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girls not texting back


Apr 19, 2021
i get numbers mostly from social circles i.e we work in the same complex but every time i set up dates or text these girls they either flake or never text back... i just dont know what to do


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 28, 2021
Hey whats up Rob, since I don’t know exactly how you approached or how you closed for the number I can’t accurately say why they aren’t texting back but the fact you were able to notice this pattern is a good thing because that means you can fix the problem.

Generally there are a few reasons why girls don’t set dates i’ll list them now. 1 being you didn’t build enough intrigue in person or through text in order for them to feel compelled enough to go on the date. 2 being she wasn’t all that interested but doesn’t want to turn you down directly.

As for texting back this tends to happen alot for a multitude of reasons and you’d pull your hair out trying to find out exactly why she went ghost. But for future numbers you get I suggest getting your text game down to a science, and being as concise as possible with your wording to avoid miscommunication.

For starters I suggest mirroring the amount of chat bubbles throughout the interaction. If she sends 1 bubble of text you send one. If she sends three feel free to send 3 or less.

My text game usually involves pointed questions in order to get them to send a large chunk of text, relating to what they say and feeding it back to them/giving them acceptance, leading the conversation to topics that could be perceived as sexual, asking pointed questions on those topics, rinse and repeat, lead those topics to us meeting up, schedule meet up if shes warm, boom.

Another good trick I learned is mirroring her emojis. If she sends an emoji in the text prior to mine i’ll follow with a different emoji in my text. Matching the other person’s energy tends to go a long way in texting since you cant read their body language or facial expressions.

Now if she doesn’t text back after the first text you need to look at how you are coming off in person. An easy way to fix this is by making your intentions on getting her number clear. This will eliminate the amount of numbers you get, but the numbers you do get will be more likely to respond and not lead you on.



Apr 19, 2021
sunking sup bro, i get the whole mirror texting thing and do it....what i think my problem is that becasuse they see me almost on a daily basis and we hang out at work like during lunch sometimes although we are not friends, i think they are just playing hard to get, any advice on that?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 28, 2021
Hey Rob, I see your dilemma. You feel as though since you guys hang at work it isn’t your texting that is the issue but that she wants you to take different action while on the job.

I’d generally advise against pursuing coworkers too much as women kind of control the work environment a lot of the time and they could easily sour your position there. Especially if your superiors are men who find her beautiful.

But I digress if you feel you could pull her without messing up your working situation then I suggest turning up the flirting while you’re hanging out. Play cat and mouse with your attention toward her, look her deep in her eyes while you’re talking until she looks away first, deep dive her ask about her passions outside of work.

You also need to look at how she is responding to you. Is her body language open to you? Feet pointed at you, looking in your eyes, talking in a sweet voice, etc?? If she isn’t flirting with you at least non verbally it’s possible she’s only being friendly with you at work in order to not cause a scene or ruin her relationship with you and everybody else. Take these things in to mind and set the precedent of you being a chill non reactive guy so that she feels comfortable opening up to you without having to worry about you causing a scene and getting both of you guys fired. This means no double texting, chasing her down at work, or any other behavior that could be perceived as needy or overly emotional.

a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 24, 2019
sunking sup bro, i get the whole mirror texting thing and do it....what i think my problem is that becasuse they see me almost on a daily basis and we hang out at work like during lunch sometimes although we are not friends, i think they are just playing hard to get, any advice on that?
If you’re hanging out with them daily then don’t text them.

youre just giving them free attention and validation.

get them laughing and joking, and talking, and ask them out face to face.

low key “hey, shall we go out later?

stop replying to their texts and messages - totally ignore them. If they call you out on it next time you see them just say “yeah, I’m bored with all this texting”


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 11, 2015
i get numbers mostly from social circles i.e we work in the same complex but every time i set up dates or text these girls they either flake or never text back... i just dont know what to do
Brother, could you send me an excerpt of how you ask them out?

I get very little information so I guess it has something to do with the texts, or how you invite them out.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 7, 2016


Apr 19, 2021