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FR  Girl Mentions Having Boyfriend an Hour into Instant-date


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 23, 2013
Hey everyone,

I’ve never posted much on this board before but I do approaches on a fairly regular basis; I wanna start to get more of these reports up because I realize it’s in my benefit to do so. I enjoy writing and always learn the most from something I write down (it’s like teaching yourself something that you didn’t know you knew) and I think it should be the same with seduction (hopefully I learn things from going back and reading my reports).

Hope you guys enjoy the read, and I’ll try to get more of these up, for my own sake and for anyone else who wishes to read.


I’m 19 years old (well actually turned 20 recently) and live around Los Angeles, California. This approach was at my university, a sitting down approach. I sort of don’t like approaching girls sitting down because I’ve found that a lot of the time I’ll approach a seated girl and she looks hot, and later we get up together and I suddenly see she has no ass… or her tits are smaller than I thought or whatever (basically it’s harder to judge how hot I find a girl when she’s seated).

About me (a little more before I begin), I like to work out a lot so I have a decent muscular build (skinnier but muscular). Between that and having gotten my fundamentals fairly decent, I’ve gotten it to a good point where I can walk down a street and have the heads of the girls turn and check me out. It’s flattering and boosts your ego, however, I personally like to be understated much of the time with my dress.

For this approach and for university in general I often like wearing a form fitting hoodie with the hood over my head and some fitted jeans and a flannel shirt for good contrast.

A look like this: http://37.media.tumblr.com/d89b39ab2b279e11ec71bbc940310a92/tumblr_mosqp0br8t1qhlfm8o1_500.jpg

I love this look because it doesn’t draw extra attention (when I don’t want it; some days I do want the attention and will wear something with short sleeves that shows muscle) and the girls that check me out even when I’m hidden in a hoodie I notice will be the ones that are really drawn to me (this sort of lets me screen which girls are most into me from beforehand).


This was a girl who Id noticed once or twice sitting and screened her before as a girl who's into me (unless I’m doing fast walking approaches I'll tend to screen and approach the girls that are already turned on to me).

Pretty Hispanic girl with died hair … looked a crazy lot like the girl in this picture (in all seriousness lol) http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb...s/0/00/03_-_Jessica_Alba,_Hot_as_a_Blonde.jpg

This girl seemed like she may be my type from the couple of time I’d noticed her in the past, because she’d be quietly studying and not spending time with friends (I like independent girls, and if they’re studying they may be more intelligent and better gf material).

I’m gonna try and write as much as I can from what I remember of the conversation … sorry if it’s lengthy and shit please skim it or skip it if it gets to be TLDR haha

The Approach

I begin first by walking past. So the setup was an outdoor café of sort, with picnic tables outside and a panda express inside. Her table was near the outside end; I walked by smoothly watching some of the girls notice me and went in to fill my water. I doubled back while inside and came back out through the side door and then near her table.

(keeping good fundamentals throughout all of this)

Me - Hey is it all right if I sit

Her - Oh yeah sure

I text my friend for a minute here, who I had been texting… this gives her a quick second to check me out (funny story, my friend had saw me doing 90 on the freeway and texted me to slow down, I was doing 90 because there was a cop in front of me doing 90… pretty much makes it legal right?)

Me - Are you doing homework?

Her - Yeah I am, it’s for my music class

Me - Oh which music class

Her - Blah blah ..

Me - Oh ok… do you have to take it for your major

Her - No just for GE

Me - What’s your major

Her - I’m an accounting/business major

Me - What made you get into that.. have you always been like really into business

Her - No.. I kind of just took it, because I don’t know I didn’t really know what I wanted to do..

Me - do you like it so far?

Her - Well I’m just getting started into it so I’m not sure how much yet, I’ve only taken a couple of classes

Me - (playful look) did you take it cause like your parents sort of pressured you into it? Or did you just pick it like whatevers?

Her - No I think that I just sort of picked it.. I don’t know, it’s all right so far.. What’s your major!?

Me - Oh im an engineering major .. but I’m thinking of switching maybe

Her - To what!?

Me - Kinesiology.. do you know what that is? Like exercise science and body and stuff you know

(I’m thinking of leaving college to be honest… but I like to tell girls that I’m in a major but not really liking it and thinking of switching to something I feel more passionate about, because it shows hints of Byronic qualities to them)

Her - Oh yeah, I know what that is, do you like to exercise a lot?

Me - Just when I can (I try to say as little as needed from my end; shes starting to screen me more and ends up doing a ton throughout the rest of the interaction… but I try to lead the conversation in the direction I want to) …. Are you young… I can’t tell you look sort of younger (playful look)?

Her - I’m a freshman, yeah people say I look kind of young… what year are you

Me - (pause) what do you think (I like to have girls guess my age; I look a little younger; university girls guess correctly but with older women I struggle at times with looking younger than I would like to look to them)

Her - Like 2nd or 3rd year?

Me - Yeah 2nd year… well soon to be 3rd year right?

Her: do you live on campus or commute

Me - I commute, what about you (freshman often live on campus, but our school is a commuter school so there’s a chance she commutes)

Her - I commute too

Me - Oh so you didn’t get to have the dorm experience.. do you wish you had gotten to live on campus

Her - Kind of yeah

Me - Why

Her - Well because of the experience I guess

Me - What do you mean

Her - Well like I would’ve gotten to make more friends and stuff

Me - You didn’t get to make friends this year.. youre not in any clubs or anything

Her - Nope I just sort of come to school and then leave (she says this with a big smile for some reason; I think it’s because shes started to warm up here and the coy smitten smile of hers sort of lasts on from this point on as she reveals more about herself)

Me - Youre a total loner then huh (playful)?

Her - I’m not I have friends.. just not here

Me - From highschool?

Her - Yea in my home city… did you live on campus before?

Me - I did last year

Her - Did you like it, did you live in the dorms?

Me - it was fun, I lived in the suites and I got to go out a lot and night and have fun with friends and stuff.. you’re sort of missing out (playful; I’m being just a tad playful now that she’s warmed more to me, calibrating her for how I respond)

Her - Yeah see I could do that in the suites but the dorms.. I couldn’t do the dorms

Me - Is it not fancy enough for you (smirk) .. like you want more space and stuff

Her - Kind of that.. but more than that I’d wanna have space away from roommates like my own room and stuff

Me - You don’t get along with people easily

Her - Well no its just that itd be too close and Id get annoyed of them and stuff

Me - So you really are a loner then ;) ?

Her - No (laughing a little), I have friends really I do

Me - Hey what was your name?

Her - I’m Elizabeth

Me - I hold her hand for a second, Gem nice to meet you … Pause.. so what do you do for fun

Her - I don’t know just watch tv and hang out with friends and stuff.. idk not much


Fuck this takes a long time to write man.. and it’s hard to remember everything verbatim too, respect to all you guys who take the time to write out these lengthy LRs and FRs

So What Happens?

So the conversation goes on, throughout the hour of the date I learn really everything about her (that she’s close with her mother, that she had a brother that passed away when she was little, that she wants to travel to maui, that she’s not really sure of college but in it for now) and she gets a little bit out of me.

Some 10 minutes or so into talking she’s very smitten, blushing, doe eyed and very into me overall (and she tries to screen me quite a bit, I only give her small pieces.. although she gets more out of me than the average girl manages to).

The girl isn’t my type for anything long term, because she doesn’t have a whole lot going for her and no real ambitions or dreams… so I know that my best bet is a quick lay.

When I meet her she’s doing homework and then we talk for a while. I go for moving her (need to print an assignment out) and smoothly offer her; she wants to come but wants to finish her homework too. I leave my stuff with her (so she’s investing something) and go get the paper and come back.

After I meet her and go get panda express inside; she’s already eaten but waits gladly with my stuff for a little while longer.

