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Girls in groups of 2



So, today I went to the mall, and saw and approached quite a few girls. The only thing I noticed was that many of the girls there were in pairs, and I felt awkward trying to talk to one of the two in the pair, since the other would feel excluded. Any ideas on how to go about meeting women in groups of 2?

On a side note, I always use a cold approach, and I always wonder about what I could do to open girls in groups without being totally indirect. Any help with that would also be greatly appreciated.


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Hey Milind,

I have an article up on meeting girls in groups here - this should help answer some of your more general questions on this one:

5 Essential Insights on How to Meet Girls in Groups

On the specific question you had-

Milind said:
So, today I went to the mall, and saw and approached quite a few girls. The only thing I noticed was that many of the girls there were in pairs, and I felt awkward trying to talk to one of the two in the pair, since the other would feel excluded. Any ideas on how to go about meeting women in groups of 2?

There are two philosophies to this:

  • Game both girls
  • Game just the girl you like

If you're going to do both girls, this is harder to manage, because you've got to make both girls feel connected to you, and you've got to make both of them feel like they each have something special with you (connection-wise) that the other girl doesn't have. That's hard. You do this though by talking to them individually - a little to this one, then a little to that one, then a little more to this, and a little more to that. If you talk to them as a "group" ("You guys" "So what are you two..") if feels impersonal and uninteresting.

But, if you go this route, despite it being harder, you can spend a lot more time with them if you hit it off with both girls... you can even try to date or pull them BOTH!

The more typical route is to focus on just the girl you like most, though that's MUCH harder when you're doing mall / street approaches where you're stopping girls who are walking. Rule of thumb is, if the other girl has something to occupy her (music, shopping, other people to talk to) you can take as much time with your girl as you need... but if the other girl DOESN'T have anything to occupy her, then make a fast impression on your girl, tell her you want to see her again, then trade numbers and excuse yourself because you have to be going.

Then, just meet her again later.

the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake