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Girls in a circle on a dance floor.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 26, 2020
Hi guys,

So this last weekend, I was at a party. There were about 7 girls in a circle, and I kind of joined their circle. I was looking for some kind of sign to say it was okay for me to come in, but I wasn't sure how to engage them. (Mind you these girls are young 18-22, so maybe social skills aren't their thing)

They weren't being positive but they were neutral in a way that said they don't mind me being there. So if girls are dancing in a circle and you engage as the only guy, what should you do?
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 10, 2022
Ah yes the chode approach!

Most people on a dancefloor a) don't know what they're doing and are b) waiting for 'something' to happen.

Ime it's so much easier when you hit the dance floor with something to offer. You gotta bring the vibe. It's also a lot easier if you have people with you.

If you want to roll alone, then you gotta make friends on the dancefloor itself. This is easily done when the popular, cheesy songs come on. Bring the friendly, bring the vibe, other dudes make good starting points to roll momentum forward.

What you don't wanna do is creep around a group of girls waiting for their acceptance or approval, or waiting for them to offer you something. You offer them the goodvibe, baby.

Alternatively, there may be onesie twosie groups of girls that you can start with. And some men have success with a really bold approach/get her on you w/e. That can blow up, and on a dance floor by its very nature people will be watching, do not recommend.

Use friends, make friends, etc. But i feel most men ought to beware the dancefloor a little bit. Ime it requires a very, very happy medium. Do it poorly and it sucks. Do it too well, and it still sucks, but for other reasons.

One thing i recommend is learning about dance so you enjoy your time on the dancefloor for its own sake. Tends to enrich the experience. Would bring confidence and poise, too.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Hi guys,

So this last weekend, I was at a party. There were about 7 girls in a circle, and I kind of joined their circle. I was looking for some kind of sign to say it was okay for me to come in, but I wasn't sure how to engage them. (Mind you these girls are young 18-22, so maybe social skills aren't their thing)

They weren't being positive but they were neutral in a way that said they don't mind me being there. So if girls are dancing in a circle and you engage as the only guy, what should you do?