I live in Wales, and seeing an asian girl (or most minorities) is like a once-in-a year occurrence. But when i travelled to the cities like London (where they're everywhere), they are very beautiful women. Even the older, 30-40year old ones can be hot.
For a totally unrelated reason, i'll be travelling to China this August. But i guess it would be a good time to get with a local girl while i'm there. Can anyone offer any advice for me when trying to date asian (particularly Chinese) girls? I've read Chase's article about Chinese girls (thanks for that if your reading), but any more useful information (especially openers) would be appreciated. Thank you
For a totally unrelated reason, i'll be travelling to China this August. But i guess it would be a good time to get with a local girl while i'm there. Can anyone offer any advice for me when trying to date asian (particularly Chinese) girls? I've read Chase's article about Chinese girls (thanks for that if your reading), but any more useful information (especially openers) would be appreciated. Thank you