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Going Cold Amping up Attraction


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 28, 2021
Have you ever had a girl catch an attitude with you for no explicable reason. If you were early on in your journey with women it probably left you puzzled or confused and you might’ve tried to turn it around. Even if you seemingly did nothing to cause the behavior. You might’ve cursed her name and wanted nothing to do with her; then she comes back acting feminine again and everything you had felt for her before starts flooding back plus more.

Well you can steal this exact behavior and flip it in order to ramp up attraction, and infatuation. It’s better suited for deeper relationships, and social circle situations where the girl is already pretty invested.

I found myself doing this with a girl who I wouldn’t be seeing for a while and due to the situation I wanted a way to anchor her attraction so that it’d last. Simply put I deliberately froze her out (in person) and dunked her shallowly into auto rejection. To the point where she was visibly angry with me. Then before she could backwards rationalize the situation and throughly sink into auto rejection I yanked her out of it with sensuality and warmth again.
I wanted to put her in a space where she was throughly emotionally invested in me.
I could tell she was relieved that she was back into my good graces, and I believe I was able to anchor that so that’d last.

It goes against operant conditioning, because she doesn’t have to do anything wrong for you to freeze her out. This isn’t like when you’d reward a dog for good behavior or punish it for bad. It goes completely against that. In the same way as when a woman acts catty and cold despite you doing nothing. It isn’t to reinforce any behavior or to stop it. It’s to quickly plunge her feelings toward you into the negative so that when you show warmth again she feels something of like an emotional whirlwind ramping up her emotional investment drastically.

You douse her with cold water and subsequently warm her back up with your affection.

It can be used during escalation to sex also. Albeit after the first or second time. I believe it was my third time meeting up with a girl who i’d had sex with. I’d been dodging her questions about settling down before then but she still let me come over. She was especially difficult this time and had gotten visibly fed up. I told her okay well i’m just gonna take a nap since I came all this way. I got in her bed turned my back to her and said “just dont touch me”, with my back turned to hers. After a few minutes she started backing her ass into me and allowed me to escalate.

I apologize if this has already been discussed, I haven’t seen any posts about it. If so feel free to put it down below.
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