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FR  Girl hitting on me while I work.

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
I'm not sure if I can call this a field report since I was working but I got some practice in so here goes.
First off I work at a kiosk in a mall so girls walk past me all the time and I stop them and try to socialize.
This particular girl made eye contact with me the first time she walked by and I thought nothing of it. People make eye contact with me all the time, no big deal.
Then I notice that she keeps walking back and forth and doesn't seem to be going anywhere. So the next time she walks towards me I stop her.
Me: hey, you look bored.
Her: (half smile) I am..
Me: I know how you feel, I have to stand here for so & so hours.
Her: well actually I'm just really stressing about something right now.
Me: oh...um..what are you stressing about if you don't mind me asking?
Then she goes into this whole crazy speech about how her dad beats her and her real parents left her as a child and she was on the news recently because of something that happened to her. I didn't know whether or not to believe her...the crazy bell definitely went off in my head though.
Me: oh..well I'm sorry to hear that...I hope things get better for you..
Then she goes into a little bit more depressing stuff.
Me: oh okay..well like I said I hope things get better...no offense but I'd rather not talk about depressing subjects. (I just found out that a guy who used to work there died last night)
Afterwards she was telling me things about herself that I didnt really ask for...she kinda just opened up and I listened and asked the right questions to keep her going.
Me: oh okay, so what's your name?
She tells her name and I tell mine and I break the touch barrier by shaking hands.
Her: well I have to go see about blah blah job interview.
She leaves.

When she comes back again my coworkers are also with me.
She stays a while and talks a bit. Says something about the interviewer not being in town and somewhere in the conversation we hug.
Then she's off again.
My co workers start talking about her saying that she comes to the mall often and talk to them or that she's "easy" or she seems crazy. I nod but don't vocally agree with them. I have no interest in judging her, I just wanted to take the interaction as far as it will go.
Eventually she comes back. She seems to just be walking back and forth through the mall with nothing better to do.
When we talk again I managed to slide some sexual innuendos in our conversation.
She asked to borrow a pen and I said: I bet you like long stick shaped objects...
She gave me a eyebrow raise and half smile.
We managed to even talk a little about sex. She told me that she just lost her virginity last week.
I don't remember all the innuendos I made but we had some tension. I kinda had a boner in this part of the conversation.
She was touching me more and I was at a point where I'd hold my hand on her waist for awhile while talking to her then I'd let it go then slide it back on and pull her close.
I was trying to be very subtle with everything because when my co workers find out that I'm trying to get with a girl I'm talking to, they intentionally try to cock block as a joke.
When she left again they were asking me if I liked her.
I just changed the subject.
There were times when she came back and my co workers weren't at the kiosk so it was just me and her.
Me: so do you want my number?
Her: do you want me to have your number?
Me: I'm asking you, do you want my number?
Her: sure what is it?
Me: actually give me yours.
Her: noo..I like to take the guys number. I'll text you..but I can't do it until Wednesday.
Me: okay..so when will you be here again? (The logistics weren't right for me to bring her home today..it'll have to be tomorrow)
Her: I'll be here tomorrow.
Me: okay good.
We got to this point where we were play fighting. I was softly "punching" her belly and she was slow motion "punching" my face...and sometimes I'd grab her and pick her up as if I'm about to body slam her. She started laughing whenever I did this.
She was like: let's take this outside! Haha
So I told my co workers I'll be right back

We went outside the mall to a secluded area but she kept walking for some reason.
I'm thinking: should I escalate this further and kiss her or should I wait until I can get her home? I'm not sure I want to escalate in a public place with cameras around.
She drops her purse on the ground and raises her fists up.
Her: okay let's go!
I hold my fists up for the "pretend fight" but she actually freaking punches me hard. My arm blocked it but wtf?
Me: wait, are you being forreal?
She doesn't answer...so I just lean back on a wall hoping she'll follow my lead and stand closer to me.
She's doing the pretend fighting again and I go with it and make a few half ass swings.
Her: why are you holding back?
Me: I'm not going to hit a girl.
We have this moment where we get all in each others faces like guys do when they're about to fight. I could've used this as an opportunity to kiss her but my mind was still debating whether that was a good idea. Would she just take the kiss and be satisfied knowing that she "got" me or would it just escalate things further so I can take her home.
I didn't and I decided to walk back inside and get back to work.
When she came back again she seemed annoyed.
Her: I just walked to the gas station and some guys tried to throw me in their car.
Then she walked away.
My co worker was like: don't believe anything she tells you, man. She always says stuff like that. How does so much bad things happen to a person in one day?
Me: I don't know what to believe. (I'm thinking..is she a pathological liar or something...or does she just have a super crazy life)
She comes back again and is talking to my coworker.
Me: weren't you wearing a white shirt earlier?
Her: no...I was always wearing this one. Shows how much you pay attention!
(she seems annoyed so I'm guessing auto reject but I always play dumb and ask..)
Me: you alright?
She walks away again. (this girl is 18 btw..so maybe this explains the immaturity...I'm immature in ways as well so this isn't necessarily a bad thing)
Its awhile before she comes back and I started to figure she was in auto reject...I missed my opportunity.
I gave in to my emotions and walked around the mall a little to see where she was. (ugh chasing, I know)
I caught a glimpse of her far away in the food court with a guy who had his arms wrapped around her giving her a peck on the lips.
Returned to the kiosk.
She eventually came back and she seemed friendlier. I'm thinking: maybe she's not in auto reject?
I test it out to see how she responds to me touching her again.
I started playfully punching her belly and holding her waist. Nothing.
I guess she was in auto reject after all but wasn't in bitch mode, she still seemed nice.
All my touching seemed like chasing and that was enough to run her away. She never came back but she said she'll text me on Wednesday.
So fail?

I'd really like some feedback on this. What do you think? What can I improve on? I come across crazy girls like this all the time so I think nothing of it. Yes, I know..she's crazy.

And the big question: should I have just gone for the kiss?

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
Oh yea..,and I keep getting into situations where girls want me to be rough with them...should I just give them what they want or continue holding back like I do? I'm afraid I'll hurt them.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 1, 2013
Honestly, she sounds like she just wants to fuck, so, I'm going to assume she didn't just lose her virginity, probably just saying that because guys her age like "fresh" girls without much experience, without much penetration lol, because it'll feel tighter and better.

As far as her just dumping her depression on you, she just really wanted to get it off her chest, and you did a good job not becoming an emotional rock. I'm going to assume she finds you attractive, and honestly is probably a nympho who may use sex as her device to escape from her depressed existence.

Perhaps even more likely, she may be a psychic vampire... dumping her emotions on you and all. Next time she's around, cross your arms, and don't point your feet at her, cross your feet of possible, and see if she sticks around...
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers