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Gonna kill it


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 20, 2012
Im writing this journal to track my progress.  I only have one mission right now and that's to exteamly push my comfort levels.   A few details about myself:   I work at a cell phone store in sales so I get a lot of interaction during the day. I plan on finding a balance of gaming the hot chicks without putting my job in jeopardy.   I have some AA that I am usually able to push through.   30 years old with Above average looks and physically fit other than smoking.   Extream health anxiety with occasional panic attacks.   I have an extreamly bitchy average looking Gf.     Let's get to it.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 20, 2012
Im writing all of these from my phone so there's probably going to be many errors so fuck off :).   Here's an overview of what I did this week.     1 Yogart girl: Up in the yogart store the cutie is there who I always chat up. This time I give her some bedroom eyes with strong eye contact and tell her "loving the librarian glasses. You were purposely trying to turn me on when you wore those today weren't you"? She lights up and gives me a huge smile. "I may be two percent in love with you". (thanks for that one cat). HER "Almosteasy you always make me blush". I feel too much pressure at that point and say my farewells.  I was pretty happy about that one though and will try to pursue it.     2  Customer comes in with a nice round bootay that I would love to have in my face. She lost her phone and wanted to see if I could track it for her. I ask her some general questions and try to deep dive but definitely need to work on this a little more. She comes back with a replacement phone that her guy friend gave to her along with the white knight. He goes outside momentarily and I figure heres my chance. ME "You're really cute, are u single"? HER " No sorry". I was visibly shaking at this point. ME "I can see why". Because I was so uncomfortable that made her really uncomfortable. Guys I couldn't explain with words how fast she tried to high tail it out of my store. I was proud of myself for that one. It's only going to get easier from here.     3 The next day a cutie walks in who was in the store last week. We kind of vibed a bit then and she held great eye contact. She brought up my hairstyle. I'm growing it long but I'm in kind of the awkward phase where it's hard to make it look decent so I tried slicking it back today. She kind of follows me around the store like lost puppy. I give her shit about wanting an iphone and shes laughing historically. ME " The SGS4 has a better camera for you to take your sweet booty picks". I have a comfort bubble I live in when talking to customers. She buys her shitty iphone and I tell her im going outside to smoke "follow me". She asks about screen protectors, I tell her she doesn't need the unless she going to be throwing her phone at her boyfriend.  Then I'm waiting for it........."well f I had a boyfriend" Yes! Give her my phone and tell her to put her digits in. She wrote her first and last name in lol. Guess she likes me. I started feeling awkward after the high point and decided tk head back in. Cool.     I still have a lot of trouble maintaining a conversation past a couple witty comments and boring questions. This deep diving needs learned and I can see why chase puts so much emphasis on it.   Going to watch the Pens beat the shit outta Ottawa tonight hopefully with some good journal entries to go with it.  


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 20, 2012
Yesterday I grabbed some gyros and a couple ladies were standing outside. I give a goofy exaggerated "Hey laaayyydiiies". And in return one of them gave me an exaggerated heeeeeyyy. They were clearly interested but I was being a huge pussy and didn't push for it. Still proud of myself for speaking.

Just earlier today I had another iphone girl in. Hard core flirting ensued, unfortunately I couldn't pudh it too hard because my boss was here with my. She sells insurance and told me to stop down her store if I needed any but it sounded more like an invitation. I think I'll be dropping by soon hun. She was a cutie.

One thing I need to learn is how to pass the age thing. I'm 30yrs but always told I look in my early 20s. I usually go fo the girls in the 19-26 range.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 20, 2012
Today I made up some bullshit reason to call insurance girl after fighting myself for about an hour to do it. I was talking incredibly fast and was clearly nervous at first. I eventually slowed down and showed a little intent. I'm pretty sure I woke her up but when I asked her she told me she's been up for a few hours. Qualifying herself maybe? Anyway instead of having something scripted in my head I think I just need to have a preplanned frame before I interact with the ladies. I'm proud of myself for gaining a solid reference point and pushing myself.

A newly divorcée walks in the store a couple hours ago. I flirt with her a bit to make her feel good and that she has options. I'm not interested in dealing with any crazy ex husbands. Good eye contact and she seemed in to me.

stopped in to see my yogurt sweety today. Pushed her so hard that she's like "Aeasy I have a boyfried" to I respond "me too im gay, we should be friends". I know she's in to me but I'm not sure what my next move should be on this one. The yogurt and her are so delicious :).

