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Girl wants 2nd date Next Next week, how do I respond?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 5, 2013
Hey Guys,

I recently met a girl and had coffee with her Wednesday. At first, she wanted to meet me for coffee 2 weeks from the first time we met. However, I was able to meet her before that. Now, I want to schedule a 2nd date but now she wants to meet the week after. The good thing is that I am completely swamped and so I personally dont want to bother with her until the week after. However, what should I text her to let her know:

1) I am still interested.

2) That I won't just let her decision affect my life?

In other words, if I just text her, "hey, sure", it might seem like I am a pushover. On the other hand, if I send something like "Oh, great, I had tests too", it seems like I am trying too hard. Any ideas? Thanks!

The Tool

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 24, 2012
So you cant see her for a week? or 2 weeks?
if 2 weeks Hey "Name here" meeting up again sounds good. unfortunately I am completely swamped next week so it will have to wait a bit. When I get my schedule for the week after that I will let you know and we can match up a day :)

Then the week you get your schedule.Hey "name here" :) Hope things have been well. I got my schedule for this coming week, how does yours look so I can match up a day?

Information might also help did she ask for a second date first? or did you? Sounds Like from reading she did, but if you did and she said something along the lines of "I cant untill the next week because I am busy with tests" Then you simply say "Alright good luck on those tests, when you know your schedule you should let me know :)"

If she does not text you for a week you send something like Hey "name here" hope those tests wernt too tough ;) was thinking we should meet up again. Whats your schedule look like this coming week?

I generally never send texts for rapport, and I never text a girl for anything other than a date unless she texts me first...Which usually ends up in me securing a date ;)

Cheers, The Tool.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take