We can't help you if you don't give proper context G
yeah you right. I have tendency to over explain and make from thread mess, there were some threads without reply, so I was under assumption I wrote too long threads
See what I said earlier.... she wants a relationship and more progression while you clearly don't. Just let her go
Who cares really... sounds like it's her issue and your FWB time limit has expired with her
I would like to have her as a gf. All girls I take for more than one date I consider as a GF. But I can make impression of aloofness, I admit(in person).
Of course, how did I know the issue started sooner
That was dumb. She is giving you negative compliance and then you reward her with chasing. Why on earth are you sending flowers to a girl that is acting poorly?
probably just rhetorical question but I will propose you my thoughts behind it(first time ever buying flowers)
Her "breakup msg" I understood as me, not giving her comfort and being not available. I texted her msg where I tried to be:
A girl who’s in auto-rejection gets cold and snubs you. To turn it around and effect a recovery, you must use this 4-step formula. This is a firefighting post. I say that because if you do things right you won’t have to fix anything. But we all make mistakes. On my article about screening girls...
- Pace her reality (“Hey, I realize you took that comment pretty hard”)
- Clear up your intentions (“That wasn’t how I meant it”)
- Pay her a genuine compliment (“You’re a fun girl and I like hanging out with you”)
- Offer her an olive branch (“Friends?” or an invite like “C’mon, I’ll buy you an ice cream”)
But since it was over text, I was not able to transfer my thought properly or create energy(call is almost impossible with her)
I gave her few days, no response, so I sent her flowers with msg "you are terrible woman, I love it"(little bit our joke)
That is actually telling her... hey you can treat me bad and then I will treat you better. Can you see how that sets a horrible precedent for an ongoing relationship?
yeah..I was doing something without you guys!hah
Next time you send an FWB a few messages and they don't respond, do.... nothing. Assume they want to break up and move on silently
Issue is I dont consider her just FWB. But also, she felt that I am not providing her BF values..yeah. I have BIG trouble to find balance.
If you do this they will actually circle back to you a lot of the time because you didn't chase and destroy your value. Because at some point they will get over whatever it was that was making them mad, and since you guys didn't officially "break up" they tend to get curios, start missing you and then ping to catch up lol
My reasoning was, that my value was in her eyes higher. Fuck is so hard to deal with this situation without having any "Proximity and Proof".
Just fucking numbers, no organically place to meet her.
Yeah man you made a few mistakes with this girl. You rewarded when you should have punished, chased when you should have pulled back. Also you handled the break up text way too late
If I read correctly, she sent you a breakup text 3 weeks ago then you sent the message I recommend just now?
1. she left, i felt something is wierd
2. in few days I sent her msg with proposition for another date(unfortunately, I dont have these "older" chats in app anymore), she sent me "that" break up text
3.I had super shitty day in work, her text..so late at night i have finally some time and consodilated and texted her what I posted above inspirated by "how-turn-around-girl-auto-rejection"
4.no replay from her, after 2-3 days, flowers from me
5.her reply "thank you for flowers
6. some chat, not sure about what but proposition for meeting(tried to be flirty, not funny, no apologetic..very hard, specially with her)
7.she said she will consider
8.few days ago, i had trip to another country, OF COURSE in that day she proposed meeting. I told her i would like to but i have flight in afternoon, she was insisting (very imperious, i believe she has is from some tik tok, definitely out of her character) i deflected with flirty text back(mistake, but, did not want to give her
seen, since my theory was that she see me as a higher value..kinda contradictin myself, on one hand i dont want to give her seen but on another i am just flirting. But i dopnt know what to do and not be simp-y but still show her i care)
9.seen from her, after week i came back,"Hi , I am back bla bla bla, would love to see you, let me know when you are free"
her:"sorry I dont have time for YOU"
me:I admire your will. Wifey material. Hope work is going good and you are overbooked for photoshoots.(she is model

). Will be thinking about you, have a fun and chill weekend.(tried to deflect..ahahah dickhead)
her:"I admire your will. Wifey material." what do you mean?
me: [longer proposition for meeting, jazz club in city, would be nice to see you etc]
10.your msg Tomi
I wrote you that I dont see reason continue in talking. It's not a little problem for me. I appreciate myself. For me, in man are important actions.
I am girl and I am like a flower. I want to bloom with a man.
I am used to a certain attitude of men towards me and I dont want to settle for less."
12. me..was thinking about your ok but I wrote(sorry to not listen to you but i found it cold and feel that she doesn't see me in chasing position and felt that seen till next reply from you guys, which could be next 2-3 days could be in this situation detrimental) so I sent:
me:Your attitude is correct(and hot) My intentions were pure, I believe you know that.//too gay?
her almost immediately:I know
In this scenario the best move is honestly just tell her "okay" and go radio silent. If she ever reaches out again, set something up and pretend like your slip up never happened and then progress things according to her good behavior
Also go get more girls and use this situation as an opportunity to improve your relationship management for future lovers
yes sir. Btw, for reference, let's call this girl Ukraine and the girl with BPD (I dont think she has, she was trying to be sexy in some convo, but lets see) let's call MaybeBPD