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GF is bored, while I am busy

Green Tea

Sep 4, 2013
Me and my GF of 1 year have a semi-LDR (we live in neighboring countries) and for her summer internship she moved to my city and lives with me for 3.5 months.

Now, the deal is that we started off really bad with a lot of arguments, since her internship went badly, she missed her friends, she didn't like my place (which can be inconvenient for two persons) and took that out on me. I stopped it, but it took time to iron it out and did mess up our rapport a bit. Anyway now, I noticed she often complaints that she is bored, we don't do anything together and she is concerned that we don't fit together, since I have a stick up my arse (do not tolerate deprecating jokes on my account). It has gotten so bad, that she refused sex for two weeks by now ("I have no desire") and was really annoyed when asked about the cause.

Meanwhile, over summer I had to write a Master thesis and an extra project for a class, organize moving to another country for job at the end of September, do fitness and generally had very little time and energy, because of these all.

She is used to have more active lifestyle than me (underground theaters, rock-climbing etc.) while I am used to concentrating on long-term goals (PhD anyone?), but nothing this mattered in the first 5 months - we only did sex, movies, long talks about deep and shallow stuff, occasional walks to the city center/mall/some small parties.

Now, generally, I would just follow Chase' advice on boredom and disappear for a few days, concentrate on my work, go out with friends and keep her guessing. However, nothing of this is possible, since I have no time and no place to retreat. I realize I did a mistake by letting her move in, while I myself have to work hard, but I thought it was a great opportunity in our LDR relationship and just wanted to give her chance to have an internship in my city (she would not be able to pay rent alone). There were no clouds on the horizon.

Although I do find time for her (parks, zoo, movies, occasionally some restaurants) I don't think any of this fits and I don't have money/time/energy for anything grandiose right now and cannot apply Chase' original advice in full force. And quite honestly, I don't feel that I have to entertain her at all, since I am busy as hell. I am not sure of a good way to solve this situation. I outright suggested to break up, if it makes he so unhappy, but it was obvious this is not what she wants.

It is hard to point my finger precisely on what the case is (she often changes her answer as well): that we don't have common hobbies/stuff to do, that she is bored (and I am doing a bad job as a jester wtf?), that I have a stick up my ass (I can joke about myself, but she really goes overboard with it and I cut it).

Any ideas what precisely it is about and how to deal with it in my situation? She will leave in 2 weeks anyway, but I would really like to find solution before that.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 4, 2013
Dude, no homo, but you sound like the perfect boyfriend, and she sounds... er... not good... I'll reserve my words.

Yeah, this sucks, and I can understand to if you love her. If you do not love her though, then why is she there? Kick her out.

If you really want to try to make this work, I suggest 3 things:

Activity Together
Can you do something routinely together?

If she's religious, join her at service once a week.

Maybe both take up an instrument and play together? Buy a co-op video game and play together? Take up a class to learn a new language/art/skill/dance together?

You need to think about doing something together routinely. (Avoid shopping.) If you can't think about something that you both like, just ask her.

Random Sex
Maybe spice up the sex life a little bit.

Sex in an interesting place, different positions, etc. Find out her fantasies, what turns her on. Have sex in a random college building bathroom one night. Obviously, be careful.

Trip Together
Start planning a trip together. A cruise or a different state or a different country even. Then go on the trip.

Essentially, all of this is to make the relationship feel like there is movement. People want relationships to be moving somewhere, anywhere. They don't want it stagnant. Find small similarities where there is some.

If it still doesn't work, you tried your best, and it's just not going to work out. Do you really want to live with this girl for the rest of your life?


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 2, 2013
Hey Green Tea,

From what it sounds like back here, you are definitely right: the problems were caused by the initial drama.

In a relationship, the chick needs to respect you and honestly communicate her needs to you without causing drama. Just plain and simple. And if that's not happening, then she needs to take the boot for a second to clear her head. There's a reason for this - drama IS a SHIT TEST. It is a test of whether you are really in control of the relationship (and with that, her emotions...because in a relationship, she hands you reign of her emotions, and she'll panic and start drama when she thinks your screwing up), and whether she can accept you as a leader.

Check out this fine article, brother: Women and Drama. Like, really. Check it out.

With that being said, it also sounds like you aren't meeting some of her needs. I'm not really sure what those are, but the whole stick-up-the-ass thing probably isn't helping you. Self-deprecating humor during a fight or tense atmosphere is setting a frame you REALLY don't want to be there (she'll capitalize on it to vent her frustrations...or worse, if she didn't believe the frame before, she will now!). But figure out what her needs are, and change accordingly, or she'll just pent up more frustration and start more drama.

As far as her saying she's bored and how to solve it...well, that's a tricky one. She did move out of her city to stay where all her usual activities and friends were, expecting you'd fill that void completely. Someone more experienced than I in the art of relationships should chime in in case I'm recommending something wrong here...but here's what I see. As far as types of girls go, this one is dependent (perhaps needy?). So, for next time something like this happens, and before you only have two weeks with her left, you've got to be the one to take initiative and start introducing her to people she can hang out with and activities she can do. Of course, make sure you are doing somethings with her, but you've got to gradually getting her to do her own thing, too. Lest she pours all the responsibility on you to be her fun. That is NOT something you want. Go to MeetUps together, or take her to some killer rock climbing spaces, like she used to.

Anyways, let me know if this helps, or if you've got a question.

the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake