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FR  Girls in fiji


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 7, 2012
IR Bus tour at the bar

On holiday in Fiji with my sister (long story)
Sitting down for dinner, there is a group next to us, mostly guys but two girls in the mix, playing a game of schrades. As you do call out a copple of random ideas, at which point the main leader (Indian guy nicknamed Apu) invites us to join.
After dinner and a bit of a break, my sister stays in to the room and I head back out, grab a drink, and sit down at there table.
Imediatly i am given the next movie, which with a bit of struggle im able to get through.
One of the girls, Emma comes back from the bar and sits down in the chair beside me
We start talking, between myself, Emma and Apu (who seams to be trying to set me up with Emma)
Apu asks about my sister, tells me that Emma was checking me out and was dissopointed i was there with another girl (sister)
Find out from Emma that about her job, only 200km away from me (next door neighbors buy Western Australia terms)
Keep trying to deep dive with her but Apu continuly asks more questions about myself, which i keep trying to weasle out of to maintain the mysterious look
After a while they teach me there dance moves which we all preform on stage for a bit of a laugh.
A few more drinks and Apu, who has been talking about going for a walk down the beach for most of the night, invites Emma and Myself to join him.
Emma keeps saying shes too tied and is going to bed.
Apu starts to walk off, and sence i made it clear I was going to join him i ask for her number so i have someone in the region to text when i get back to work.
She hand me her phone and i but my number in and send myself a txt to i have hers.
Then holding her phone I start to follow Apu down the beach
Apu: Is she comeing
Me: She will i stole her phone
Emma: starts following
We all walk down the beach togeather, I keep on trying to get Emma hand to bump into mine so i have and exscuse to grab it.
On the way back Apu falls back and gives us some space.
We talk more about where she has traveled and why she went there. She asks where im staying so I point it out and tell her she has to come check out the outdoor shower
Emma: We can't your sisters sleeping
Me: Don't worry we'll be quite
Emma: No we can't
Me: How many time are you going to get to see an outdoor shower?
Emma: I had one in Broome
Me: Never been to Broome. (screwed it up there should of keept pushing)
Little bit of a walk back to out shoes.
Apu comes wondering up " You didn't kiss her?"
Me: there still time (goes in for a hug)
Emma: shys away

Then back to the bar, they leave and i leave, giving Emma a hug and kiss on both cheeks


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 20, 2012
Re: FR. Girls in fiji

Emma keeps saying shes too tied and is going to bed.

Saying that to you or him? It kind of sounds like a sign to me that she wants to go to bed, but hasn't done it yet. Thus waiting for someone else to lead her to bed. She was ready for a pull if anything now, though it's kind of foggy to just read it.

I would've tried to ignore this Apu guy and not get into any conversation with him. Or perhaps move Emma to another spot away from him. But he sounds kind of attached to talking to you and Emma.

We all walk down the beach togeather, I keep on trying to get Emma hand to bump into mine so i have and exscuse to grab it.

Here's where some creepiness starts. It sounds like she is somewhat attracted to you initially, but then you start doing some odd things. Taking her phone to try and force something to happen isn't very good, and I don't think playful was the thing to go for here. She wasn't going for you, she was going for her phone. And then trying to grab her hand while walking without any previous touch factors? Hand holding is also a bit of a cultural thing, so I don't know exactly how she felt about it.

We talk more about where she has traveled and why she went there. She asks where im staying so I point it out and tell her she has to come check out the outdoor shower
Emma: We can't your sisters sleeping
Me: Don't worry we'll be quite
Emma: No we can't
Me: How many time are you going to get to see an outdoor shower?
Emma: I had one in Broome

Dealing with the objection here was the problem. You are also sort of pulling her toward it and it feels a bit unnatural. Simply saying, "I'm staying over here," and walking towards the destination would've sufficed, but instead you are sort of begging her to come with you. I get this feel throughout that you are more worried than sexy, in fact I don't get much of a sexy vibe at all. Persistence might have helped in this situation, but you might have been able to avoid it all-together.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 7, 2012
Re: FR. Girls in fiji


