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Go through the Alpha Female (if she likes you) to maximize your close rate


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
I just replied to a few day game questions by @AdamC over on this thread.

One of them was about this scenario:

FINALLY - How to close the target girl in a Duo, or Triplet friend group during Daygame??
I actually have opened my fair share of Duo's and Triplets since I hit Daygame hard in early June. But quite oddly, either the target girl turned out to be Married, or from out of town. Or from out of town AND married. So I haven't gotten to the close yet.
The Triplet set I opened Saturday afternoon actually went beyond well than I thought. My target was this very tall earthy Blonde with these incredible breasts with no bra - seeing nippliege is a real motivator. The Lead female was a bit Older. Then there was the unattractive friend.
Turns out the Target was in for Saturday and Sunday from Portland (what's up with all these earthy Portland girls, and no bra??)
The Lead female was local. The unattractive friend was from Long beach in town for the weekend.
Made friends with all of them. Gave them my Photography info for them to check out for fun. But really could close the Portland girl.
1. How do you just close her and not the Lead, or Unattractive friend?
2. What good is trying to close when she is leaving the next day, and the Lead stresses (but in a nice way) that it's a Girls only trip, not out looking for guys. (Or so she says...)

In Adam's case, the alpha female (mother hen of the group) appeared to have let him know he would not be getting with any of the girls in the group (based on his Question #2).

However, especially if your game & fundamentals are tight, a lot of the time you are going to win the alpha female over, and she will actually support you getting with one of her hottie lieutenants. See these articles for more on this:

Assuming you are not trying to pick up the alpha female yourself, your best bet for pulling girls from groups with an alpha female who likes you, especially when you are short on time, is actually getting the alpha female to make the decision for you.

This is because:

  • Most girls are indecisive and will lean risk-averse (i.e., toward a "no" instead of a "yes"), especially in social situations in front of their friends.

  • Alpha females on the other hand tend to be decisive action takers who actively work to manage their group.

  • If the alpha female likes you a lot, she will often be looking for ways to wrap you more into her group.

  • The alpha female generally is also attuned to what the other girls in her group want or need right now. e.g., if Susie (one of the alpha female's hens) has been complaining about being single or the men she meets not being any good, the alpha female will generally be actively looking for a guy she can pair Susie up with who matches what the alpha female thinks are likely to be the right traits for a man for Susie.

  • You can actually get around a lot of the resistance of the girl you want by having the alpha female effectively "order her" to go out with you, go home with you, or even hook up with you. I have outright had alpha females who liked me order other girls in their group I'd been chatting up to go home with me when those girls were reluctant. The girl won't always immediately do it (though sometimes they will), but the times they don't a lot of the time they will give you their number then hook up with you on a subsequent date (no doubt after the alpha female spent more time building you up and urging the girl to "let go" and "go with it" and "hook up with him, he seems really cool").

In AdamC's case, he had approached a trio of girls where the non-alpha females were leaving town. I told him to use this to try to get a date with the girl he wanted via running it through the alpha female:

HIM: [to older married alpha female] Normally I would be more circumspect, but Alice's [indicate the blonde] leaving town and you're all three here. Do you think Alice would be down to get drinks with me tonight while she's here?​

Once again, in this specific case, the alpha female had already signaled to him that none of the women would be hooking up (see Adam's point #2), so it's a bit moot for his scenario. But a lot of the time you meet groups with alpha females that won't be so -- again, especially if you are good at hitting the right notes with women.

Alpha females in general tend to:

  • Enjoy playing the matchmaker role.
  • See themselves as responsible for their hens (i.e., their female lieutenants).
  • Keep an eye out for cool guys who'd make good matches for their hens.

This makes them very, very useful for getting around more reserved girls' resistances and objections. If the alpha female tells one of her girls to go out with you, the girl will generally go out with you. If she tells her to go home with you, she very well may. In my experience, you are more likely to get one of the alpha female's girls to go with you by having the alpha female tell her to than by asking the girl you want directly yourself, especially when time is limited and you haven't had a great chance to fully seduce the girl you want (or when it's been difficult or impossible to isolate her).

Alpha females can make or break your seduction attempts. If you failed to win the alpha female over, she may play the role of saboteur, even if you think you are doing well with the girl you want. After you are no longer around, the alpha female can whisper in her ear all the things she doesn't like about you, and your goose is often going to be cooked. But if you won the alpha female over, even if your girl was a bit hesitant, the alpha female will bug and pester her to follow up with you: "How's it going with that guy we met? Look, you've been complaining about being single. I think you should give him a chance! Aren't you tired of stupid dating app dates? That guy seems really cool. Promise me you'll meet up with him!" A lot of the time if the alpha females like you they will basically badger the girls until they agree to meet up with you.

Occasionally if the girl you want is taken, or she eye codes the alpha female that she is just not interested, the alpha female may try to redirect you to one of the other girls in her group. You will then need to decide if that other girl is taken or not.

If you don't like the girl the alpha female is trying to direct you towards, you just say, "She seems really nice, but Alice is more type. Anyway, I understand if Alice is taken. That's too bad!" That gets you off the hook from having to go out with the fat/ugly friend, but without saying anything nasty. Keep the peace, exit gracefully, and preserve that relationship. You never know when it might come in handy again (especially if you find yourself running into the same people every so often)!

a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 28, 2021
Haha, yeah alpha female thing is critical in sets of three and more. I described my experience when an alpha female helped me big time to pull in this report.

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