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Girls who are available in Daygame


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jul 24, 2022
Hey guys... I've been doing some daygame approaches lately, and I've noticed that when I am approaching the really hot girls that I really want, almost all of them invariably have boyfriends.

I'm not sure how much of what they are saying is just an excuse because they don't like me. However, I feel its at least partially true because some of them I add on IG and their profile picture literally has them with their BF. And another girl I met on a subway was transiting over to watching the sport game her boyfriend was playing in.

Which leads me to think that in daygame... if you are approaching the hottest girls... there is not much of a point in trying to make the approach optimal (i.e. going direct vs situational), because the biggest limiting factor will be availability. If 3/4 girls hot girls you approach are simply unavailable, then you are only left with the remaining 1/4. Of course, you also need to actually be able to convert the remaining girls to a date. So you have to just play a big volume game and approach as many girls as possible to even possibly have a chance.

I don't see this phenomenon in online dating or nightgame (assuming you see shes not with her BF), because there is at least an understanding that people there have an intent to meet others.

I only have about 100 approaches, so it could also be the way I am coming across in my vibe and approach. But this is just something I've noticed with very limited data.

Love to get what you guys think about this.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 25, 2012
Some of those girls don’t actually have boyfriends and will stop saying they do once you get better.

Some of those girls with boyfriends are neutral about their relationship or not too serious and if an attractive guy comes along, she may not even bring it up or drop the other guy.

Sometimes it’s a numbers game and you keep having rejections, and then suddenly you approach a girl who is thrilled about you.

Sometimes that happens the first approach of the day.

There are guys on here who do low volume day game and do it very well. @Bacchus comes to mind.

Point is, the better you get, the better it gets. There are tons of variables going on during daygame that are hard to account for, but the things you can learn here help to focus you on the most important things.

-Fundamentals (how you carry yourself)
-direct vs indirect
-deep diving
-how to lead
-instant dates
-seeding & setting up dates

It’s a lot to juggle as a newbie and might seem like a lot of fancy stuff.

But an experienced and skilled day gamer will make it look like a friendly chat with an old friend or perhaps his girlfriend, and won’t necessarily be thinking about all those things, because he’s internalized them and pulls out the tools he needs when the interaction needs an adjustment.
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you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 10, 2022
I think it's valid to say most beautiful women are taken, or that most things in cold approach aren't going to work out

That reality is never going to change.

Voila you've discovered what this really is.

It's really about finding and capitalizing on rare opportunity.

So the approach needs to be optimal, or as good as you can get it.

"She's just going to say no"

Statistically that's true. 9 out of 10 no's. But you gotta be ready when your number comes up.

Because in your sample of 10 women, you don't know if it's blacjack on number 3 or number 9.

But definitely don't kid yourself. You're looking for that rare event, and looking to be ready to take advantage of it. Because the payoff will have been huge, the losses in course close to zero, and what doesn't get talked about: there are hidden aspects of cold approach that improve your life, if you let them.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 10, 2022
Also another aspect that doesn't get talked about, vis a vis failure and rejection

Well you yourself get to describe the field.

"I cant meet women in cold approach" -> oh yes you could, your numbers get better if you start adding swamp monsters to the pool. Don't worry, theres someone for everybody, don't that make you shudder.

"I only approach 6ft tall swedish models" narrow playing field.

"Anything with a hole!" gaping playing field