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FR  Girl at my work


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
May 12, 2014
So today i had to work so i wasnt able to do daygame but at work i talk we a cute girl that i had already talk few months ago it goes like that
Me: so what new since last time
her: not much ahah school and work dont any life since im in college
Me: when do u finish ?
Her : thursday got a few more exam in differents class
Me: lets talk about something else school is boring (say with a smile ) are u still in couple ?
her: no we broke up 2 month ago
me : why?
her : he wasnt sure he wanted to be in couple blablabla
we talked about relationship / standard/ how to manage relationship/ sex how she was in relationship/past relationship for about 30 min during the conversation i didnt talk once about me. i try to use pause during the conversation a few time and i have only one thing to say....GOLDEN i stop talking for a few second during while keeping eye contact with her and i could feel the tension between us maybe im crazy but that was my impression.During all the conversation she say many time that i was mean but ye she was still laughing and keeping eye contact .at one point during the convo her coworkers came but she still continue to talk to me everytime a customer came even if the two of them were good friends she was still looking me in the eyes while talking to him.while her cowokers wer there they came into the conversation we talk a little but and made fun about the cute girl nothing mean at one point i could feel that she was feeling a little bit alone against all of us when she said that she had many criteria so i said
Me: eventrought im laughing at you i dont jugde cuz i agree with you we need to have many criteria for who we choose to love or we might end up with anyone
her: thx you, my lunch break is in now
Me:mine is finishing in 3 minutes walk we to the elevator
her : okay!!
the elevator is there
Me : if i dont see you until the end of the night have a good night
Her:do you work tomorrow ?
Me: i dont know if they call me ill work. when do you finish ?
her : 21h15 you ?
Me : midnight so well see each other

At my others break at 21H i go to the tim hortons i sit down eat a few fruits i see that she is wiht some of her friends. Her friends leave her to go work she pass in front of me i looked her in the eye and say come sit with me she say okay let me get my purse.
we didnt talk that much we talk a little bit but we had many pause were we just look into the eye of the others.At one point during the conversation we talked about crack fingers shwe say she hate it i ask her to give me her hand and she say no because she thought i would crack her fingers and hurt her. I dont insist but maintain eye contact her friends arrived and she leaved cuz she has to giver her a lift she say good bye and i say good bye

what do you think about the whole conversation and how it went ?

To all the pimp out there



Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 12, 2014
Re: Girl at my work

Sounds like it went really well, so don't let this one get away. Next time you see her, ask her if she wants to hang out / grab a drink / fuck in the park and get her number. Your only adversary here is indecision and moving slow.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 14, 2012
Re: Girl at my work

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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
May 12, 2014
How to you ask a girl who is working out in front of all her coworker ?