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FU  Girl I met that goes to my school


Mar 3, 2014
I had just gotten a hair cut and was feeling pretty good about myself. I talked to a couple girls (sluts, basically I wasn't interested in them) that went to my school and they invited me to a reefer party. I told them i'd go and managed to get one of their numbers to get the logistics. This worked out. Then I was walking around a department store-ross to be specific-and I stumbled upon a girl that was also from my school (I'm a senior in hs btw) and she seemed open to an interaction so I decided to talk to her (had never talked to her before). We hit it off and talked for a bit. Built TONS of rapport and she asked me what I had planned that night. I told her the party and she said she went to a similar party last week with the same 2 girls at the same house. Case and point things went fantastically-i got her number and managed to pick her up after she snuck out. It was around 1130 when i picked her up and i told her i waited 20 minutes for her (which was actually about 2.5 hours, but i sure as hell wasn't gonna tell her that.) Before I picked her up she asked if i could also pick up her friend in a text prior to picking her up who i knew who was very sexy, but not my type-(latin-blood, fiery, dumb too.) So i did, we waited for maybe 10 minutes for her friend to get out of the house. I was alone with her in the car, but her friend was around the corner so i didn't try anything-which typing now i now regret. Her friend got in the car and was annoying as hell but it didn't bother me as i was too focused on the car ride and making her laugh while attracting her. She was batting her eyelashes at me and her pupils were dilated so I was doing something right. We got to the party and things went awry. When I arrived I came in and saw about 10-12 people high/drunk and sitting around a bed. Only 2 people appeared to be hooking up. She sat down quickly and i didn't have a seat. I stood next to her for about 5 minutes and complained about getting a seat (however nobody gave a shit.) I eventually settled for sitting next to these rather unattractive girls and ended up facing her opposite direction. I didn't even speak to the other girls because i didn't want to give her the impression that I was trying to hook up with them-she could still see me. Then I got stoned and was stuck in thought quite a bit. I realized I HAD to make a move and never had a great opportunity with the people in the room. (acquaintances at school that would spread shit if i messed up. This got in my head a lot.) After about 2.5 hours-a couple bowls and a beer in and ostracizing myself as the awesome guy she thought i was through being weird at the party because i basically didn't like anyone there barring a couple friends- i managed to move across the room and sit next to her. After i got comfortable she put her leg in a manner that had hers touching mine and I made the feeling a little less subtle and moved mine closer. Without* looking at her i put my hand on her leg then took it off after a couple seconds. Pretty soon after this she wanted to go. She had a brother that died last year from a car wreck in which he was drunk. She asked me for a ride and I told her i was too fucked up-i was and would've gotten a dui. She didn't take it well. Nor her friend. They had both snuck out from their houses that night. I was ill-informed from her in regards to her needing a ride home. She told me she could be home whenever through text (which i interpreted as next morning.) Both were insanely pissed and went to the bathroom after a while and i heard them yelling. I told them i could give them a ride and that it wasn't that big of a deal-said sternly through the bathroom door...sort of yelling and pissed off. Long story short she left with another ride she found. She didn't care to say bye. My reputation was damaged. I asked her last night about 9 o clock if she got home okay. No reply. Then one of my friends said that she didn't think she'd ever want to talk to me again she was so pissed at me.
What did i do wrong and what can i do to prevent this from happening?
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake