp, I learned something new today" really helps. In my experience, the biggest failures are the most educational ones, and I bet it's the same for you.

Ngl in the past I generally haven't taken enough risks or made enough moves so I haven't gotten a hard blowout in a very long time. But I still regret not having made those approaches, taken those risks, made those moves. Don't be like past me.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 20, 2023
Also, the mindset of "Welp, I learned something new today" really helps. In my experience, the biggest failures are the most educational ones, and I bet it's the same for you.
yes, the most recent tough rejection/lesson actually led me to posting here and getting really back into the education of all this on fundamentals so ideally don't make same mistake again (mainly texting stuff, but still relates to woman psychology and a bit of actual game). a lot of neediness and impatience factors for me