While I eat I get her to talk a little more; there is a hotel literally hidden up a hill, a little ways away from the picnic area where we are sitting. Few people on campus know about it; I want to take her up there and escalate to sex in some places I know in the hotel and the only thing that ends up stopping me is time (because we have class coming up pretty soon).

After I finish eating I grab her hand and move her to some benches near where our classes will be soon. When I take her I notice that she’s shorter than I would’ve guessed and that her ass is a little smaller than my liking (random thought).

I realize that if I don’t escalate with her now, I probably can’t have a day 2 going for a lay (schools is ending; and all Id want was the lay if I did go for a day two because she’s not really gf material)

I try to let the conversation and attraction sort of die out, and talk some more with her (while she is still interested and screening me); while we’re talking (and it’s almost class time) it comes up that she has a boyfriend.

And I’m not sure if she didn’t mention it before because she was hiding it and into me, or because she just hadn’t thought to (and if I hadn’t been conveyed enough overt sexual intent from my end…. I had kino’d and flirted and followed a good process but not told her I find her pretty).

Would be curious what anyone thinks here, because it made me laugh but kind of stumped me too

For those last few minutes, we talk and smile and leave each other; I don’t really bother with getting her number... I wouldn’t mind trying to finish with this girl if I saw her again, but the school year’s pretty much over for me so don’t think I’ll see her again anytime soon

Fun Bits of Conversation

Much of the convo here was really fun for me and other parts of it were maybe not as fun but still very educational for me

Fortune Cookie

I usually don’t get fortune cookies when I get panda but thought I’d get one (to reward her or something I guess, for looking after my stuff)

Coming back from Panda Express

Me - You didn’t steal my stuff did you (playful)?

Her - No I didn’t! laughing

Me - Here I got you something

Her - I don’t want it haha you should have it

Me - You don’t want it, you don’t wanna know your fortune

Her - No you should have it see what you get

Me – (Pause) are you lucky

Her - I don’t know sometimes I am but sometimes it feels like I’m not… Youre lucky aren’t you?

Me - I do all right… I think you’re luckier, you got to meet me today didn’t you? ;)

Her - Yeah, that’s why you should open it maybe youll get lucky like I did (girl makes a good point shit)

Later when I open the cookie, it says something about how I should stop speculating and start investing, amusingly relevant for where I’m at with a business situation of mine, I laugh out loud

Her - What’s it say

Me - (I read it to her) do you know what it means?

Her - I don’t think so

Me - You’re in business right? Oh then you’ll need to understand this (I explain it to her; I like to be teacher to a girl sometime, and I think it’s good that you don’t make a girl feel stupid when she doesn’t know something and instead explain it to her)

Her - See I told you it was for you

Me - Guess you were right ;)

Nails and Makeup

Grabbing her hand and looking at her pink nails

Me - Wow what nice nails (pause) are they real?

Her - Yeah they are

Me - Oh ok … do you always make sure your nails and stuff look nice

Her - I try to I guess, I got them done at the salon

Me - It’s an art I think.. It’s kind of interesting, you know those makeup videos they have, I was watching one with my sister and they like totally change this girls face… are you wearing makeup or no (she looked like blond Jessica alba, could be wearing no makeup for all I knew)

Her - I am a little light, you can’t tell?

Me - I cant.. I think guys can be bad at that sometime like knowing if a girls wearing makeup or not

Her - Like you can’t tell at all? But its obvious isn’t it?

Me - It’s not.. I had a friend who I always thought was really pretty and then she didn’t wear makeup one day and it was like she took her face off

I did this sort of curiously: I made like an ass hole type of remark and gauged her reaction… imagine a scale where girls can either be oh that’s awful how mean or haha that’s so funny fuck people right? (those are the two sides of the scale and a girl will tend to fall somewhere within that)

Haha that’s mean (she laughs but I can tell she’s more sympathetic towards people and not as much indifferent or mean towards them)

Me - Oh I was only joking with her (ha with a smile)

The Hotel

Me - You commute, I bet there’s a lot of campus you haven’t seen yet

Her - (I think I’ve seen most of it, she points and shows me) I’ve been to class there and walked around there and maybe haven’t seen those far parts over there

Me - I bet there are places you haven’t seen yet … have you seen the hotel?

