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FR  girls are silly


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 28, 2014
So a couple months ago I was at a party, and this was the night I ended up stupidly going.with two girls I was sleeping with and.... one I could have slept with but took it slower with. Her.

Well they already were jelaous and fighting because I wanted to talk to both.... smh... im stupid I know well lol one that I didnt sleep.with kissed me.in front.of the other one and they almost got into a fist fight. They were both, pretty girls.

So they both got mad at me and.I.pursued the one I liked more and hurt the other one and.ill never do this again. Well today the one fa that was not talking.to me for awhile because she was embarassed went out to the east coast for awhile. She finally came back to this part of town flying. She keeps saying she hates me but she will sit there and stare into my eyes and either.look.down.or sideways she grins at me.hits me, I drew I love max on her.arm.while she was supposed to be flying and.people could see.foot pointed towards me all signs that she likes.me.

This happened half an hour ago my question is... she wont.give.me.her.phone number but.makes comments that she would make.out with me and then walks away. She wont.give.me.compliance to a certain extent. Been.telling.people I really hurt her. Is she just looking for attention.or os.she interested and just wants me.to.make.her.feel.special. shes a very confident.pain.in the ass and a challenge I.think the biggest challenge I have ever had. Before the incident she would come.over and make.me dinners, and we almost slept together a couple times but I liked her and.didnt.push all the way.

Advice? Im.guessing.she sees a lot of value but was hurt. Is she worth pursuing.though
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers