Girl in auto rejection but says she's not interested


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 19, 2019
Girl went in auto rejection,blocked me,nearly crying,sent her email told her you're amazing don't cry.

She told me she's not interested.

Did that stupid bitch interpret my turnaround as weakness,is she pissed off or is it another shit test ?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 18, 2018
Whoa easy man "stupid bitch" is some hardcore term for a girl who you have probably hurt one way or the other. Why else would she go into auto-rejection? You should give us a little context about what exactly happened before anyone can give you advice.

Hector Papi Castillo

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 2, 2013
Ummm, well. I think you're definitely seeing this wrong.

Why did she go into auto-rejection? And why did she "almost cry"? And if a girl blocks you, generally not a good idea to communicate her via other means. I've done it once or twice, but it was cuz of very specific circumstances. I would almost never advise it.

As for calling her a stupid bitch with an aggressive tone. Yeah...only time you should be calling a girl a stupid bitch is if she's being silly and you mean it in a joking way, or she truly does something horrible to you.

You need to add some context here.



Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 19, 2019
You guys are right,let me clarify this a little and put it into context...basically,I met this girl in college,seduced her, blablabla,usual stuff...long story short I was a bit rough to her via message (didn't see her for some time) and you know how I usually just tell all my women that I don't usually text but use it just to setup dates and if there is some question or urgently needed information or whatever.

So basically,I wanted to setup a date where we were meant to meet but she decided to pull some form of shit test(this took place this wednesday in the morning). Honestly,I was a little bit in a bad mood at that moment and so I replied smth along the lines of "Am I meant to reply to such bullshit ? Don't take it badly but if you send me BS like that,I won't reply" after which she replied right away saying"well don't reply then"...I thought she said it seriously not in a mad way or anything so I just switched the conversation and said I need go talk business with my friend and she can come see us,also I pointed out a grammatical mistake she made in her last message...this wasn't to piss her off,I genuinely like being a little bit of a jerk like that and I was saying that in a fun way,not being nasty or anything.
She didn't reply anymore.Then about 2 hours later,once I was done talking business with my friend (we do indeed have a nearly million dollar business with my friend,getting there soon...which none of my women know about of course),so once I was done,I texted her "I am done with my friend and I still have an hour before class,bring your ass up here".
This time she didn't even click on the message,the other one she read right away but didn't reply to,this one she didn't check.

I was busy with other stuff that day and although I was a bit pissed that I didn't meet her,I soon forgot and switched my focus to smth else so yeah,I go to sleep and the next morning I wake up and decide to write smth to her but I see that she blocked me.We had class together that day from 6 to 8 pm. I came a bit late and by the time I arrived she was already seated and surrounded by friends in a way that I couldn't approach her but I when I came she stared in my eyes for about 5-10 seconds,I held eye contact longer,she turned her head looking away as though she didn't want to see me know typical auto-rejection childish behavior,all of that while nervously tapping her fingers on the table.

Fast forward to the end of class,I went downstairs and she purposely sat there talking to her friends hoping that I would leave but I didn't,instead I semi sat there on a table in a comfortable position staring at her. This time around she avoided eye contact and I saw how she had that heat hit going through her face (it just started turning red all of a sudden) when she noticed my eye contact. Then she got even more scared when she realized that her group of friends started moving and that she will probably have to talk to me.

As you may expect I naturally walked up to her and started talking,she tried ignoring me and looking the other way at first.At this point,I think I need to clarify that we both speak a foreign language other than the one that is spoken in the country in which we study.
I said hello,are you fine ? or did you hurt you that you're acting so cold all of sudden ? She replied to me in our native language that she didn't want to see me after which I came a bit closer and started speaking into her ear,she started getting away and said that "I was harassing her" (the irony is that she was in my arms a couple days earlier and she was happy,didn't feel harassed or anything lol). Yeah so then she started hiding in between her friends so I can't talk to her.Basically at that point the friends started cock blocking but I had to do my thing so I told em I was saying goodbye to my woman and ignored them. I told her "that I was very sorry for hurting her feelings and I that I really didn't want to do that". She started smiling awkwardly,looking a little bit down and to the side (not in my eyes as that felt too uncomfortable I guess),Idk if that was because she liked me dominating her friends to talk to her or because she felt awkward that I was apologizing to her.

This morning I woke and thought that I should write to her university email (the one she couldn't block lol) that "I wanted to apologize for being such an asshole and that I was just always a jerk not with just with her but that I would try to be more gentle in the future" I also said that "She was an amazing woman and that I have been looking for a woman like her for some time and that I was very sad that I hurt her".
I also left a cocky joke but nothing too intense.

Then I told her that "she is the best,don't cry". To which I received an email in not our native language saying "I'm not interested actually,stop trying".

Jeez,nevermind I realized she's playing her games again and whatever,there is no way she could think I'm needy with the email I sent her.
I solved my own problem myself,thanks anyway guys


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 19, 2019
Ironically,she replied from her other email and not the uni one lol,not clever to give me additional info if she wants to get rid of me

Knight Who Say NI

Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 5, 2014
You need to do some hard introspection and see what you did objectively, to start letting go of all this anger. Women aren't your enemy, man. Stop being angry at them.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 24, 2019
Yeah man, this is not a shit test, but it's definitely a rejection. And for good reasons, it sounds like you came across as an asshole, and then a bit of a psycho, no offense. She has every right to reject you in this case. I definitely agree with Knight to do some introspection here, as there are some big attitude changes you need to fix on yourself. You're coming across as very entitled (in a bad way) and domineering/controlling.

I pointed out a grammatical mistake she made in her last message...this wasn't to piss her off,I genuinely like being a little bit of a jerk like that and I was saying that in a fun way,not being nasty or anything.

If you like being a little jerk you're going to have a tough time with girls in the long run. Hope this provides some insight, it's all meant to be constructive.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
South Florida
You play this wrong, if she did not reply to your first message(i mean blocked you), the right course of action is to wait for her to make a move....

You made a move, then another, then another, then another, and not getting hints that she wanted space... So your value in her eyes went to shit...

When women act like this the right move is to let them calm down and come to you on their own... You came across as clingy, unable to get hints, and a bit creeper harasser all unattractive drying vagina behaviors...

By the way, i am speaking from experience, i do get to be bit "rude" just like you did for whatever reason, and women tend to act like the girl did... so the move is to go radio silent.... they come back when they come down...After they come back is when you apologize if you were rude....