Thanks for the feed back, I know I've got a bit to work on.
Appreciate the help :)



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 7, 2012
Re: FR. Girls in fiji

Keeping all the FR of Fiji in this one topic. Please correct me if thats wrong.
There are another couple I'll finish in the next week

FR German on the beach 27-12-12

Been noticeing a good looking, well tanned, blonde girl that lives next door to us for the past few days. Comeing back from the bar I noticed her standing, in a bikini, alone at the beach. I was feeling alot of approch angcity, but this was the first time i had seen her alone and without a book so i forced myself to go down to the beach.
I was standing there with my feet in the water, trying to get over my nervousness and come up with something to say to her
Me: The waters a good tempreture here
Lisa: Yea i was thinking about going swiming
Me: Yea I'm kinda not dressed for that (gested at my shorts)
I forget how the convosation aucually went, but i brought up how we were neighbior, talked about hownlong we were staying in Fiji (both leaveing on the 4th) she brought up my accent and figgured out i was a kiwi, and told me she was a german.
I then found out that she had spent a bit of time in NZ. So trying to deep dive i asked what citys she had been in, why she liked some of them and why she didn't like others.
Talked a bit more then asked what she did back in Germany. Found out Lisa had just finished her degree right before going traveling with her pearants.
When asked i told her i build power lines in Aus. We then talked about what she could do with her degree and her ideal job from that degree.
Then more on her degree was the different languages she spoke (german, english, spanish and duch)
Me: Duch? Is'nt that basicly german? (light teasing)
Lisa: laughs the explanation of how hard the other languages are
Me: So basicly your just lazy? (jokeingly)
Lisa: haha yea
Bit more meaningless chat.
Then she came out with "i don't think im going to go for a swim just going to go for a shower."
Me: Well if your not going for a swim come for a walk along the beach (trying to move her)
Lisa: no i don't like walking that much
Me: So basicly your too lazy
Lisa: haha thats right
Bit more chat chat about her holiday so far and what we're doing after Fiji (me work) she brings up her trip to aus that she wants to avoid so she can go home to her boyfriend (gutted!)
Unfortunely from there it was a bit down hill, talk about a few more things but her boyfriend keeps on comeing up.
Im not too good at hitting on girls (yet) so so as I stop paying as much attention to her as im not confident enough now that the boy has been mentioned by her so much.
Eventally she goes for a shower, which i try to tell her is pointless without swiming first.
Failing at that we go our seperate ways.
Well walking away i realise that I don't know her name so find that out, she remarks that every time she goes traveling the introductions are always last.
She goes off for a shower and I walk off to grab a beer.
The larger Fijain local behind the bar finds out that the girl i keep going to dinner with is my sister and not my girlfriend and that i am i fact single.
I chase frame her a bit asking if shes trying to suduce me.
Her: Laughs, deniys it, then askes if im on facebook.
I ask for a pen and paper and write down my email telling her to serch for me.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 20, 2012
Re: FR. Girls in fiji

Yeah, you can keep all your FR's on a post if you want to organize. I don't see any reason why not, aside from naming the interactions differently.

I think this was more about overcoming approach anxiety than anything with you. And I congratulate you on being able to do that, especially with the girl in a bikini. None-the-less, I'll point out some mistakes and try and help you for next time.

Your opener is pretty weak, to start with. You start out completely indirect and platonic. I understand you are dealing with some approach anxiety, but I think you need a plan. Not so much lines to remember, but knowing the circumstances:

- She's alone at the beach that doesn't sound too crowded; she probably is out there to relax.
- You've seen her before, so most likely she's seen you before.
- She isn't busy.

In these settings I like to do what the Chase calls indirect direct. You can use that first line as an ice breaker, but you allow her to realize you are just making chit-chat way too fast. And it isn't really deep diving, I think that there needs to be an article that clears up exactly what deep diving is. It's not about finding out her platonic past about where she lived and what she studied. Think about how often you get those questions and answer them.