Her - We have a hotel

Me - Yea we have a hotel, it’s for the hospitality majors like cooking and cleaning and housework and stuff you know (said kind of jokingly)

Her - Oh ok, that’s so cool like just a random hotel on campus

From where we’re sitting you can see a hill covered by shadowy trees and a hidden stairway carved into the hill, left unnoticed by all walking by it

Me - I take her hand and show her a little (while sitting), you see those stairs over there

Her - Yeah

Me - They lead up to the hotel… most people don’t know about it , yeah just up that hill is the hotel.. we could go right up the hill and a get a room now if we wanted (looking into her eyes)

Her - Really we could? We could----- (she says brightly and begins to go on but then she sort of gets what she's saying and looks down submissively blushing)

Me - Maybe another day (pause) we could go see it today but gotta get to class soon (if I had 30 more minutes, this would’ve been an LR, would’ve taken her there and escalated quickly all the way… in a closed off room I know.. not buying a room lol; and she was way ready for a pull here)

The Boyfriend

This was later at the benches, when everything was winding down; I had offhandedly mentioned before how I had dated a girl who didn’t like philosophy but I had really liked it (we had been talking about philosophy)… I mentioned it offhandedly and not bragging but just in conversation, because if she’s interested she might bring it up (or some reason like that… what’s the exact reason you do that anyone know? Lol)

Me - When are you coming next week (for finals)

Her - Just the last day, none of the other days I think but I have to study a lot

Me - And you said you live in LA right … maybe we could do something fun in LA sometime, I live pretty near there

Her - Yeah maybe we could :)

Talk some more about some other stuff I forget

Me - DO you go on adventures often?

Her - Well sometimes with my boyfriend

Me - Oh ok (I don't pretend to be surprised or shocked, wasn't really feeling into the girl but was baffled here)

Me - How long have you been together

Her - 2 and a half years

Me - From high school huh

Her - Yea

Me - It’s boring now isn’t it

Her - It’s not that it’s boring.. its just we don’t like each other as much anymore

Me - (2 year dropped inevitably happened) you guys were more into each other when it started

Her - Yea I think so

Me - I bet it would’ve been different if you’d lived on campus.. you still could

Her - It would be different?

Me - Yea if you were on campus you’d have met a lot of new people and had more adventures and stuff .. maybe even changed a little

Her - Hmm yea you’re right…. (after a little pause) So what about the girl that you dated are you still dating her

Me - Huh (confused, she asks me interestedly but with intent if I’m with my girlfriend and stuff.. she’s still doe eyed and all and I can tell really into me still) oh no I called it off

Her - Why

Me - Well I liked her.. but I sort of didn’t see it going anywhere long term.. I don’t usually like being in a relationship, I have a list of things that that a girl has to match for me to be with her.. and if she doesn’t match then I don’t get with her

(Remember that I’m trying to sort of kill the attraction and let it die down here; wouldn’t say all that to the girl if I weren’t)

Her - So you’re kind of specific then?

Me - I guess you could say that yea..

She asks me something else and keeps going… here she’s screening me and trying to get more out of me but I wanna go and let the attraction die

Well that’s all guys.. eventually me and the girl parted ways and I left it at that.

I felt good after because things went well with the girl, she was into me and I think I could have pulled a lay if we could meet again (and school weren’t ending; though part of me says approach new girls and forget about this one and part of me says I should’ve tried a day 2 with her)

Was fun for me and cool date overall, hope you guys enjoyed (if you lasted this long) and let me know what you all think (any tips or ideas or thoughts or whatever)


Mr. oblivious

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 13, 2014
Good report i really like the way you set it out made it easy to read

looking forward to seeing more from you


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 17, 2013
Good report, Gem.

A few things occurred to me... they're a little bit disjointed, but all the same:

Gem said:
I sort of don’t like approaching girls sitting down because I’ve found that a lot of the time I’ll approach a seated girl and she looks hot, and later we get up together and I suddenly see she has no ass… or her tits are smaller than I thought or whatever (basically it’s harder to judge how hot I find a girl when she’s seated).
I agree but for different reasons... small ass and small tits suit me just fine, what's really off-putting is when they turn out to be overweight.

Gem said:
For this approach and for university in general I often like wearing a form fitting hoodie with the hood over my head and some fitted jeans and a flannel shirt for good contrast.
Gem, how do you manage this without sweltering in Los Angeles at this time of year??

Gem said:
Me - Hey is it all right if I sit

Her - Oh yeah sure

I text my friend for a minute here, who I had been texting… this gives her a quick second to check me out
This is a very nice "Slow Open"... excellently executed.

Gem said:
Are you young… I can’t tell you look sort of younger (playful look)?

Her - I’m a freshman, yeah people say I look kind of young… what year are you

Me - (pause) what do you think (I like to have girls guess my age; I look a little younger; university girls guess correctly but with older women I struggle at times with looking younger than I would like to look to them)

Her - Like 2nd or 3rd year?

Me - Yeah 2nd year…
This sequence is a little ridiculous. There's no appreciable age difference between you. I'd have probably cut it out altogether.

Gem said:
The girl isn’t my type for anything long term, because she doesn’t have a whole lot going for her and no real ambitions or dreams… so I know that my best bet is a quick lay.
In terms of process, yes your best bet is always a quick lay, long-term material or not. However, I wouldn't rule her out so quickly. As Franco always says, girls tend to open up a lot more post-coitus. She might not be willing to tell you everything just yet. Personally, I'd save making that judgment until a later stage. Concentrate first on whether she's physically attractive to you. You can figure the rest out later, but that needs to be determined immediately.

Gem said:
And I’m not sure if she didn’t mention it before because she was hiding it and into me, or because she just hadn’t thought to (and if I hadn’t been conveyed enough overt sexual intent from my end…. I had kino’d and flirted and followed a good process but not told her I find her pretty).
Yes I think that's exactly it. I had the very same thought, before I read what you wrote above. If you'd been a little more direct in your intentions, I think it would've helped. My guess is she was on the point of auto-rejection and slipped the boyfriend in there in a Hail Mary to spur you into action.

I also figured out that she wasn't particularly "into" the boyfriend before I read what you wrote in the last part of your report. It's pretty obvious. I don't think he's an obstacle at all; I think she wheeled him out to get your jealousy juices flowing.

the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 23, 2013
Mr. Oblivious said:
Good report i really like the way you set it out made it easy to read

looking forward to seeing more from you

Thanks, I hope to post more :)

Marty said:
Good report, Gem.

A few things occurred to me... they're a little bit disjointed, but all the same:

Thanks for the thoughts and advice Marty :) ... I've read your reports, you pull off some crazy stuff with girls way younger than you, hope I can do that too in my years to come.

Marty said:
Good report, Gem.

A few things occurred to me... they're a little bit disjointed, but all the same:

Gem said:
I sort of don’t like approaching girls sitting down because I’ve found that a lot of the time I’ll approach a seated girl and she looks hot, and later we get up together and I suddenly see she has no ass… or her tits are smaller than I thought or whatever (basically it’s harder to judge how hot I find a girl when she’s seated).
I agree but for different reasons... small ass and small tits suit me just fine, what's really off-putting is when they turn out to be overweight.

We're each into our type own type of girl man ;) ... I'm weird about that actually, I'm sort of hard conditioned to wanting Latina girls... because I've grown up around them all my life and most of the girls I've dated and slept with have been hispanic.. I bet my interests grow/diversify with travel and more experience though.

Marty said:
Gem, how do you manage this without sweltering in Los Angeles at this time of year??

Funny story man because, for some reason (it was like a condition or something, there was a name for it and my mom and my sister have it too) I don't sweat easily at all... I'll train at the gym several times a week, and only really sweat hard when doing heavy compound lifts (but I can work out and not sweat).

