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Girls using 'chase frames' and dating work colleagues


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 23, 2012
Alright chaps

Couple of related questions here. There's a girl at work who seems to be using 'chase frames' on me. Basically she keeps joking about how I'm into her/us getting together in general.
What should I read into a girl doing this? I can't quite work out whether she's just playing around with me or whether she does actually want the jokes to 'come true.'

Secondly, what are your thoughts/experiences with dating work colleagues (or having casual flings with work colleagues)? It is worth the potential awkwardness of getting shot down/ending up looking like a dick?




Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 21, 2012

The grand majority of the time when girls/women do this, it actually is something they want, and are jokingly hinting at, at least in my own experience. The specifics of what she says is important too. I know it isn't always easy to rely on vibes, but regardless of what she says, is she giving off a vibe that she wants the dick? Whether she was hinting or not, it can't hurt to give her a shot.

However, I would typically avoid plugging work colleagues unless you aren't planning on sticking around for too long with your current employer. While these sort of workplace trysts can be fun and are good to try once or twice for the experience, they can quickly go wrong and become awkward and can interfere with work.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 24, 2012
Yeah, when girls try and do this, they are usually insinuating that they want something more. Remember girls are effective users of covert communication rather than overt. They will never come out and directly say something that involves some degree of risk. With all of the workplace entanglement laws that are in place, I also wouldn't risk getting into in it with a coworker. Being embarrassed would be the least of my worries.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 23, 2012
Jay, Rationalis, thanks for your replies. I get the impression she might want the dick, but I'm not 100% sure - our relationship is kind of 'tense' although in a fun way. Normally I'd just have a crack but as this is at work I think the risks possibly outweigh the potential rewards. It makes sense what you're both saying about girls' insinuations. To be fair, I would never joke about kissing/use chase frames on a girl I had no interest in whatsoever.

I might not be sticking around at the same workplace for that much longer so what I might do is go caveman on a night out (assuming we run into each other.) That way I can always blame it on drink should things go tits up!