I get frequently asked where I'm studying at and how I like it, and it gets me frustrated. People ask way too often about simple things; they don't ask me what my ambition is, or how I feel about life, and I often feel like people are too judgmental that even if some asked me these questions I wouldn't give them a straight answer. Women, hell most humans feel the way I do about things; most people don't care, but act like they do. Once you can figure out what a woman's ambition is, what she loves to talk about, and understand HER, you make a deep emotional connection that deep diving is supposed to provide. Relate to her experiences and suddenly you are very important to her life.

Well, how do you do that? How do you go indirect direct, form a deep emotional connection, move her, seduce her, etc.?

I can give you something for this specific situation, but I encourage you to try and focus on this; cut the platonic stuff about where she has lived and her jobs, and focus more on her ambitions. Here's a complete article on deep diving that I think will help you a lot. Work on this stuff along with trying to move her earlier in the interaction, so you aren't just making chit chat. Oh, and try to make it so that she moves without a lot of visible effort from you. A lot to remember, but practice makes perfect and soon you'll be doing it without even realizing it.

https://www.girlschase.com/content/secre ... -deep-dive


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 7, 2012
Re: FR. Girls in fiji

Thanks RBT
Your opener is pretty weak
Totally agree with this. I was standing there about five meters away for a couple of minutes trying to think of something clever to say but that was the best i came up with...

I get frequently asked where I'm studying at and how I like it, and it gets me frustrated. People ask way too often about simple things; they don't ask me what my ambition is, or how I feel about life, and I often feel like people are too judgmental that even if some asked me these questions I wouldn't give them a straight answer. Women, hell most humans feel the way I do about things; most people don't care, but act like they do. Once you can figure out what a woman's ambition is, what she loves to talk about, and understand HER, you make a deep emotional connection that deep diving is supposed to provide. Relate to her experiences and suddenly you are very important to her life.
I did ask about her study, why she chose it, what she wants to at the end of it ect

Will have to try and work on the deep dive more


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 7, 2012
Re: FR. Girls in fiji

FR+ Locals at the beach 28-12-12

Well halfway through writing the last FR some local Fijian Indian girls walked past, I smiled at them and as they were walking off one of them asked me if i was alone.
Due to the difference in accents i couldn't hear her properly, so closed the laptop and walked over to ask her what was said.
She asked what i was doing
Me: Not much how about you?
FJI1: Just going to the beach, you should join us
Me: Ok ill just put my laptop away

I then wander back to the villa, to put the laptop back. On my way back out i stop for a quick chat to Lisa (see last FR) the theory being something along the lines of displaying higher value being able to talk to hot girls.
Walk over to the group of them (five girls one guy) and introduce myself.
Being they were Indian and I'm extremely white I struggled to pronounce the names and had no hope in remembering them.
They asked about Lisa which i told them was my neighbor, then it came up that I'm currently single and in Fiji with my sister.
Another Indian guy came over and introduced him self to me, and offered to buy me a beer, after refusing a couple of times i finally agreed to it.
It was at this time FJI5 asked if i had a villa
Me: Yea why?
FJI5: Can you fill my water bottle please?
Me: Umm sure why not.
I walk off to fill up the bottle. When I come out there is two of the girls standing in front of the balcony.
FJI2: Do you mind if we use the rest room?
Me: Sure its just round the back follow me.
Walk round and show them where it is
Me: Don't be too loud my sister's sleeping inside
Well the first one goes in I'm talking to the small one (FJI2), ask about what she does and why she's doing it, I also ask how old she is (I do have some standards..) But she's 21 so that's all good.
The drunker one (FJI4) comes out and they trade places.
She sits down on the far end of the porch, some useless chatter, which i take as my opportunity to move closer. Then she asks me if i have facebook
Me: Why do you ask (avoiding the question)
FJI4: Because I'm too drunk to remember so you should add me. Then starts with her name ect
Me: Im not going on the internet for another week or more, but if your not going to remember (lean in with my voice going a little deeper.
Im just about to ask her to kiss me when when FJI2 finishes and comes out.
We start heading back down to the beach. FJI2 links arms with FJI4 so i come up and link arms with FJI2 and stay like that all the way back to her friends, event though FJI4 lets go half way through.