I wouldn't recommend the hoodie to other people at all to be quite honest. It works for me because I don't sweat easily; and it serves the purpose of being subtle and sort of dark/byronic I guess.. but in addition to that, a big reason for me wearing it is because I don't want to get darker. I'm of south asian descent, and I can get a nasty farmers tan and get really dark in a day (which I don't like and prefer to care for my skin and keep my natural complexion)... I'm a little obsessive about it, I admit but yeah those are my reasons for it.

Marty said:
Gem said:
Are you young… I can’t tell you look sort of younger (playful look)?

Her - I’m a freshman, yeah people say I look kind of young… what year are you

Me - (pause) what do you think (I like to have girls guess my age; I look a little younger; university girls guess correctly but with older women I struggle at times with looking younger than I would like to look to them)

Her - Like 2nd or 3rd year?

Me - Yeah 2nd year…
This sequence is a little ridiculous. There's no appreciable age difference between you. I'd have probably cut it out altogether.

Does sound silly/stupid once you shed light on it hahaha... I've seen that I have a series of four questions that invariably get asked with any university approach of mine: girl's age, her major, her name, and whether or not she lives on campus.

Honestly, I think with some of the younger girls I meet (and I still have this too a bit, not gonna lie) there's an element of you're "19 woah I'm 22 you're so much younger than me!!". And it's probably largely irrational, but I care too (only with girls younger than me or around my age) because some fo the younger girls can be a tad immature.

Marty said:
Gem said:
And I’m not sure if she didn’t mention it before because she was hiding it and into me, or because she just hadn’t thought to (and if I hadn’t been conveyed enough overt sexual intent from my end…. I had kino’d and flirted and followed a good process but not told her I find her pretty).
Yes I think that's exactly it. I had the very same thought, before I read what you wrote above. If you'd been a little more direct in your intentions, I think it would've helped. My guess is she was on the point of auto-rejection and slipped the boyfriend in there in a Hail Mary to spur you into action.

I also figured out that she wasn't particularly "into" the boyfriend before I read what you wrote in the last part of your report. It's pretty obvious. I don't think he's an obstacle at all; I think she wheeled him out to get your jealousy juices flowing.


I didn't even consider her trying to make me jealous, that's a great point! The girl was a soft/inexperienced type and hadn't been with many guys at all... but it's quite a possibility now that I think about it.

Seated approaches end up being situational for me... but direct approaches are my favorite and work best, I should integrate them into seated approaches when I do do them.

Thanks for the insights and advice again Marty, on to the next girl for me now :)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 16, 2014
The one thing that stuck out to me was that you should be asking these girls you approach in day game whether they are single or not early on in the conversation. This would cut down on "time wasted". Although, an hour long interaction is great experience. Besides that, good job with the approach and interaction!

You can say it situationally as well, something like: "Oh, spending time studying at a cafe instead of hanging out with your BF?" or just straight up ask her if she's single.

Link to article:
https://www.girlschase.com/content/are-y ... -ask-girls


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 23, 2013
mindful said:
The one thing that stuck out to me was that you should be asking these girls you approach in day game whether they are single or not early on in the conversation. This would cut down on "time wasted". Although, an hour long interaction is great experience. Besides that, good job with the approach and interaction!

You can say it situationally as well, something like: "Oh, spending time studying at a cafe instead of hanging out with your BF?" or just straight up ask her if she's single.

Link to article:
https://www.girlschase.com/content/are-y ... -ask-girls

Yes!! That's one big thing that I haven't been doing that I should really start to do (right on the money my friend), its bitten me in the ass a few times recently (making it clear that I should probably screen early on and not assume that a girl's single; either directly or indirectly).

A month ago there was this girl who told me she had a boyfriend like when I was about to set up the date, and sort of unconsciously I went like http://muscleweek.com/wp-content/upload ... d-meme.jpg hahaha and then realized my hand was out like that and put it down (laughing because I know it's my own fault and I gotta just tweak my process a bit more) and told her "it's cool, was nice meeting you see you around ;)".