I have a few things I would like to mention here that are standing in my way of success. I try not to be judgemental because it seems that when I am it just makes me more self concious about myself, as in other people are judging me the same way im judging other people.

I'm planning on heading out solo Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday this week so action will be taken soon.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 20, 2012
After writing my last report I had family walk in with a naturally gorgeous daughter who is just starting out as a pharmacists. I turned a lot of my attention on her and actually deep dove a bit I think because I knew a lot about her in less than 10min. I was even more impressed with myself cause her family was standing right there. I wasn't being overly flirtatious or anything because after all I do have a job to do. As they were leaving she kept looking back at me as if to tell me something with her eyes.

When leaving my store and walking to my car it was a little weird like I was a rock star or something. Everyone I passed seemed to try to be really receptive to the complex line of "Hey" or "hi". I think I'm finally getting this eye contact thing down.

I had to hang out with the gf who im pretty sure cheated on me awhile ago so I feel no guilt in learning pickup. Just when I wrote a damn thread saying I wouldn't have a gf she suckered me back in. Really my inability to say no is at fault. Now I'm looking for a new apartment so I can break it off.

Anyway we head to the bar and play pool w my friend. The next table over there's a couple of dudes who looked and acted like"that guy". Idk if it was jealousy or what but I had a strong disdain for those dudes. I really need to learn to get rid of that bitterness but it reared it's ugly head last night. I feel bad just writing this for feeling that way. I mean is that what people will feel about me when I get this shit down? I said hi to a couple other girls and strangers at the bar but that was it.

Anyways I'm proud of myself for the generic deep dive and recognizing something else I need to change for the better.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 20, 2012
Not much in the way of action taken today but I did have an interesting experience that tells me im getting my fundamentals in place. Basically my buddys sister said "The way you style your hair looks like (a hockey player's who has longer hair). It looks really good." Then she was blatantly flirting without any effort from me. As much as I like it fuck that, I need to be pushing myself.

Cool hairstyle ftw bitches.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 20, 2012
Fundamentals fundamentals fundamentals. That's what my focus had been the past couple of days and I'll tell ya attraction has went through the roof.

I've noticed that most people won't hold eye contact with you or they look away first with the exception of at night in bars. Must be the alcohol.

Sexy walk, strong eye contact, a more pronounced voice is where it's at.

1 A hotty in the convenience store fighting with the clerk gets the laser eyes. She immediately calms down and tells me "sorry but I'm on my way home to meet somebody at my house tonight." ME "so it's that kind of night huh? " I was inciuating that it was a booty call. She gave me this look at first as to scold me for being so blunt but I just held eye contact with her. It was quite an awesome moment Because we were just standing there starting at each other in front of all of these people while saying nothing. It felt intense. We spoke a few more nonsense words to each other and she was gone. I failed to escalating.

2 I headed out with the gf and a couple of her friends to the bar and was kind of running social circle game. Discretely as possible that is. It was weird one of the girls was basically sitting on my lap at one point and she kept bumping in to me. All of this while maintaining eye contact. She kept giving me sit about different things but I never even met her in my life. To the untrained eye it would seem she hated me but the whole night she was always standing by me. Needless to say I couldn't escalate in that situation. She wasn't very cute anyway.

3 I head to the Pens game and we got our asses kicked :-(. I was sitting outside after at a restaurant having a couple drinks in walks two dimes with ridiculously tight shorts on. The kind where you can see the outline of their vag. Such a turn on. They sit at the next table over and stand up to lean on the wall to get a better idea of what I'm working with and hopefully make a game plan. I look over make eye contact for a a couple seconds then look down. Her legs were open and in those shorts it didn't leave much to the imagination. Weird thing is I was shamelessly looking at her barely covered pussy but she never closed her legs. She wanted fucked but unfortunately there was a bigger pussy there and that was me. The idiot who never made a move on her.

Did I mention fundamentals? Seriously it seems the more I get these down the less words matter. I need more cold approaches.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 20, 2012
Ok so I pushed comfort levels for the past couple weeks with interactions that would have happened throughout my daily life anyway. I've learned to show intent almost right from the start of the interaction and fundamentals have improved. Now it's time for a new goal.

Create new interactions (approaches) that wouldn't have happened if I didn't start them. I'm starting with 3 new per day that I work and 5 that I don't. I can't go home until it happens.

Stay tuned...