Once we get back to the group we talk a little. I take a seat, trying to act in control, relaxed and laugh when appropriate (there mostly speaking punjabi and throwing sand at each other)
Couple of photos get taken, and they include me which is cool.
A bit more chat, some of which involves me which was good (been a couple of days since then and I'm easily distracted so don't remember all that much)
Then they decided that we should go swimming.
One of the guys took of his singlet (vest) and then i had the girls trying to borrow my top which i wasn't too keen on. But eventually they had there way and started undressing me.
I was wearing a singlet with shirt over top combo (original idea to Van Wilder)
Once they pulled of the singlet they seam rather impressed by my periced nipple (alot of girls are)
FJI5 even asked to touch it, to which I replied "sure go ahead" (should have been only if i can touch yours)
After they managed to get the shirt they head back to my villa to get changed
FJI2 who is a bit smaller puts mine on but has to change with FJI4, while there walking into the shower FJI4 says "Its a thresome, with only two people"
But the door is locked behind them so i guess she didn't mean it.
When they come out i tell FJI2 that the singlet looks good, but looks better on me, to which FJI4 agrees with.
We headed down to the beach, on the way down we walk past Lisa, tanning with her bikini bottom pulled right up her crack!
The girls invite her swimming, she asked if i was going, and said she might join.
For some reason i assumed that people living on a tropical island would know how to swim, as it turns out this is not the case...
Lisa ended up coming in the water as did three of the girls and one of the guys (who was trying to chat up Lisa)
I tried dunking one of the girls which didn't end well as it was then explained to me that they cant swim. They were a little distant for a while so i hung back and talked to Lisa for a bit.
Game of volleyball in the water was started, I'm not any good but gave it a go any way.

After they all get bored and head back to the beach, Lisa and I start swimming back up towards our villa, casually chatting about meaningless stuff (given up all hope of escalating with her due to the constant mention of her boyfriend, so just being social)

After a quick shower I head to the bar for a couple of beers then back to the group where one of the guys starts asking about power points to plug his ipod dock in.
I explain that my sister is sleeping so i can't do it. He gets a bit pissed off so i come back with "I feel like your just using me for my villa" he replys along the lines of "yea pretty much"
At that stage I'm just like fuck this and walk off to read my book some more

About five minutes later sister comes up bitching about the foreign girls using the bathroom and asks if I'm keen for lunch
We head off, I get slapped upside the head for loseing my shirt, order food and then spot the group again down at the bar
We have lunch, I smile a couple of times at the girls, they start playing pool

After we finish food and beer she goes off and i go on a mission to get my shirt back of FI2

I grab a drink and start chatting away to them, asking for my shirt back
I forget what exsacly went down but it was something like this...
FJI1: Do you want your shirt back
Me: Yes I do
FJI1: (to FJI2) Give him back his shirt
FJI2: I haven't got anything to put on
FJI1: Takes off her shirt
FJI?: Put your shirt back on
FJI1: Why I've got a good body I'm not ashamed of it

She standing in front of me so i look her up and down and say "Very nice"
FJI1: I know right
some other stuff happens and everyone, including me ends up fully clothed.

I stand next to the railing with my drink for the next 20min or so talking to any of the girls that comes close to me.
During this time FJI1 and FJI3 go to the bar to get pen and paper and we swap facebook acc

After a while I end up talking to FJI2 and my sister rocks up from her walk along the beach.
Then FJI1 walks up stands in front of me
FJI1: We're leaving now
Me: Already
FJI1: Yea
She then hugs and starts making out with me
Me: Not in front of my sister
Sister: Don't worry I'm leaving
I then continue making out with her:)

While saying good buy to the others i get a couple of kisses on their cheeks in, While hugging FJI2, FJI1 convinces her to make out with me as well!

So they all leave and I keep drinking.
I was on holiday, it would of been rude to be completely sober this far past lunch time :)

Not entirely sure what i did but must have been a "sexy man" because I cant remember talking to FJI1 too much
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers