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Calls & Texts  Girl cold texting


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 7, 2012

This morning I woke up and found I had received a text last night from a girl I'd forgotten about. Last thing I did was to send her a text during the holidays asking her if she'd like to meet up with me. Before this we've had a good chemistry, and she was eager to meet up. She never answered the text.

Now she has sent me a text stating she's sorry for not responding, and that the reason for her not responding was due to her phone being broken. The text ends with her asking me how I'm doing. She is a beautiful and interesting girl, which is why I'd like to get the chance to meet up with her and see who she is.

My first thoughts when I saw the message was, why send this now. Why the excuse? She sent me a text, she's at least thinking of me? Is she just looking for someone to text with?

It's been two months since the holidays ended. And if I'm to progress with this, if its possible. Some punishment are in order I believe.

What are your thoughts on this? How interested do you think she is? How long should I wait to text her back?

you miss 100% of the shots you don't take

The Tool

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 24, 2012
Hey Rag, I would wait a whole day to text her back. And respond with something Like "Hey (name here) I've been good, but busy, busy. Hope things have been well with you. I'd offer for us to meet and catch up on things but I dont know when my schedule would allow it.

You text this to gauge her interest level. if she says something along the lines of wanting to meet up then wait a week and wait 5 -7 days and tell her that you found some free time and ask for her schedule then you set up the meet.

Going to be honest you probibly will not get anything from this so dont get your hopes us.

Cheers, The Tool


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 7, 2012
Hi, The Tool,

I'm not expecting much results from this either, but why not give it a shot. If it goes amiss, there are other girls out there, after all. Abundance mentality is key.

Thanks for sharing your tips. I'll send her a text on the morrow and take it from there.



Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 7, 2012
The Tool,

I sent her a text and she responded five minutes thereafter. Her response was in the lines of, "Let me know when you have some time off, and we'll see if we can meet.". Ending the text with a wink emoticon.

Think the future me might find himself on a date with this girl.

Thanks again, The Tool.


The Tool

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 24, 2012
Awesome Dude. No problem. Since you got that response I would wait 4 days then respond with some free time that just magically popped up ;)

Something like Hey (name here) Hope you have been well. I found some of that freetime, Whats your upcoming schedule look like so I can match up a time ;)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 9, 2013
I think you are exactly right setting a meet. I had this happen three times in the same week(posted all in my journal). I do however disagree with playing games and waiting. You are going to want to move fast while this reborn attraction has emerged. Even if it is only for a quick date, see my day 2 with sober petite on day 17. Get a small chunk of time to gauge her interest, then use this time to set up a real date with impeccable logistics.

I think lying and being incongruent about your time is a sure fire way to get busted out. If you are truly busy then by all means, but playing games wont get you in a better situation. She obviously wants the D and we all know attraction has an expiration date right? She could get horny in 4 days and call another dude then get attached.. Or Ricardus might see her in a grocery store and ask "are you single" BAM! game over

I'd like to add, instead of punishment, have you thought about rewarding her for good behavior?

The Tool

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 24, 2012
Very true Tyme, However I would like to argue, I've had this happen to me many times before where a girl shows interest then drops me (usually because of a bf or some other guy) then when that guy is no longer around suddenly she is interested. The prime example he sent her a text at the holidays and she never sent one back. I would never reward that behavior. Suddenly pouncing on the text she sent him would make him look too available and eager. She would be thinking "WOW I got this guy wraped around my finger" and "There must be a reason why hes so available and eager to answere my texts, he must not have other women that want him. Maybe hes not so great" also the classic "wow he answered right away hes not upset at me for ignoreing him and he must be desperate".

This is just my opinion on things and the fact that Rag has that abundance mentality he doesnt really need to pounce on it he has plenty other girls that he could easily get with ;)

All in all, its just a difference of opinions, if you go the direct route asking her right away when she texted you, you could get a yes, doing what I suggested could get a yes. but they could also both get no's. givin this situation I feel it was right. If he would have asked her out and they set up a date and she flaked or if he would have asked her out and she would have said "I'll let you know" and suddenly he got a text, Then I believe that would have been appropriate to text for a date right away.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 7, 2012
In this case I was truly busy. Yesterday I found an opening in my schedule, and decided to text her and find out her schedule. She has yet to respond. Any thoughts on this?

I really appreciate your input. I see the point in the views of you both. If I wait to long she might lose interest and / or meet another guy. But if I respond to quickly she might think that I'm desperate since she took her time to respond. In the end, it all depends really on what her state is when she gets the text and how interested she really is, I think.

Tyme2k said:
I'd like to add, instead of punishment, have you thought about rewarding her for good behavior?
What would you suggest is an appropriate reward in such a case?

The Tool

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 24, 2012
The reward is a date with you. As to her not responding if its been over a day its probibly just her state of mind at the text