I don't know if I'd call it settling. I have known older guys who dated young, beautiful women, but didn't enter long-term relationships with them. Instead they entered LTRs with women their age.
I have an uncle in his 60s like this. He can/did shag young and good-looking women. But didn't get into an LTR until it was with a chick he went to high school with. I just looked at it and was like, "Man, this chick seems cool, but she is old, wrinkled, and infertile. He could have a young gal to make more babies with. *shrug* to each his own, I suppose."
You realize over time that different men have
very different drives.
Like, what is the primary utility of a woman to you? Is it:
- To have low/no-responsibility sex with
- To tote around as a status symbol
- To make babies with
- To have as a companion
- To nurture and take care of you
A guy who wants a woman as a status symbol or to pop out his spawn is going to care a lot about youth and beauty.
A guy who wants a companion or a nurturer or no-strings sex is going to care a lot less about those things.
But surely wealth is not what women want?
eg, if men desire youth/looks as no1, surely the thing most woman desire the most, as no1, is not wealth, surely? surely it would be .... trying to remember one of Hector videos... something about a woman would rather one night with an alpha dude or high status guy, than a LTR of a guy saying he loves her?
Women, again, are like men, in that there is a variety of different drives and objectives different women have, which lead them to different most-desired outcomes.
Wealth is like youth/beauty to a man, in that most all women would prefer their man have it versus not, but its degree of importance varies a lot between different women.
I thought most men preferred that. Why are so many magazines filled with 'beautiful' women? I understand if men dont think they can get X, so they go for personality from a practical point of view. But above, you've given two different conclusions and yeah.... I thought it was most men preferred that, wanted that, just coudn't get it so settled. But your last line there "men don't really care much about youth and beauty" would indicate that my thinking was wrong and that most men actually go for personality before looks, in what they desire in a woman as no1.
All men prefer it.
For some men, it outranks all other qualities on their lists.
For other men, it's farther down on the list.
Most men (even most men who are good with women) struggle to find women who are absolutely everything on their lists. So they prioritize, based on what is most important to them.
A guy for whom beauty is #2 on his list and nurturing is #10 and companionship is #12 is going to pick very differently than a guy for whom companionship is #1, nurturing is #4, and beauty is #9.