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Going through the motions


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
As I wrote in the Snatch Tournament thread, on Wednesday I approached this stylish sexy brunette as I was walking back from the gym.

We texted back and forth and settled on meeting last night at around 10. She called me to say she was there and I was taking a dump FML. I have had the shits for I think 2 days now which doesn't help with state.

As soon as I met her, I kissed her on the cheek and held her waist as we walked to the bar.

At the bar, we only stayed for 1.5 hours, and I could sense that it was possible that she wasn't there yet.

I did light bf disqualification and compared Italian food to sex (I didn't do boxing gambit) but was attempting to set a sexual frame.

Forgot love languages, forgot to ask her what she was like in high school, etc.

About 30 minutes before we left the bar I got up real close to her face to talk and she began positioning herself for the makeout. I had my hand on her leg, caressing it, and on her hands, more or less since we sat down. We kissed a few times, always with me breaking it off first.

From the bar, I just walked her to mine. She said she could only stay 30 minutes, and I said sure.

At first, she said nothing was going to happen because she was on her period and was set to leave at 1.00 a.m. I said I had no problem with periods. I had thrown her on the bed after initiating makeout in my room (there is a stranger in another room in this airbnb, and the owner of the apartment in a little study with a mattress literally right next to my room, but luckily he was out last night).

Then she said it was too fast, we didn't know each other. I told her that in prehistoric times we didn't have language, and yet we were still able to procreate. She said there must have been another form of communicating, and I said we would see each other and that was that.

Then I told her how sometimes you really like someone but then the sex is shit, after several dates and personality alignment. And sometimes the person doesn't like you and the sex is amazing. She said sometimes the first time it sucks but then it gets better - I said if the first time it sucks that's already a bit sus. I told her you can have first time sex and it can be otherworldly.

I don't remember if it was before or after these explanations of mine that she decided she wanted to sleep over, which I knew to be a good sign. However, I could tell that she was indecisive, torn between her arousal and this idea she had that she needed to know me better (or possibly that sex on the first date was too fast, or her period).

We ended up talking about what she was like in high school as we lay cuddling in bed, and many other topics (she asked me when was the last time I had sex, I asked her if she was often approached by handsome guys on the street, she said yes but they were weird on the approach, and I was cute, she asked me if I always spoke to girls on the street, and I said sometimes, I asked her if girls from her country were all sensual like her, and she said no, I asked her if she felt Middle Eastern or Spanish (she was raised in Spain), if the two cultures were different, how long she planned to stay in her current job, how many siblings she had, etc, etc), and she felt like she knew me better, and that we had similarity, and was aroused, and it was at that point that she decided to give me her chocha.

After many starts and stops, and some sleep in between, at around 5.30 a.m. or so I managed to get her panties off a third or fourth time and this time it seemed like the switch had flipped in her mind about fucking.

But she insisted on the rubber and I couldn't get it hard enough to put one on. I could have asked her to suck me off. This, if I went back, is the only thing I would have done different.

So only me fingering her, sucking her tits, kissing her body, etc. and her rubbing my cock, and me putting in the tip. She wouldn't let me go in for a bit to get hard and then put on the rubber.

She was 29 but looked much younger due to her Middle Eastern heritage. She only lost her virginity at 23, which explains why her pussy was so tight, that I was never able to put more than one finger in.

We were supposed to meet after work today but I doubt I'll hear from her again since she's given me the opportunity to fuck her and I haven't. IME this is game over.

Anyway, I was surprised that I was able so easily to get a girl from the street to my bed. Perhaps my verbals weren't perfect, but her English also wasn't stellar, so it was more or less a futile endeavour, but for the rest the way I persisted I think was good (giving her comforting phrases, one step forward, two steps back, etc.).

The downside is that I spent the night basically awake and so it will be tough to be productive today, and I have a 1,200-word paper to hand in in 6 days (aside from full-time job).

Sure, managing to pork her would have been nice, but I feel like it was too much effort on my part (sleepless night) and even if I had managed to break the gates with my battering ram the cost would have been high since today I'm a vegetable.

Thanks for reading!


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jun 11, 2021
Sometimes the next pussy is just ‘around the corner’ 😉

Love how you built a good state by approaches at the gym. Compliance openers are the way to go in closed environments rather than situational I feel.

Excellent work in raising the ceiling(arousal) at the start of the date . I’ve noticed that you usually do this by conveying a strong player vibe at the start and then raising the floor(similarity) towards isolation.

Yeah having her blow would have sealed it.

I feel it’s not a lost cause yet since technically you had her so riled up & escalated all the way. She might feel a little insecure about not able to get you hard for her. If you can get her into a self assured state with texts she might be back
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers