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Going out with lebanese girl and get denied at making out attempts


Jun 25, 2024
First Meet
I was at the airport preparing for the flight and decided to go get something to eat at the cafe. There, I saw this cute petit looking arabic girl who was ordering a coffee. I opened her with a few questions about food and where she was going. We set at the table and had a friendly chat discussing where she was going and for how long. I played on her a guessing number magic trick. Which amused her. We exchanged contacts and departed.

While on the trip I tried to stay in touch sending photos and pictures of my trip with some commentary. She was responding quickly and was telling me about her trip. When I got back I messaged her proposing to meet saying I was curious about her journey and overall Lebanon culture. She agreed and we settled for a date.

For the setting I chose a beach and a good seafood restaurant nearby. There was a nice scenery and sound of crashing waves in the air. Some dim lights dotted around setting cozy and romantic vibe.

First of all I picked her up on a car and we drove to the place chatting and exchanging impressions of the past trips. There I noticed that although she was ready to answer my questions and sometimes asked back, most of the time, I was the one who was filling silence with stories and historical remarks about the country I went to trying to engage her in the conversation which worked with mixed success. Somehow the conversation shifted to politics which was okay and, I think, didn't ruin the vibe. Although I noticed that she wasn't talking as much as I would like (I think I am not used to being a storyteller as I more comfortable at asking questions and making remarks and funny comments. Probably should sharpen my orator skills).

So we arrived and went to eat. While eating and talking I applied kino touching her on the arm while showing photos on my phone and sometimes touching her back. She reacted neutrally. Also there was a moment of silence when she started actively chatting with her sister who was waiting for her at home. I thought everything was going smooth and I event drew up a plan how I am going to take her to the beach sit under the stars and talk about the universe and shit and then I am gonna kiss close her. Alas it didn't happen. Here is what happened.

So after we finished our food I paid for it and we departed to the beach. While walking I asked her something like how does she like the date so far and voila - she replied - "It is not a date we are meeting as friends"
I was like wtf bitch it is date I am taking you out, paying for you and touching you this is a date duh.
Of course I didn't say it like that but you get the point.
I asked what does she consider a date then and she answered me plainly: "In order for it to be a date I should be interested in you as a man and for that you have to be a muslim as I can not consider dating anybody who is not muslim"
How can you beat something like that?
The rest of the date was okay but every time I tried escalating physically she backed off so at the end there even was no point in doing that.
I tried to get into her mindset trying to understand in what circumstances she would go against her religion and break written rules. Basically trying to crash her inner servers with some kind of a program bug. However she was stiff.
I think anyway I should have attempted to kiss close her instead of complying with her backing off to my escalation attempts.
We had a long and interesting discussion about religion and her stance on dating different people. Then I took her home and we parted.

Overall It was a good interaction and I shouldn't have expected a lot from such conservative girl but still should have pushed for more.

If you have any advice on dating conservative mildly religious girls like that and how to deal with them you are most welcome)
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jun 11, 2021
First of all props on the airport approach. The hint of adventure and happenstance pushes all the right buttons in a chicks head. I believe that all girls have the fantasy of hooking up with a stranger they met at airport in their sexual bucket list.

Having dealt with religious chicks of various cults(for lack of a better word;) and had a successful sexual outcome, here is my 2 cents:

Don’t try to push past a religious chick’s ASD with JUST your prowess on the date. You would rather plant the seeds ahead of the date through a combination of gradually escalating sexual and romantic framed texts.

There was a poster in the old masf forum named ‘Cobi’ who was a master of this. He used to call this technique as ‘slut temptation’ . It’s been my recipe for several years now & has a very high hit rate.

Basically you’re letting her know that you’re a sexual yet passionate man who likes to lay his cards on the table. If she bites even dismissively, she’s trapped(in the sexual frame). Once she shows up on the date the implicit frame is sex is going to happen.

It’s basically a technique to weigh the scales in your favour- her sex drive stoked by your progressively steamy texts vs her socially programmed ASD that’s temporarily bypassed.

She lies to herself that you a sexual yet charming man who seduced her into committing a sin which she would ask for penance later(after all she was not in her best soceitally appropriate chick logic self when you filled her mind with smut - so she thinks) .

In yet another bizarre chick logic she’ll backward rationalize that it was just a one night stand or a short fling where she just hooked up with you without any dating involved.

So never bring up the word ‘date’ on a first date with any girl. Screams boyfriend from the rooftops.

I barely kino a religious girl on first date.
Few incidental touches, sexual eye contact (gazing her up and down occasionally from eyes to lips to boobs momentarily) . I bring up sex talk right in the middle of the date in a deadpan expression, even if she resists, her repressed imagination runs wild with flashes of sex clips between you and her that puts kink dot com to shame if done correctly.

Remember their body responds to your sexual provocation, just need to bypass her logical mind. Not hard because the more religious a girl, higher the sex drive.

However be careful, there’s always buyers remorse of some sort with these types, make sure to never make her feel like a slut once you empty your balls inside her. Always cuddle, pillow talk and leave her in a good state even if you hate her personality. Just the nature of the beast.


Jun 25, 2024
Thanks for a reply dude. Yeah, in my mind i was feeling like i am on a date but you right I shouldn't have said that. It should be written between the lines of our interaction. And outright saying is kinda ruining the vibe and sets some expectations. Should really let the conversation flow naturally without labeling it.

As for setting a passionate and sexual man frame in texting phase. Gonna have to try this one next. Althought my concern is that girl might be scared and eventually date will not happen. Maybe it is a good thing to filter those who will not be down for sex anyway.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jun 11, 2021
As for setting a passionate and sexual man frame in texting phase. Gonna have to try this one next. Althought my concern is that girl might be scared and eventually date will not happen. Maybe it is a good thing to filter those who will not be down for sex anyway.

Doesn't have to be intense to begin with. Very very innocuous and borderline.

We don't expect her to participate actively. I'll give you an example

When I got back I messaged her proposing to meet saying I was curious about her journey and overall Lebanon culture.

1. Convey that you live alone or have your place:

While texting about mundane stuff, slip in the fact that you have your place - "I had to vacuum my place as I had left it in a bit of mess before traveling".

2. Convey sexual state

While sending a normal reply such as "I had a good day, just relaxing after work' - Send a voice note in bedroom voice.

Say the same thing. Just once.

Don't try to escalate here

We want her to think she's imagining stuff (coz maybe she's horny?). That's the idea

3. Use callback from the approach to drop seeds of smut

I played on her a guessing number magic trick. Which amused her.

While texting(especially at night) ask her to close her eyes and picture something.

Before she responds say "Wait, Don't do it. If you're in bed".

Then she asks why - say - "I don't want to embarrass you if you pictured something inappropriate"

She laughs or responds with something cheeky.

Don't escalate further.

1 step forward, 2 steps back with these kinds of girls

4. About what she's wearing for the date

On the day of meet, text her, "Do you wear floral dresses?"

When she asks Why

"I was curious to see how you might look in them since I saw you in full pants the other day."

She's of course going to resist and say she doesn't wear a dress because of religion and whatnot but you're dropping seeds.

Once I texted a girl who wears hijab with a lifetime laycount of 1 to wear a short dress for our date. She said, "Hell No I wear hijab and cover the entire body". Guess what she packed in her overnight bag when we met in private - A black babydoll that she slipped into once the religious attire came off.

You need to calibrate - with this girl, I'll go with the above 4 steps - you're testing the waters and conveying intent.

Worst case you won't lay her, but will go much further than you would without 'pre-seeding'